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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. That one in the LA listing seems like a pretty good price! I would enquire a bit more on that thing if it fits your pricerange. Shipping would be the only concern unless you dont mind hauling it back. Nice price though. Garrett
  2. Ryan, Check out the discussion in the general section. Its a better place to post and to be heard.. Totally agree. Garrett
  3. No worries! Good crab. Keep him and enjoy the sybiosis! Watch out for the small hairy ones with blue eyes. Garrett
  4. Lol that it is. I have seen those [language filter] things survive on my garage floor in the middle of winter for 2 weeks. There was nothing left of them and the rock was completely dry. I put it back in a bucket of saltwater to re-cure and what do you know. 3 tiny tiny aptasia from what was left and dried up of the 1 that used to be there. TORCH THE BASTARDS!!! and to have some fun... pull out the .45... just be very very careful. Garrett
  5. Please attack with caution. You never know who might just have some kind of venereal disease... I mean, you just never know. Garrett
  6. It really makes no difference. He has a choice to buy them and do whatever he wants with them once he has paid for them. Reef-fisher and I just happen to know that if we wanted a frag of one of the choice pieces, Jason would go out of his way to take it out of his show tank, then frag it, let it heal up, then ask us what we thought, then put a really great price on the piece just because he knows that we will be back to spend more in the future. Personally I hope that he and El Salvador work out a mutual deal and all of the stuff goes to one place. Then I as the consumer can come in and pick and choose which corals I want for my own purpose. Also, neither of us, nor Randy-S, nor many of the dozen or so to comment are store owners. We just believe in free enterprise and the choice of both the seller and the buyer to do business with each other as they see fit. You are not wrong for voiceing your opinion. I applaud you. And you seem like a nice guy. I just think that nothing should be done about sponsors buying or browsing the classifieds for good deals. It just doesn't make any since. In college I remember having dozens of class discussions and debates. It was always fun for me because I both learned alot and I got to practice one of my favorite things, argueing. Learning how to argue and discuss in a way that was constructive and did not personally attack other students was probably the most interesting part. When said and done, there will always be two sides to an argument. Sometimes there is no right and there is no wrong. Our classifieds are another story, though you, and maybe others may not like not having first grabs at something it really makes no difference. That is just how it has to be. If you were constantly logged on like you are today, you may have seen the post prior to Jason and you may have made an aquisition prior to him aswell. If tomorrow something is posted in the classifieds that I find to be something of great desire and at the right price, and you or anybody else happens to post that they would like to buy it before I get a chance to post, then I will just have to deal with it. If I really want that something, I can always pm the buyer and see if he/she is willing to sell it to me and then we can come up with a price and go from there. I think that this topic has definately had alot of discussion as it has become quite interesting reading through posts and responces. Of course the topic itself is black and white and thus as an overall arguement kind of turns up going nowhere. Still kind of intersting. Is this the 10th page already or are we still on the 9th? Garrett
  7. lol I here you El Salvador. Good luck man and first come first serve is always a good way to go! Garrett
  8. Sounds good. I just think the topic has been kicked around a little more than necessary for such a simple concept. Garrett
  9. Just as intended. Yes I do. I have several awesome monti frags for trade or sale. Some include: Idaho grape, Pokerstar monti, Superman monti, Leng si cap, Purple rim green cap(a stunner), Red cap, Green polyped fire engine red encrusting monti, Bright orange cap, and a few others. I am waiting for a frag of sunset monti from Sully and then I will likely have that for trade or sale as well. This post is by no means to get off of topic, though I think the topic is bland, dull, lacking, and pointless. Garrett
  10. Honestly, I have purchased hundreds of corals, algaes, inverts, fish, etc. I have sold hundreds of corals, algaes, inverts, fish, etc. I do it because I can both enjoy the hobby and make a profit. I have purchased and will continue to purchase things from the classifieds section. Some of the items I currently have in my tank, running my tank, or waiting to be placed in to action. Some of it I have resold to fellow reefers at a profit or just to break even. I have fragged hundreds of corals and have dozens of frags in my frag tanks that are available for may fellow hobbiests to purchase or trade. I will likely make a profit off of a colony that is purchased(no matter where purchased) because I believe that propagation of corals, I will both make a profit and I will spread a single coral among many hobbiests. What I buy and what I do with what I buy is my business. I also grow macro algaes and sell those on ebay. I have given lots of it away or traded it for other macro algaes or coral frags. There really is an infinate amount of possibilities in this hobby and I wouldn't have it any other way. If a business wants to purchase something that is in the classifieds that is great! I look forward to quickly clearing out anything I list in the classifieds and if a store wants to buy it, even better! At least I know that it is cleared out fast and the funds are in hand!!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with making a profit off of something that you purchase. We live in America and it is what business is based off of! I know that it certainly keeps my hobby going. I wouldn't be able to enjoy this beautiful hobby if I didn't make the money I do from ebay and fellow reefers to help pay for the cost of running my tanks! Believe me, every reefer who has purchased something from me or who has traded with me wouldn't have done so if they didn't want to and I would argue that most feel that they got a pretty good deal. Yes I make a profit and yes it is ok to do so otherwise I wouldn't be doing it . And to that point, you wouldn't have any fish stores to shop at. ITS BETWEEN THE BUYER, NO MATTER WHO THAT MAY BE(UNCONDITIONAL) AND THE SELLER! END OF STORY! P.S. If any of you fine folks would like to stop by some time to check out my system and maybe purchase or trade some frags from some really nice colonies that I have purchased over the years from various sources(including Sully, Upscales, Waves, fellow reefers, online, etc.) I would very much welcome you! I love meeting fellow hobbiests and sharing all of the cool ideas and corals I have gathered over the course of my enjoyment of the hobby. Just toss me a PM.(clap) Garrett
  11. The important thing here is that the livestock is being sold! I personally wouldn't mind it at all if/when I posted livestock, a dealer came along and purchased all of it without any question on prices or anything like that. In fact it would be a huge relief and would allow me to start the rest of the tank breakdown. Elsalvador said explicitly that he needs the livestock gone asap. With that being said, I think the important thing is again the sellers ability to move the product in the classifieds. Who buys it should not be an issue. I almost posted last night saying that I would be willing to drive up and pick up all of the livestock. Then I realized that I had to work today and couldn't find the time. I dont think there is an issue here and I also think that if you really want a piece of sunset monti, just toss Elsalvador a pm. That would be a better thing to do in situations like this. Elsalvador, congratulations on the quick and painfree sale!!! Garrett
  12. PM me what you are selling it for if you dont mind or dont want to post it. Thanks, Garrett
  13. Super nice progress shots! I love the set up. Looks heavy duty and very functional. Keep those pics coming! I want to see the tank with all of its critters! Garrett
  14. The electical to go from my 90g to my 210g was only about $13-$15 more a month. Of course I was using 2x 400w halides on the 90g and now I am using 3 on the 210g. I also added a couple of koralias, but they really dont suck much energy. So overall, completely worth it!!! Garrett
  15. Great idea! I would love to toss mine in there as well. I love to see tanks progress like this. Garrett
  16. Shoot, I might just have to go down to Eugene on some business that day(whistle) I will let you know for sure if I can make it a couple of days before the event! Garrett
  17. Looking rad! Keep up the work and don't forget to stop by when you get a chance. Get that thing running for heavens sake. I don't think I could have gone anywhere but home to get that thing running. Garrett
  18. Shoot me a pm if you want to trade it for some blue zoas or maybe something else... You will just have to come check out the system to see if a couple of things dont catch your eye. Garrett
  19. if you ever head down to the Salem area, you are welcome to check out my drag system. I have dozens of inexpensive frags some of which are ideal starter sps while others are just plane awesome. PM me if you head this way Garrett
  20. I am running the C-1000 and it does an awesome job! Definately a good choice for a system of your volume.
  21. Toss me a pm if you are interested in selling all the livestock and rock as a bundle pack.
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