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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Tad, I have the same morph I think. I will be keeping mine in the middle of the tank at first. Mine has the greenish color showing up now. The polyps are a sort of brown but I have seen them turn to purple in past pieces that I have had. Also the body gets much more flourcent green tints over time as mentioned above. Garrett
  2. Tom, You sould defiantely start a tank build thread with some pics! We would love to see the tank as it evolves. You will be amazed at how things change as you get more into the hobby. I started with a 29g and have had a system with about 8-900g so far. Garrett
  3. Erik, Glad that you are happy with your new emeralds and the horseshoe crab. The horseshoe crabs are a blast! I don't know why I didn't keep them in my display tank. They are definatley a crazy little creature. Thanks for taking the time to meet up! Garrett
  4. Sounds like you have kind of made the glass tank sound like a better option for you. Vortechs wouldn't work on the acrlyic and there would be no guarantee on it either(though I doubt there would be a problem). Tough call. I am going to flip a coin... 1 sec Heads ---> looks like glass is my vote.
  5. It is a montipora sp. I have only seen it here in the NW and havn't ever been able to find a solid name. It looks closest to a Montipora spongodes or Montipora confusa.
  6. I third that. Pretty sweet looking! Maybe get several smaller pieces of live rock to add around the base and in areas that they would fit well. That would help seed eveninly and give a ballanced look to your rock collection, Looks hot! Garrett
  7. LOL I would have bet money that he would go for some smaller astreas! I have seen the one I had take out all sorts of snails. I don't think larger ones will be on the menu until he gets much larger and cinnamon clowns are still a little quick I think. Fun to watch just not too fun on the wallet. Garrett
  8. I second the serpent stars! They are so much fun! Garrett
  9. Bob does have some killer deals! Sent you a pm.
  10. I will take them. When do you want to meet? Toss me a pm. Thanks, Garrett
  11. Med you when man! lol Here is a cool critter I had for a bit:
  12. Looking great! Just so you know, that particular variety of sand sifting star is quite carnivorous. They don't bother coral but small sand sifting snails are their favorite meal! I had one for a long while and he would always end up with bulges developing on him. I figured out that he was just eating all of my nassarius and cerith snails. The many spikes and color give this variety away. The more reef safe variety is more of a grey color and has less spikes. Also the kind that you have tend to burry themselves for long periods of time causing you to think that they are gone. You might notice them under the sand if they are near the side of the tank and you can see them but other than that they very seldom pop out of the sand. Also they are super fast when they do. Much faster than the grey kind. Its too bad because they are more interesting than the typical sand sifting star is. Mine ended up surfacing to spawn in my tank one evening. It was pretty cool to see clouds of sperm or eggs just leaking from all over its body. Corals loved it! Good stuff!
  13. I think I may just know your secret
  14. Xenia can be pretty finicky. It can die down to almost nothing for no apperent reason and then pop back up only to take over your tank lol. I have had mixed results with xenia though I think it is a pretty cool coral. Clean water and low iodine are some of the main reasons for xenia die off. The green zoas on the other hand, I have always had excellent luck with. Try giving them an iodine dip. I usually put about 2 cups of water in a ziplock with 5 drops of iodine and put the zoas in there for about 10 minutes. Seems to clear up any issues if they are bacterial related. Also kills the crap out of nudies if you have any of them but won't always get their eggs. Garrett
  15. That is a beauty! Yah I probably wouldn't be selling mine if it looked like that one! Garrett
  16. Ocboat, thanks! I think it is a pretty nice anemone for the price. I will be putting it up on RC in a couple of days if no one wants it locally. Garrett
  17. Hello everyone! I have a really nice Ritteri(H. magnifica) for sale. I was planning on puttin it in my display, but have decided to go a different route with in stocking the display. Have had it for about 1 month now. It is 8-10" across and likes to be near the top of the tank on rock or on the glass and like a good amount of flow. It will host many clown fish and anemone shrimp really well. These guys are famous for hosting true and false percs and look really good with skunk clowns aswell. Sort of the ultimate clown anemone. Here is a picture of exactly what it looks like. I borrowed it from google because I can't seem to get a good pic of the anemone but this is its exact coloring. This is a super healthy anemone(sometimes hard to find in Ritteri) and I have been feeding it clam meat and silversides about once a week. Sold. Thanks to all who were interested! Garrett
  18. If you take a trip down this way to pick out some frags, I wouldn't mind trading with you. I have many, many zoanthids if you like that kind of thing. Also have a few other things aswell. Garrett
  19. I have used literally over a dozen differnt light spectrums and get the best growth out of the 6500K spectrum with the CF screw in bulbs and reflectors. I currently run 2 6ft VHO actinic daylight bulbs with about a 10-12K spectrum. I get way more grow, but would guess it is because of the wattage and intensity of the bulbs. Having a slightly higher nutrient leve will also help with growth if that is what you are going for. Garrett
  20. If you can't catch him I would think that it would probably be ok to spear him good. Just make sure and get him a few times and make sure that he is good and dead. I speared a hairy coral eating mo-fo myself once only to find him crawl back into his crack a few days later with yet another chunk of star polyps in his claws. He lived in my display until I took it down and even then I got a call from the guy who purchased all of my live rock. He was amazed at the size and scare factor this crab had. I could have killed him after the first attemp, but i just figured he had gone through hell and now deserved to eat all the star polyps that he wanted(I had way too many anyhow lol). Garrett
  21. Clay, Looks killer! Those rics are very nice, especially the orange ones. That is a really nice amount of live rock aswell. You will like having 2x250w instead of the single 400w. It will give you tons of areas to place corals without worrying about them getting enough light. I would add some larger hermits, some mexican turbo snails, and maybe a reef lobster to your aggresive tank to start off with for your cleanup crew. They should hold there own for the most part and will help with algae and left over foot particles alot. Garrett
  22. +1 on Lowmans post(Bob). That is pretty much the order in which I hit stores up in Portland. I would definatley check out Davey Jones Locker. I need to check it out myself but seem to run out of time evertime I go up that way. I guess you will need to be the first place on my list this next time lol. Garrett
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