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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Definately one of the most beautiful tanks I have seen! I love the aquascaping and how some of the corals have just grown right out of the water. Looks sweet!
  2. Thanks for the post. Good information. Nice tank at a great price too. I almost decided to send the guy an e-mail but then realized I have no where to set it up or store it lol. Garrett
  3. Curtis, As others have said, you should be just fine. I have kept upwards of a dozen anemones in a 40br that I used for propigation. They seem to do very well as long as they have a some rock to attach their foot to and good lighting. If you are planning on propigating them I definately suggest that you make sure you have some areas setup so that they can sort of hide. Alot of times they like to crawl under a rock or in between rocks to recover. My guess is they want to step out of the stronger lighting until they have a chance to heal. Some just seem to stay right out in the open and do fine but for others this is a good idea. I kept mostly BTA of various colors and sizes in the 40br but did have a couple of others including a long tenticle and a couple of carpets though I never tried to propigate either of those. I used to turn 1 bubble into 3 or 4 smaller bubbles without a problem. Just keep the water quality good, make clean cuts, give them time and a good environment to heal in, provide strong lighting and medium flow, and feed them if you want them growing quickly. Garrett
  4. Trevor, Amazing stuff! I am going to look into an RKE in the future. I have thought about one for a while but on this system it would be more of a hassle than worth. When I setup my display on the other hand, it will be quite a nice addition and your app will make it that much nicer!
  5. Made some babys Pics don't do the corals justice but you get the idea. Here are a few examples: Fragged them last night and they are already getting happy.
  6. Very nice tanks guys! I am loving that you all are posting full tank shots! Lets see some more!!!
  7. There are way, way too many to choose. One of my favorites right now: To hard to decide an all time favorite though I always have been a huge fan of sps and zoas.
  8. Curtis it sucks that you are moving but I am glad that you will have the opportunity to set up another tank. I might have moved for a tank like you are getting too lol!
  9. Looks great! I think your iphone takes better pics than mine lol. I love the look of a nice full tank!
  10. I have two of these guys. I just noticed that one crapped out and am going to see if I can get it exchanged as I have only had it for a few months. Great heaters though. You really can't go wrong unless you either don't have a place for it to sit and not touch anything else or you don't have a good temperature controller that can handle a minimum of 10amps. Good luck! These are really nice for larger volumes of water. Garrett
  11. It looks like the coral wasn't hurt too bad. Also I think you might just have a Pocillipora sp. there. Could be wrong but it looks to have thicker branching on it and the polyps look to be elongated and resemble pocillipora. Nice stuff and grows fairly quickly! Garrett
  12. Good looking stuff you got there! Nice pics too. I love top down photography. It really helps show the true look of corals I think. Garrett
  13. Ben was kind enough to help me with some electrical work today which will allow me to get the full use out of my prop system. I expected to get some help picking out what I needed so I could go home and try and take a jab at running a couple of 20 amp circuit breakers and plugs but to my suprise he just did 99% of the work for me. Great guy and I owe him big time! Thanks!!!
  14. Thanks Jon! Yah I can't stand it when I have to scroll from side to side to view an entire pic. Doesn't happen too much anymore with the monitor I use but back before I upgraded it wasn't too fun having to do so. I got another 2x 20 amps of power run over to my prop system. Turns out that Ben happens to be a god among men. He helped me(he did 99% of the work) run a conduit from the breaker panel over to 6 new outlets that are independent from anything else in the house. This will make things really nice and provide enough power to run all the lighting, heating, and cooling I could need on this system. A huge thanks goes out to Ben for all of his amazing help! Pro!
  15. Glad you found him. They are tricky little guys at times. Shouldn't take too long. My gobies and pistols seem to pair up pretty much right away though the goby sometimes takes a while to move in, they still are aware and accepting of each other.
  16. Count me in aswell! I do like a few of the classics aswell though
  17. I am going to have to come visit your domain. Your corals better stand up to their owners title then:D
  18. I love the lobo! Those things are really growing on me. Have you thought about moving the Oregon tort so that it doesn't get overgrown? Cool pics! I love seeing pics!
  19. Heres an old thread that I thought would be nice to revive! Post up some full tank shots of your tanks. I know some of you have been holding out and I would love to see a nice compiled thread of full tank shots of all of our members! I am off the hook as I do not have a display tank atm but I need some inspiration Garrett
  20. lol just wait until you get down here. My motive in your case may be very similar, very similar indeed(naughty)
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