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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. I really really like your nano. Garrett
  2. I have 4x40B I am getting ready to set up for coral and fish housing and grow out tanks. They are pretty nice tanks for the reasons that others have described. Excellent reef tanks and also quite excellent for those into reptiles though reefing is where it truly is at. Garrett
  3. That definately looks like the zoa eating montis that I have seen. They come in all colors and blend in perfectly with the color of whatever zoa they eat the most of. Monti eating nudis are usually white in color, far smaller and far more destructive in my experience. I actually thought about setting up a little zoa eating nudibranch tank once. I think they look awesome and are large enough to enjoy. The only problem is, I would have to part with my zoas and if I wanted to keep really bright zoa eating nudis, I would have to part with my really bright zoas. (laugh) That idea went down the drain real fast. Garrett
  4. I have a couple of bat wing reflectors with quick connect PFO cords I would sell you. $40 for both. They are used but will definately do the trick and are in good condition. Only thing is, you will have to come down and get them, which means you will have to check out my tank! Garrett
  5. I would still just let it run its course, but aid the process with frequent water changes. Maybe do a few larger ones for the next couple of weeks, and then smaller more frequent changes every week or so there after. Garrett
  6. I would say just keep doing those water changes. Even small every other day water changes may be a good idea until things start to stabalize. Were you having any problems at all with your inverts and corals before you started to up your alk? In the future I would just leave it to water changes to adjust params that seem that far off. Either that or adjust them really slowly. Good luck and keep us posted. Garrett
  7. Thanks Superjohny! I will give it a shot. Garrett
  8. How much are you able to get it for and do you know what grain size it is roughly? Is it carribean? Thanks, Garrett
  9. What player should I download to view this video? I got it downloaded, but cant view the format. Thanks, Garrett
  10. Good to see that the anemone is pulling through(rock2) Garrett
  11. I will certainly do so! It will be a little while before I start it, but I imagine it should set up by the end of the summer. Garrett
  12. I am excited to see a cold water system like this. You dont see them very often ad in my opinion they can be as beautiful and far more unique than our warm water tanks. Excellent! Garrett
  13. If you are heading this way anytime soon let me know. I have some chaeto teaming with pods and other life that you could have. I have a 75g completely filled with the stuff so you are more than welcome to a sandwhich bag full. (rock2) Garrett
  14. I am a halide guy myself, but I have to say I am loving the t5 combos! It is really cool to see nice color and growth out of a tube fixture. T-5s if done properly seem to continually amaze me! Good job and keep up the good work! Garrett
  15. I definately look forward to seeing a progression. It is extremely cool to see nanos that have really nice growth and are able to be maintained with such simplicity. I will be setting up a 1 gallon pico tank with much of the same plan soon. Should be interesting. Garrett
  16. Most excellent! I love half circles! Keep up te great work! Garrett
  17. You have some freakin amazing frags there! I am loving that blue acro. I think it is as pretty as the oregon tort frag if not better. That digi looks like a superman digi and is quite nice! When those things grow out, count me in for trades!!! Garrett
  18. Thank you all for the comments and the congratulations on the wedding. The purple rim green monti was about half of that size when I got it. If you look back at some of the previous posts you will see how much this piece really has grown in such a little amount of time. Looking at the Idaho grape, red monti, green monti, and orange edged millipora rock you can see how fast these corals can take off and consume a rock. Over the past 9 months or so they have gone from tiny 1 inch or so frags to consuming the entire rock and even each other. It will be cool to see how they continue to grow together and interact with each other. I have decided to aquascape many of my other rocks similarly to see if I can achieve a similar growth pattern. Garrett
  19. Wish I could go. Too bad I will be on my honeymoon in Mexico! Garrett
  20. I wish I could post more pics, but time is of the essence as I am getting hitched on the 31st! Most of these corals are so much more beautiful than the pictures can really capture. The colors are far better and the overall appeal of the tank really has turned out nicely. It will be intersting and amazing to continue to watch many of these once fragments grow into amazing colorful colonies. If any of you want to stop by and check out my system, you are more than welcome to. Just shoot me a PM and we will go from there. Thank you all for your wonderful ideas and contributions to my knowledge! This site has really been alot of fun and I enjoy learning more each and every day from your tanks, posts, and experiences. Garrett
  21. So I haven't posted any pictures or done any updates on my systems status in quite a long time. Things are going better than ever for my little reef and I am happy to say that all is healthy and growing nicely. The "Reef Shed" has been abandoned and instead the concept has been relocated, upgraded, readjusted, and rennovated into a much easier to manage and much better setup in my garage. Why I didn't do this in the first place I can not say. Over the last 6 months alot has changed in my tank. First, I had a really bad fish that decided to desimate many of my softer corals such as shrooms and zoanthids. In a 210g it was impossible to get him out without taking out all of the live rock. He didn't eat any of the 10 varieties of fish food that I tried and he was untrapable. So for along while he called my reef his feeding grounds. Around mid April I decided that I was going to move my prop system and display to the other end of my house near my garage. This turned out to be quite the task and took over a week just to move and readjust everything. It had to be one of the best decisions I have made! So, you can see some of what is in my garage and tied into my display in my signature, but you are probably wondering what the display is looking like. During the move I lost nearly nothing except for an engineering goby and a brain coral. I have traded and swapped a few corals, and many of the corals look entirely different since the last post. I have switched to 3x400w hqi bulbs instead of the standards which has helped with color. I alos switched to a PFO professional hood which makes things nice So, here are some updated pics:
  22. LOL! I dont think you are the only one who has done that(whistle) I have a few really mediocre pieces that came into my collection from a very similar experience or two... or three. oops lol Garrett
  23. Austin Powers. I believe that specific quote is from the third movie. Nice looking tanks! We will have to meet up again soon. Garrett
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