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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Very nice video. I love the aquascape you have going. I think your chromis needs a few friends to school with(naughty) Looks like you have a great system coming along. Garrett
  2. Thanks Andy, If you ever want to check it out or do some trading let me know, Garrett
  3. Super nice stuff guys! I am loving these chalices. I have typically not been the biggest fan, but like most corals they are really starting to grow on me. Garrett
  4. The frags are made for exactly that purpose. I like to trade/sell them for other corals/equipment/money. Its all about spreading the coral variety to other reefers and in turn aquireing some nice, different stuff for my own system. It also helps to pay for this crack like addiction(whistle) Let me know when you want to come down. I have people over trading/buying all the time, so anytime you want to come over usually will work for me. Garrett
  5. Sounds good to me. I have been gearing this garage up simply for fun stuff like that. The power bill isn't too fun, but its not too bad either. Actually only went up about $20 when I added the garage into the mix. Anyone else want to start a garage sytem? (naughty) Promise its worth it if you can get around the wife(plotting) Garrett
  6. Freakin rad stuff! I love the fish. Everyone of those fish will hopefully eventually have their siblings in my tank. Great stuff!
  7. Hangin out in the scrolls: Oh and my skimmer 10 minutes after cleaning. I love that thing. I am gonna get another so that it has a friend: And that does it for now folks. Thanks for looking. Some of the underwater pics didn't capture the color I had hope and I couldn't get stable shots with as much ease as out of water with a non-point and shoot digital. Garrett
  8. The never ending cap: Sunset A. milli Kryptonite canies: Blue maxima with shrooms: Hangin out: This piece is going nuts: ...
  9. Some very cautious fish pose: Pretty plate: Another guy is curious about the camera: And a couple more angled shots of the display: Now onto a couple of underwater picks taken about 1 month ago. Hope I am not boring anyone:D My favorite underwater pic. Pokerstar Monti. Thanks again Ben! ...
  10. This guy has taken out 3 inch bristle worms along with his partner housed in the tank to the left! Anyone have some courage? I know I do... Some of the fire shrimp hangin out: Back side of the softies frag tank and a tang that has been brought back from the brinks of the freezer. A few frags on the top rack of the sps tank: ...
  11. Thanks for the frags of the Pom Pom Casey and lovely wife! Now for the fish/coral/invert 40br's: ...
  12. Some LPS: A clam that needs to pinch it off badly: Srilankan fromia just hangin out: Some frag pics ...
  13. Middle of SPS/LPS frag tank: Right side of SPS/LPS frag tank: Random shots of the sps/lps frag tank inhabitants: Some rics are in here because they seem to love the extra light: ...
  14. Now onto the garage... Algae grow out tanks/fuge: Frag/invert tanks on top, hermit tank and red gracilaria(ogo)/mangrove/snail tank on bottom: Left side of softies frag tank: Middle of softies frag tank: Right side of softies frag tank: Left side of SPS/LPS frag tank: ...
  15. Some pretty zoas/palys. These guys are taking off as of late White polyped red encrusting monti. Cool piece! Right side of the tank: Middle shot of the tank: Left side of the tank: FTS: ...
  16. Oregon A. tortusa. Slow grower, but beautiful! Yellow polyped green and pink birdsnest. Thanks again Ben for the frag. Blue A. milli growing nicely and coloring up really well: Sunset A. milli also very fast grower adn getting more orange tints: Pink plateing acro with greenish base. Plateing nicely over the last few months and coloring up: From 1 polyp to 6 polyps in about 4 months. Kryptonite candycane: ...
  17. The always fast growing purple rim green monti. This is just after fragging off the whole bottom layer: Chip the blue hippo: Hot pink Stylo: Blueish purple stag. Grows like a weed: More colorful but slower growing ORA rose A. milli: Blue tipped green A. tinius(hope i spelled that correctly). One of my favorites: ...
  18. I haven't done an update in quite a while so... Here is a photo heavy update for everyone. Not a whole lot has changed with my tank itself. I am having some problems with my rose bubble tip getting a bit too large, so I may need to do some propagational activities in which he is involved(whistle) I lost my lawnmower blenny last week. It was strange, he looked super healthy even in death. Poor little bugger (sad) I guess I will just have to pull another one from the garage (clap) My co2 bottle has been out for the last few months, so I have been relying on water changes alone to bump the calcium up a bit. Seems to be working out well actually considering the number of sps in the tank. I have noticed a bit slower growth sadly. No worries though because I think tomorrow Downhillbiker is coming by to do some trading and I just might be getting a new bottle to fill(mine is old and grundgy). I figured I would add some photos of the algae tanks, frag tanks, fish and coral houseing tanks, and equipment that is on the other side of the wall that my display is on in the garage. This setup has been alot of fun and has come along nicely over the last few months. I have had the opportunity of meeting lots of fellow reefers and have been able to do some trading and such which is rad. A big thanks goes out to Jason at CRPC for the great deal on the 40g br tanks and in general for keeping me pretty well pumped up about this hobby. Any questions are as always more than welcomed and encouraged. Constructive critics are also encouraged to leave their thoughts as they often aid me in changeing my system for the better. Please forgive my spelling and or grammer. I am writting this quick to get to the fun part... the photos! Some of these are not so great as I am not the best with my camera. I also got a chance to use my dad's underwater camera so some of the photos are from that Enjoy! The freakin too massive and once hot pink rose bubble: The Bali Green Slimer is growing well: The larger and fuzzier pink A. milli: Thanks for the frag of Cali tort Ben! ...
  19. I always love the process of starting over... Though you have put alot of energy into this tank thus far and a move, especially of such short distance, should be managable. I have moved my inhabitants into and out of my various tanks a few times and each time I have had very little to no loss. Its definately alot of work, but IMO worth the effort. You could always just sell off what you are no longer going to want in your tank once it is set up again. Thus leaving you with your most enjoyed livestock, and some extra cash for the move and new livestock. Garrett
  20. That is a true do it your self reefer right there. Solutions for the wise. I love it! Garrett
  21. I had a coral do that once. It was incredibly strange. It started bubbling and then the bubbles kind of disapeared a few days later and there was new growth soon after from the spot. It wasn't a tort, but it was a wide coralite sps like a tort. Very scary at first though. Hope it all works out. Garrett
  22. Well in that case, I would love to meet you. I can wait for the compressor and would love to toss some frags your way. Garrett
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