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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Simply the best Christmas party that I have ever been to. Besides the raffles and such, which were by them selves extremely nice and gracious of our sponsors, the presence at the party was just plain amazing. I got to see many new faces that I could link to members names as well as some good ole friends that I have not seen in a while. I got some awesome new toys to play with (whistle) which was definately unexpected and had me in gitters all night long! The presentation by Joel was extremely interesting and I learned alot. Thank you to all involved in making this years event a huge success! I can't wait until we do a coral farmers market of sorts. So many great reefers that came and I know many, many more that wanted to come that could not make it. Just inspirational! Props to the PNWMAS! Garrett
  2. Wow looks great! Again, nice photography!
  3. Frank, You couldn't have said it better! What a wonderful Christmas party. I have never met so many fellow reefers in one spot at one time. Made for some awesome conversation. I enjoyed the entire evening from Joel's presentation to dinner and the raffle. Great stuff all around. A big thank you to the sponsors for their help and a huge thank you to the club staff! Excellent stuff! Garrett
  4. Michael, If the date works out for both of us, you are welcome to catch a ride with me. That goes for any Salem folks that want to head down. I will try and make sure I get the day off work Garrett
  5. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTDAY!!! Have a drink or two for me and the wife! I will drink a couple while in Bend this weekend for you too!!!
  6. Likely a turd scallop. I love them myself just for the biodiversity that they provide. They clean your water too. No insense light needed my guess. Garrett
  7. I usually fill up water balloons and throw them at my neighbors children. They just love it! Just kidding, though that would be kinda fun. I toss mine in the street or down my driveway or in the toilet or basically anywhere I don't really care that it goes. Garrett
  8. I have some nice zoas that I would trade for the rock if you are interested. Problem is that i wont be able to make it downt here anytime soon but if you are heading up this way I will make it worth your while in trade. Garrett
  9. I will find something very cool and name it after your state just because Idaho is certainly not a superior state to Washington and they have a nice coral named. I am thinking something like St. Hellens Chalice or Green Washington Paly's. LOL Garrett
  10. Looking good man! Can't wait to see that beauty all filled up! Garrett
  11. Hey did you know you have a stainless steel clamp on you pump! You should really take that off before you put inverts in there. JK JK LOL Or you could just have some really healthy ich free fish. I hear that hard metals do wonders in that department. Your tank is going to be awesome!!! Can't wait to see what it looks like with some lights and live rock in there. From here I really can't see any scratches. Are you getting the skimmer locally or online? Just curious to see who carries them around here. Garrett
  12. That is awesome! I think I am going to start glueing frags of nice zoas to my hermits and snails shells. I think it would be fun to watch some palys go walking around the tank. Garrett
  13. I am excited! An event that I will be able to attend!!! Garrett
  14. All gone. I think I picked up the last of it. Garrett
  15. Just be careful because those guys can eat smaller inverts with ease. If you don't plan on having any cleaner shrimp, pepper mint shrimp, hermits, etc. then that fish would be a good option. Garrett
  16. Beautiful fish! Its sad to have to part with either one I would imagine. If Michael ends up with either of them, they will definately be happy! Garrett
  17. Pretty harmless planaria or common flatworm. Agree with Ryan, grab a six line wrasse. Garrett
  18. When I first got into the hobby I didn't have nearly the luck that I have now. Its hard to put an exact number, but I would have to say that it is definately higher than 90% and probably closer to 95%. Fish on the other hand... Well they live for along time for the most part, but corals seem to live alot longer. Some seem to never die and only seem to get larger and larger. I do have a giant rose bubble tip anemonie that has begun to sting one of my acros. If I can get him out I will be sliceing him up into 4 pieces thats for sure. Garrett
  19. Roger!, Good to have you back! Let me know if you want to stop by some time. You owe me a green mushroom my friend. LOL just jokin' around. Welcome back, Garrett
  20. Thank you Ahren for the beautiful rock today! Thanks for all of your help getting it all in buckets and ready to go. The sand is really nice and should work out well. Thanks again! Garrett
  21. Sounds like you are just another one of us addicts! I love the dems of the new tank. You will have to start a thread with a detailed beginning/continued explanation of how it is/will be set up. Thanks! Garrett
  22. I love it! Looks freakin rad. I think all of your tangs are on crack! Of course with all that beauty to swim around with, I would be pretty euphoric too. Garrett
  23. I have lots of goodies that you might be interested in. Lots of corals/frags, fish, live sand, inverts. Let me know if you want to work something out in trade. Thanks, Garrett
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