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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Come over anytime! Thanks for stopping by to check the system out. I love showing it off and getting ideas on what I can do to make it better. Cant wait til your is up and running! I am sure its going to be amazing! Garrett
  2. That response was for a few days ago. Wasn't sure you noticed that it was being discussed in another area and just wanted to let you know that there was a discussion going on around the idea. Right after that I noticed that you found the other section. Garrett
  3. True colors with no editing. Just cropped the photo to fit. Garrett
  4. I totally agree. I am going to think on it for a few. Garrett
  5. Lol. You are more than welcome to it if you like. Garrett
  6. 75g --- gone to Reef-fisher 30g --- gone to Tankit Nano skimmer --- gone to Tankit Larger skimmer --- now spoken for Thank you all for your interest and taking these items off of my hands. Garrett
  7. Ok, so added a few items and changed around some priceing to just get this stuff gone and too a more loveing home. PM me with any questions or to set up a time to come down and pick this stuff up! Garrett
  8. Kinda a pretty little guy. Its too bad its not a good guy(sad) That bastard(flame). I love stylo.
  9. Also if you head up to Salem, I have several varieties of really nicely colored SPS you could choose from in trade. Let me know. Ex: Superman monti frag, idaho grape frag, purple rim green cap frag, etc. I could even possibly get you a frag of my Oregon tort. Garrett
  10. Thats strange stuff. I have heard that their are some problems with certain kinds of these. I personally have never had a problem with any of them. I haven't seen too many of the reddish colored ones though. I have never seen any of them eating any of my corals. I have seen them all over the coraline algae though. Garrett
  11. Most excellent stuff! I love the pics! Garrett
  12. FREE OR NEXT TO NOTHING STUFF! Ok so, cleaning out the garage and I have a few things that I need gone! If you dont like the price and are willing to come pick these items up, just shoot me an offer. If they are not picked up within a week or so I am throwing them in the glass recycling bin one shard at a time(naughty) I have an All Glass 75g tank for sale or trade. I used it as a refugium and it was used when I got it. There are of course no leaks and it has run for over 1.5 years now as one of my chaeto grow out tanks. The glass and plastic oak colored trim are by no means perfect and this tank should not be used as a display tank. There is also lots of coraline algae build up on the sides and back of the tank that can be scraped off as it is not on thick. Would make an awesome frag tank or refugium/sump. It has 2 holes drilled. One is 3/4" for the return and the other is 1" for the drain. It will need a nice cleaning before put into action but like I said, it has served its purpose quite well. Dems: 48"x18"x20" I have decided to offer this guy up for FREE to anyone who wants to come down and get it. I need it out of my garage to make some room. Also have a 30g All Glass tank up for grabs. This guy is drilled for 2 1" bulkheads and is in pretty good condition with oak coloring as the trim. $15 should be sufficient, but if you have a frag or two to trade for it thats cool too. I believe it is 36"x12"x 16" or so. And yet another: 36" tall, 6" inch diameter Top Fathom protien skimmer. The collection cup has been glued back together where there were some cracks. Needs a pump. No clue how well it works or quite frankly how it works as I have never used it and a friend just dropped it off after he took his tank down. I would imagine it is rated for 300g-500g as it is quite large. I need this guy out of my garage so $15 seems like a decent price. Again frags are also welcome as trade. And another: Small nano skimmer of about an 18"-20" height. This guy needs an imput pump and then should be ready to go after some minor adjustments. Again, dont know too much about it as it was another friend drop off. It looks like it could handle up to 40g-50g or so. $5 is fair on this guy though again I am not too concerned about the price and just need it gone! Thanks and come get this stuff out of my garage!!! Garrett
  13. Snowpunk, I have had much of the same experence myself. Causing some minor abrasions or cuts in the shrooms will often force them to replicate to increase the chance of spreading or keeping their genome alive. I have found this the best way to easily cause replication and still end up with almost no loss. I have also done the scalpul in halves or quarters and that does do well, just a few more losses or loose shrooms floating around. Garrett
  14. Mike, Check in with Jason. I got my 2 800w titanium heaters from him and they are amazing. You will need a temp. control module for your chiller and your heater to make them work in perfect harmony, but for a 350g system setup like yours, definately go with at least 1 titanium 800. I know that I have 2 on my system for when winter hits at its hardest and believe me, they did their job. You can come check mine out if you like to see what you think. Pretty decently priced too. Garrett
  15. You couldn't have chosen a better route to travel for a nano tank. I think the rimless Solona is one of the nicest setups available and the LED lighting is a fantastic idea with unlimited potential and overtime will prove to pay for itself. No chiller, halide bulb replacement, and electrical cost reduction sounds really nice to me. Great planning thus far and keep us updated. Garrett
  16. I think the algae or lawnmower Benny is one of the most interesting of the readily available fishes in our hobby. They really are such personalities and they are just plain amazing to watch swim about the tank pecking at rocks and glass. I have had several over the years, Currently I think there are 4 in my tanks and they are each very unique in personality. Some will act like super hungry fish, eating everything I throw into the tank and others will only eat algae build up on the rocks, clam shells, and glass. Amazing little critters. I too find their coloration up close to be quite amazing! dsoz, I had one named Jaba too! Lol funny how that works. Garrett
  17. I definatley would keep to doing what you are doing now. In fact you test way more than most of us and I would imagine it is a great learning tool for both you and the kids! I love it! Calcium is fairly irrelivant until you start keeping alot of LPS or SPS. Regular water changes should replenish any needed calcium and I would argue trace elements. Salinity, nitrates, pH, and occasionally phosphates are all I would be worrying about in a well cycled tank. Keep up the excellent work! Garrett
  18. Yup, Los Angeles. Sorry for the confusion. Great deal though. Garrett
  19. Sounds like you have found your crack! I know thats what this hobby is for me. Maybe its time for an upgrade! Save those pennys! You are on the right track and you tank looks very nice! Great job! Garrett
  20. Freakin awesome pendents for anyone interested! I bet a LFS could make a pretty penny off of buying the whole lot and then selling them. Good option if you ask me. Good luck Blain! Garrett
  21. That is freakin sweet stuff. I got my fire in the sky's put up as an example on zoaid.com a couple of years ago. Excited the hell out of me! Pretty cool stuff. Let me know aswell when you decide to get the fraggin knife out. I have a couple varieties of superman monti already, but I know that yours is a slightly different morph. Garrett
  22. Jason, You know how much I like the last word... Plus I got to put us up to page 11!!!! All in a days work.
  23. Nice. I figured there had to be a reason why we were both on nearly all day. I am a sociologist and find this kind of social interaction fascinating and in a way, even though I am not learning anything about the subject, I learn more about socialization in modern day. Garrett
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