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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Sounds like a pretty good time! I have to say, I am a just a tad bit jealous now! Garrett
  2. If Ryan doesn't want it, I would love to trade or buy it from you. Let me know and thanks, Garrett
  3. So much love for the efflo. I would have picked it up myself if my system were ready for it. Beautiful! Garrett
  4. Very cool photos! I love seeing corals deform to take in food lol. Such a little guy with such a big appetite for sure. Garrett
  5. Looking great man! I love the look. Very clean. Garrett
  6. It is coming along. I need to do some improvments and work on livestock but overall it is doing pretty well. I imagine in about 6 months it should be closer to how I want it. Garrett
  7. Qwest works great with macs. I have many friends that only use mac. I am sorry to hear you had some problems. It seems that they should have gotten a good tech on the phone to help you out. Garrett
  8. Looking good Mike!!! Well thought through system. I like the new aquascaping aswell. It is so hard to get things arranged exactly how you like them. Garrett
  9. It is probably a filter feeding crab. They are a good thing and I have never once had any problems with them. Nice find!!! Garrett
  10. Good luck!!! I hope you get what you are hopeing! I know that for me the only solution that would get me even close to half of what I wanted was to part things out. Still only made a quarter or so what I had into it.
  11. It is really hard to price a system like this. Alot of it really has to do with what you, the seller feel that it is valued at. Personally I would think that Curtis' figure is pretty close to what you might be able to get out of it if the right buyer comes along. Like you mentioned, parting it out might get you a few extra $$ but is also a pain to deal with(trust me). If I were looking to buy a system like yours with what you have listed, I would probably try and find one in the $600-$800 range. Hope this helps. Garrett
  12. Your tank looks great but as you mentioned it could definately use a bit more blue I think. I would start by switching all of the 48" VHO's to super actinics. This would probably help alot. Then I would probably switch to 20k xm's or something similar for your MH's. I think you would get alot more color pop out of your corals and I think it would also cut back on algal growth quite a bit. I think you would enjoy the colors and look of your tank much more. Pheonix bulbs have always been pretty good to me aswell but I have also had great experiences with XM and from side by side comparisons I couldn't really tell a difference in PAR(of course not using a meter, so just eyeing it). I like the slightly more blue look of the XM's 20k's myself but the 14/15ks will be brighter. Lighting can be tricky and often it takes a few different configurations/bulb changes before you find something that you are really happy with. Each tank is different and different lighting arrangments are required. Garrett
  13. I can definately say that Blain had a really bad experience that doesn't happen very often. For that my friend I appologize lol. I wish I had complete control of this bureaucracy. Well maybe not lol. As far as the speed thing goes, it really does have a ton to do with where you live. Some areas have speeds that really aren't competative and not a great option for people who like to stream alot of video or download a bunch. Other areas have literally the fasted thing around here available. One of my friends has the 20mb fiber service from us and I have never seen faster internet. Seriously it runs at 20mb constanty. My parents have the 7mb option and I sometimes go to there house to download because my comcast(given I live in an apartment and comcast is a shared interface) doesn't usually go above 2.5mb downloading. Anywho for those who have had bad experiences with Qwest, I have definately heard my share and appologize. I bet now with the new policies in place(customer centric mumbo jumbo) you all would have had a different experience. That is my hope anyway lol. After all we are a communications company. Garrett
  14. Wimax isn't down your way yet Susanne. Clearwire is the same company as Clear but just a different service and priceing grid. Oh and usually that price is with a 2 year contract. Garrett
  15. This is exactly why the other option can come in handy at times! I am glad it is working out for you with Clear. I would definately recommend giving us a shot though sometime if you have the abiltiy. I understand exclusivity contracts and believe me I wish I could burn all of them.
  16. Send me your address and I will see what kind of service is available out there. I have some hot bundles right now with no contracts. DirecTV is who we use as our TV partner and they do have a contract, but I will toss you a price and some details anyway for you to look at. Garrett
  17. PM me your address. We have some hot deals on standalone right now if I can get it for you at your address!
  18. I couldn't agree more! Mine reaks of mildew. I need to cahnge my filter lol. Garrett
  19. Qwest(me) is at your service anytime Just think you will be able to enjoy all of your online streaming faster than ever!
  20. I would go with a couple of 800w titaniums. That is what I use and have had great luck and you know what kind of volume I run. Plus that means a more consistant temp and they are only about $50-$60 each. Garrett
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