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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. I think some of those corals look even better under your lighting than they did under my silly frag tank lighting! Very nice stuff Mike. I know who I will be calling once I get things rolling again! CA2OR: Thank you for your comments. I wish you could have seen it when it was all up and running. Garrett
  2. You are definately one to be thanked aswell. Everytime you come over, it seems you have brought me a present or two or 5 lol. I always have enjoyed our reef discusion and whatever else ends up in the conversation aswell. I won't be moving too far and plan to get a house close, so we will definately be doing some trades again! Garrett
  3. LOL thanks Mike! You aren't so bad yourself lol I want to see pics of this stuff happy in their new homes! Oh and I updated the list finally lol Garrett
  4. Thank you guys! You helped clear out alot of my stock. LOL. I can't wait to see some pics! Garrett
  5. Many people are coming by throughout the week and weekend to pick up their choices. Anything not picked up that is sale pending will go to the next in line or back up for grabs. Thanks, Garrett
  6. Very nice! Those will be some beauties in your tank once they fully open up! Thanks for posting the pics. Garrett
  7. All pm's responded to. Updateing the list now... Thank you all! Garrett
  8. Thank you Scott and Ben. I hope the zoas do great in your system!!! These guys are super fun to do business with for those of you who have not had the opportunity to deal with them before. Thanks, Garrett
  9. Doran, I am too (sad) Lol, no worries though. The next will be even better I hope. Ryan and Mike Let me know when you want to stop by. Garrett
  10. As many of you know, I am in the process of taking down my beloved system. I will miss it beyond imagination, but missing it will help to fuel my imagination and ultimately lead to my next endevor:D I have to move from my current house into an apartment for a while. My wife and I will be doing a search over the next several months for a new house. Until then we are going to live relatively cheap so to speak to both save up funds as well as to find exactly what we are looking for in a house. So... as promised, today I will be working on getting together a list of what I have. I would like to get all of the livestock gone within the next couple of weeks so that I can steamline the tear down process and get the equipment stored up or in the proper hands. Stay tuned as it will take me a bit to get this list together. Literally hundreds of things to list, so it my take a while lol. More to come in the next few hours...
  11. Glad you had the chance to grab some stuff Mike. Thank you for coming over! I will definately keep the club posted on any new systems in the future. I hope it isn't too long. Blain, You have my number man lol. Give me a buzz. I have a few things that would look nice in your system once you finally get it going. Yes, yes, I still have your frag lol List coming shortly of what is left. Garrett
  12. Wow! Looks great! I am glad to see them in such a beautiful tank. Just wait til they color up. Post pics as they grow. I look forward to seeing more of your tank. Thanks for coming down! Garrett
  13. I have a couple of single 250w ballast, moguls, bulbs. I also have a few 175w versions aswell. the 250s are pfo as well as 1 of the 175w. Thanks, Garrett
  14. I will be posting lots of zoas early next week as part of the system that I am shutting down. Many more items will also be listed so stay posted. Garrett
  15. LOL thank you all for the kind words and I am all with you on the sadness. I will definately at some point be doing something very similar in the future. It will have improvments and likely be a system more friendly to the inhabitants. I have many ideas but for now I must focus on getting this stuff gone unfortunately. I only hope the next system will be as pleasing to me as this one has been. I have a ton of livestock, liverock, and livesand that I will be moveing in to new hands over the next frew weeks, so if you are in need or would like to stop by and see if anything catches your eye, you are more than welcome to. Just give me a call or toss a pm. Thanks again for all of your support and the friendships that I have made along the way with this system. Garrett
  16. Well everyone the time has come... I will be taking down my system... Yes, all of it. We are moving within the next couple of months into a new place and I am not going to be able to bring my system with me. I have some very mixed feelings about it, but I know that I do know that this will not be the end. I will be setting up a much smaller system once I get settled into the new place and will be keeping a large amount of my current setup for a future system once we finally get someplace more permanent. I hadn't planned on taking this setup down for quite along time as I intended on purchaseing the house that we are currently in but the wife and I have decided that we want to buy a newer more spacious place and in the meantime are going to save money by living in an apartment for a while. So... In the next few weeks I will be posting most of my livestock and some equipment up for sale. I want to make sure this stuff goes to good homes and will be posting it priced to sell. If there is something in particular that you want out of the system, toss me a PM. More to come in the near future... Garrett
  17. What a killer deal. If I had the extra cash, I would take it as a backup. Garrett
  18. LOL. Ask santa! Maybe he will clone it. Problem is that it wont likely fit under your tree. Thanks for the complement, Garrett
  19. Lol it is funny how Joe the coral looks almost exactly like 2 or 3 other ORA corals. Beautiful Bird of Paradise! One of my favorites for sure! Garrett
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