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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Bleach is ok as long as it is really well rinsed. I would imagine that the double rinse cycle would take care of that. It certainly does a good job of killing anything nasty that is in the sock and it gives the sock its nice white color back I only bleach mine about every 4 washes or so. Garrett
  2. There is definatley a logical explanation for this. A. You are sitting on a crack in the earths crust that happens to cause a tear in the time/space continuum forcing your timer to react naturally. B. You have found the second Oregon Vortex and you should cash in on it asap. C. You have been visited by a very confusing life form thats culture records time backwards. They have rewired your timer to fit their needs and expect great results. Going to bed now...
  3. Just found out that I will be attending the meeting this Sunday at Franks house! I am open to trades for coral aswell if any body is interested. Garrett
  4. That looks awesome! I love the rimless tanks and an Elos look is always killer! I looks like you have a very good idea of what you are wanting out of your tank and I have full confidence that it will turn out amazing. On a side not, I just got a bunch of chemicals in this week. They will be ready to go for when the reactors are ready(no rush, still a very empty/young system). I am pretty stoked to see your new build given what you have done so far with this one! Garrett
  5. Very beautiful! Crazy how things start to fill in and start going nuts in such a short period of time. I love the nice grown out look of your tank and I think if you go with a bigger tank, you should keep this one running as it is. Its just too beautiful to tear down! Good stuff! Garrett
  6. Looking good! Can't wait to see more pics and some coral in that beauty. I love the rockwork! Garrett
  7. So... I placed an order through bulkreefsupply last week and just recieved the goods. Turns out I orderd wayyyyyy to much. That being said I have a bunch of chemicals that I would love to get off of my hands. All of the chemicals ordered are high purity, high quality stuff. So if anyone wants any, here are the prices: Kalkwasser or Calcium Hydroxide --- $4 per pound (have about 25lbs extra) Carbon- high efficiency lignite --- Soldout Pending delivery/pickup Two part calcium/alkalinity doesing: Calcium Chloride --- $4 per pound (have about 10 lbs extra) Sodium Carbonate--- $5 per pound (have about 5 lbs extra) If you want to take a bunch of this stuff off of my hands, I would love to work out a deal. **Edit** reducing the aviable extra of each item as it is spoken for. Garrett
  8. I have seen some really nice maximas in both Upscales and Coral Reef Pet Center within the last few days. I would definatley check them out! Good prices too and they are all aquacultured. Garrett
  9. I know it sounds a bit cruel, but I use to introduce my clowns into their new home in a net and then force the net with around the anemone. This forced the clowns to experience the sting of the anemone and encouraged hosting. After using this method, I have never had clowns in my displays that didn't host. Just acclimate them slowly to your tank water. Then place them in a net floating in your tank. Give them a few to get used to your tank parameters. Then just net them over to your anemone. Garrett
  10. Strange. Cool critters though! I would probably keep them out of the tank until you find out what they are. Anyone else have any ideas? Garrett
  11. Looks like pieces of the algae. Possibly root like filaments or something. Garrett
  12. Welcome to the site! You will like it alot here. There is a wealth of knowledge and some really awesome people to interact with. Garrett
  13. I have kept them and have had pretty good luck aswell. I definately would make sure that they have their space so that they can't sting any corals near them. I have had an orange and a purple one. Both were model citizens and really only ate the silversides that I had given them. I did occasionally toss a fish or invert that had died over to them and they gladly excepted but I cannot say that I noticed them killing any of my healthy critters. The fish basically just stayed away from them. Garrett
  14. I agree. Cut the white die off f of the still healthy part. This will keep the coral from receeding any further if it does have an infection. Like body said, growth often occurs faster at the fragged off area. You could watch it by i'd cut it if it where mine. GL
  15. Yup they are good guys. They filter waste from your water and are awesome to watch grow. I have had them in all shapes and colors. Some of my favorites are jet black or bright yellow.
  16. Good to hear! They should be pretty amazing after a few months.
  17. Thanks again. I hope the zoas do well for you!!!!
  18. Toss me a PM if you are interested in some nice colored zoas/palys. Thanks Garrett
  19. Very nice and I look forward to seeing the progression! Thanks for getting it started. Garrett
  20. Nice! That is probably one of my more enjoyable memories of middle school aswell. A bit too chewy for me though lol.
  21. I have heard this from several people including my both my grandfather and one of my college bio profs. That is some crazy stuff if it is true because i always use to play with these guys as a kid lol. Garrett
  22. Welcome to the site and welcome back to the addiction! Garrett
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