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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. I had a copperband that was a model citizen until it randomly disapeared about 3 months after I got it. He did wipe out all of the tiny feather dusters that had gotten all over the back of the rocks, but other than that didn't bug anything else in the tank. I liked the little guy so it was sad that he went missing. Nice looking setup! Garrett
  2. I have lots of 1" pvc that I could toss your way. Send me a pm if you want to stop by and grab a stick. Garrett
  3. That is really good to know. I wasn't aware that sebae anemones where a member of the heteractus family and this is where I made my mistake. I do think that it is a sebae or similar so heteractus would be correct if that is what sebae are. I have kept only magnifica it seems, as all of mine have looked quite different and have all taken a likeing to the upper glass or rock structure. Nice work! Garrett
  4. SO freakin cool! It amazes me how resilient corals can be at times. Keep us updated!
  5. I have kept a few variety of heteractus before and to me this does not represent one from that family. It looks to me like either a variety of sebae or perhaps a carpet anemonie(what I am thinking it is) of types. Heteractus also tend to clime to the top of tanks or rocks whereas the other two tend to like being either in the sand or lower in the rock structure. Very cool looking anemone for sure! I like it! Garrett
  6. Anytime! I cant wait to see how this project turns out. Keep us all updated.
  7. You could always toss it in my system cuz I think the green slimer I have is a slightly different morph than yours. (naughty) Garrett
  8. Agreed! Incredible work. I have been wood working for years and don't think I have done a project quite as beautiful as yours! Excellent! Garrett
  9. You should also notice a big difference simply switching from those odysee ballasts to a more reputible ballast such as PFO or Sunlight. Doesn't have to be electronic to improve you lighting drastically if you are wanting to save some coin over the Icecaps. Just a thought. I use all PFO magnetic ballasts and have been very pleased. Garrett
  10. They are not pulling your leg. The difference really is huge! Garrett
  11. Reading through a post from Jason it turns out that these guys are only $50!!! Freakin steel and all of you should go out and clean his shop out of these. Seriously if I only had the storage space I would have already done this!!! I still might if I can find the space.
  12. Guys I would definately see Jason at CRPS before you purchase a 40br from petco for 40 bucks. He has way better deals on the ones that he used as his display tanks. I think they are like 65 bucks but for the extra 25 bucks they are drilled with all of the plumbing(bulkheads, ball valves, etc) and really nice custom overflow boxes for the drain to prevent any loss of critters. To do this yourself to a standard 40br that you got for 40 bucks at petco, you may end up paying another $50-$100depending on drilling choices. Plus Jason has lots of them for sale and they also have the back glass prepainted profesionally. I picked up 4 myself and may pick up another 4 depending on what is left after this summer. Garrett
  13. Andy has a very good point. Most of the worlds best preditors are those that are able to provide their pray with a false sense of security. Defiantely watch your back. He has you in his grasps now and you are simply the unsuspecting prey. You may find that in few weeks he decides to change his lair. You will of course decide that you want to move the new lair to a better, more visible location. But before you every touch the rock to move it, you will simply see a cloud of red in your tank. At first you will think, "what the heck is in my tank?" Then you will pull your hand out and bend over to try and see exactly what produced this red pigment. As you bend over,and to your shock and horror, three of your fingers have completely disapeared. Frantically you will try to find them in the tank but will eventually give up and realize that you had been fooled! The next week you will look into your tank and to your suprise you will find an 8" mantis shrimp perched ready for you to try and reposition his lair again. I must say that of all of the nightmare causing creaters of the ocean, the mantis shrimp is definately on the top of the list. With the combination of extreme intelligence, 600 eyes, rabid dog like appetite, and godly agility and strength, your fingers stand no chance. Be very careful. Be very alert. And never underestimate a mantis shrimp. Garrett
  14. Sounds like you have a nice system going! Lets see some pics!!! Garrett
  15. I also have several varieties of each if you ever come down to Salem. They are pretty well priced too. Garrett
  16. I agree with what most everyone else is saying. First thing is first. You need to obtain a business portfolio with accounts, balance sheets, overhead, cost of inventory, general profit margins, etc. Then with that information, you need to create a business plan for yourself. This will give you a mock idea of what you will be getting yourself into. With all this information, you may find that to spend $20,000 for a business name and a few displays and accounts might not be worth it. It seems to me that you will likely be spending another 10-20k on finding the realestate for the store as well as either purchasing the stores livestock or buying new livestock yourself. It may turn out to be a better venture simply starting your own store rather than spending the money on a business that may or may not be profitable(depending on what its portfolio looks like and your business plan,etc.). With all that said, I must say that you will likely find yourself really starting to fall out of love with the hobby if all you do for work is fish tank after fish tank. I myself have had this happen to me on a lesser scale and to be honest I still enjoy the hobby it just sometimes seems like the last thing I want to do is mess with my tanks. I definately suggest working at a fish store first! I think it will be the key to making your decision and it will give you the knowledge and skills needed to run your own store. You may just find that Intel is really a much better choice for your. Of course you also may find that you really like Grants Pass and owning your own business in that community! Really, try and work for a fish store first though. Best of Luck, Garrett
  17. PM replied to. Lol, I just cant get enough! I have a 2 week honeymoon, so I have a had a few moments of free time to get on the computer. But I will say that you both have a point! Garrett
  18. I will take it if you can wait until the 17th ish. I am on my honeymoon and wont be back in town until then. Let me know and thanks, Garrett
  19. There are still many must haves! In fact there are a ton of frags to choose froma and at least 50 colonies of SPS and I would say 400 or so colonies of various other corals. I always take advantage of these sales! Very nice SPS stuff in. Garrett
  20. I think they are bad ***! I love watching them do there thing. I wish we could just go through our oceans reefs and place a couple on each crown of thorns starfish out there. The only problem is how to keep them contained to just the crown of thorns... Oh well just a thought. Garrett
  21. I checked out both Liquid Sunshine and Aqua Serene last week when I was down there. I have to say that I was most impressed with Aqua Serene. The guy that helped me was super cool and gave me a great deal on a nice coral colony. They have some pretty decent pricing and a good amount of stock. I really like their reef display tank, but it definately could use some work. Actually the guy was talking about that himself and noted that he needs to get some 20k bulbs to bring in some more color as well as trim back some corals that over time had shown some die off. The tank is really mature and has all sorts of cool life in it. Most of the rock is covered in some kind of star or smaller clove polyp which is pretty sweet. I definately recommend the place though. I will definately be back to check it out in a bit. Garrett
  22. They definately are reef safe! All they do is eat the food you put in the tank and the algae off the glass and rock. They definately produce more waste than do most saltware fish though. I swear those things crapped more than my roomate does! I had two of them in my 90g for the longest time. Actually started with 3 but one jumped. The others kept having little babies all over the place. Some would make it down to the sump and when I moved the tank 11 months after setting it up, I found 3 full gown mollies in my sump. This is long after their parents had been captured and traded in at a local fish store. Kinda funny how fish like these can simply pop out a school of babies and feed all the other fish in the tank. It was pretty cool though to see a few of those babies make it for so long in my sump! Garrett
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