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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. That stuff is looking awesome! The clams look great and I am sure glad they went to a good home. The blue maxima is gorgeous and the derasa is amazing. Sasquatch, I will have to come check your tank out one of these days! Garrett
  2. Andy, Awesome pics! That last one is one hell of a coral. It will be really bright pink with green base new growth. Thank you for posting pics! Ryan, Thanks for coming down again to pick some more stuff up! You have a great looking tank and the pieces you got will be right at home in there. Time for an upgrade! Garrett
  3. WOW! Looks so much better now! I am glad that you were able to grab some nice stuff while it was still here. I really like the structure you have put together. Garrett
  4. Frankin, That handoff was epic! My neighboor actually stopped by with his wife to make sure I wasn't hustleing anything to mind altering. He is kind of a creepy guy himself, so I don't eve worry about it. I have been waiting for S.W.A.T. or the DEA to hit my house up for quite a while now. All of the metal halides have probably sent their infrared scanners through the roof! LOL. I always figured it would be a good opportunity to educate if that was ever the case but no such luck(laugh) That bali green slimer is awesome and is a pretty fast grower too. The Yeti is a great guy and having the two of you over for a few hours made for one heck of a morning! I will have to have you guys over again once I get the next system up and running. Thanks again! Garrett
  5. Glad I could get some rock into your tank. You picked some really great pieces so I am sure it looks amazing! Thanks, Garrett
  6. PM resonded to. Lance, That is a sweet looking encrusting monti. $20 was a still on that and it will be cool to see what it does after some time. Nice grab there. List updated. I have deleted those items that have already gone to their new homes to make it a bit easier to go through the list. Not a whole lot left now. Thanks again to those who have helped to home all of these great critters! Garrett
  7. I have found that using as many sources as possible and then comparing those sources to my experiences and common sense has really been my biggest help. Books, the internet, and fellow reefers can all provide alot of information but nothing really teaches a reefer like the reefer learning from their own mistakes. Eventually they will even learn that others mistakes can be used in place of them making that same mistake for themselves(whistle) So many ways to gain knowledge of the hobby. Constant supply of mind stimulation. Garrett
  8. Thank you two for coming down! Nick and Bob are some amazing guys to chat with and really know there stuff. I can't wait to see Bobs new setup. Nick is really doing some great things with Rose City and I have to give him some mad props for helping me with my teardown! Thanks guys! Garrett
  9. Looking great Lance. Yah we gotta figure out what is mowing down your zoas lol. I am really curious now that we talked about it and can't really find something to blame it on. Since you took that emerald out, have you noticed any more missing? Thanks for posting up the pics. You have some really nice stuff in there. Garrett
  10. The corals are looking realy nice. Thank you for posting pics. I love to see the stuff in their new homes! Garrett
  11. Bob, I will definately hit you up on that offer once I get things back up and running. Not sure how long it will be but I am hopeing not too long. I gotta come check your setup out anyhow after a couple of months. Thanks, Garrett
  12. My six line was always a model citezen. He never picked on anything and only once had a tiff with a flasher wrasse which I kind of expected. Great fish if you ask me and I agree with Ryan. I wouldn't have a reef tank without one. Garrett
  13. Sittingduck, Not seeing your pm. Maybe it will show up soon. Might be some delay or something. Anyway, the frogspawn are still here so if you want them, you are welcome to come grab them. Thanks, Garrett
  14. Things are starting to look pretty bare now in the tanks. I still have about 100lbs or so of live rock left. Nice stuff that doesn' have a ton of color but great shapes and porous. List updated. Thanks, Garrett
  15. I still have some left if interested. Let me know if you want to come up and check it out. Thanks, Garrett
  16. I have seen them run very successfully with two 6025's. I think with enough rock and dencent a configuration that or a couple of K2's would work great!
  17. From one heck of a reefer I would imagine (whistle) lol The top two are ID'ed correctly, but I don't think the bottom ones are dragon eyes. I could be wrong but I know that radioactive dragon eyes are extremely green almost flourescent. Check out zoaid.com, they have some nice zoas to compare yours to and I think all of those are on there. Garrett
  18. Trever, I had a great time chatting with you. Your 3-year old is probably the coolest part of your reef experience. I know for me, having little ones over is incredibly fun. I think a hobby like this is extremely benificial to a good development and to an early appreciation and understanding of our natural world. Future reefer in the makeing there! lol Glad you guys got that monster of the rock. He was pretty crazy big. It was fun to watch him gow from the size of a pea to the size he was. I really liked the leather too so I am sure it looks awesome in your tank. I wouldn't worry at all about the brittle start. That one is out of Hawaii and won't grow much bigger. His central disc or body is very small unlike his close cousins green brittles. He will mostly scavenge and take left over bits of food. Great cleaner. I will agree that he is creepy as all get out! That is part of the fun. You get to add some creepy, yet useful critters to your system and explain to everyone what they are and what they do for your biodiversity and micro-ecosystem. Garrett
  19. With those parameters I would go ahead and add a few of each. You may even want to get a small fish in there. Something that is tolerant and you wont mind having for a while. This should help speed things up and imo your tank should be at a point where it can handle a fish and some cleanup crew. By the way I have been following your thread and must say that I am extremely impressed thus far. Well thought out and very nice looking setup. It iwll be fun to see it progress.
  20. To all of you who have come over so far... I could not have done this without you guys. Thank you all for your extreme love of the "hobby"(addiction) and thank you for giving these critters a good home! It would have taken me months to find homes for all of this without all of your help! I just want you to know how much I appreciate it. Ryan is planning a pretty sweet setup and from what I know if is setting up so far, I would highly encourage people to see if they can't go check it out. The acrylics make for some awesome frag realistate, so I am sure in no time he will have a nice farm going! I personally can't wait to go check it out. I also can't wait to finally get into a house in the future so that I can put my thoughts of grandure into action. Garrett
  21. My pleasure Andy. Trever is a great guy and was alot of fun to talk with. Can't wait to see some of the pics from each of your systems with the frags in there. Thanks again for all of your help in getting this stuff gone in a reasonable amount of time. Garrett
  22. If I were going, which I am not but I just wanted to chime in and say I would go with both. That is a great deal and both are beautiful. You guys would be nuts to not do both. I think you can get easy 3-5 out of one and 4-6 out of the other for each of you. So sad to see such beauties and have no setup to put them in. lol I would have pitch for 2 of each frag if I weren't getting out for a while. Nuts not to go with both is what I say. Garrett
  23. lol I am a marriage wrecker now;) I guess I am kinda like the mother in law that is always causing general tension and the occasional argument. At least it is in the name of coral. It is hard to play with emotions being a 3rd party and all. I do my best :p Garrett
  24. I love your posts Algae lol. How are the frags doing? Garrett
  25. Not at all. You may not see as high of certain trace elements, but everything should check out fine. Garrett
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