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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. I quit 4 months ago with a buddy. He just started back up which is making me kinda think I should too. Alliance on Hakkar Darkslice Shockedya and several non lvl 80 toons.
  2. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my setup! Should look alot better soon with the new tanks (naughty) Oh the long drawn out process of stocking! Those zoas are one of my favorite and they grow pretty fast for me too! Give me a buzz or text anytime you want to come over and check out the tanks! Garrett
  3. LOL not joke on the PVC. I think it is some adaptation of a nitrate factory. More oxygenated surface area = more nitrates= more food for algaes! I can't keep up with the nutrient export of these algaes! I literally have to add fish just so they will polute my water. Garrett
  4. Ryan, I would love to get a frag of those guys some time. I have always loved lunar eclipse palys and they seem to grow really nice fro me aswell. Sweet stuff!
  5. I have a couple of sockets that just need cords wired to them if you want them. Picked them up at Waves a while back but ended up not needing them. They are while with square brackets on them. Garrett
  6. Here are a couple of update pics. I added my old 90g tank into the system so that I could have a sort of mini display. Its kind of my dad and friends idea. I personally wanted to wait until I could set up a larger display, but this will have to do for now. Its still really young, so forgive the lack of cool corals and colorful sticks branching out all over. Soon enough I will not even be able to fit my arm in for cleaning. Also snapped a shot of one of the frag tanks. I have opted to remove most of the smaller tanks and go with a few larger ones. I am just not keeping as many unique inverts and fish as I thought I might do and really just got the coral bug back hardcore. Much more fun to grow corals than look at mostly empty tanks with a few species. That and the 10g tanks kept breaking! Enough with those little fragile tanks. Time for the big boys. All together there is about 400g to the system now. These pics are kinda bad but they give you an ok idea. The 90g some euphylia: One of the 2 multi softie rocks: One of the frag tanks: Garrett
  7. Should be fine. Just make sure and rinse well and let dry. Garrett
  8. Yup its a bristle worm. Keep it. They are an essential part of the cleanup crew and are fun to watch. When they get really big(4" or so) is when you will want to either put them in your sump/refugium or give them as an offering to the porcelain goddess. Garrett
  9. In that case I hope you are ok with losing! LOL just kidding I am not participating in this round or your would be in some trouble Garrett
  10. Someone needs to be taught a lesson (threaten) No one messeses with my friends(nono) LOL
  11. Excited to see your pics! Grats on getting an intact and not broken tank this time around. Solonas have always been one of my favorites.
  12. I used to have a colony of this stuff that was about hte size of a softball. It definately is a slow grower, but I loved it! Great color and a real cool fuzzy look. Mine was originally a frag from upscales. I purchased a small frag last week but it will be year before it is the size of a tennis ball at the rate it grows. Wish this were a more easy to come by coral. Garrett
  13. My pleasure! Your tank is pretty sweet. I don't often see a nano that I really really like. Garrett
  14. What a huge suprise. Sad, but when everyone you know gets the same strange vibes when you are around a person, in general there is something up. My wife has been creeped out since the first time she visited this guys shop and I didn't even say how creepy he came off to me until she asked me not to bring her along next time I go down to his store. He has a tendency to get himself tongue tide with inappropriate commentary or conversation when interacting with anyone but especially female. Not saying that he is guilty of anything but bad talk for sure but I can say for sure that he is guilty of that. That is enough for me. I haven't gone to his shop but once in the last year and that was just to see if the store had changed any. Everyone has the right to be proven guilty and I agree with that but as far as I am concerned he has been socially inept and inappropriate for some time. I don't feel that this club should allow sponsorship at this time. Temporary or complete revocation. Garrett
  15. Tad the variety of pistol shrimp that you have is a pretty unique one. I have only seen a few others like it. Your particular variety also seems to be a pretty active one and it grows a bit larger than most of the more common varieties from what I have seen. I totally understand your frustration though. It is anoying having to remove all of the frags from your sandbed every morning just because the pistol decides to redecorate. I had an engineering goby for a while and believe me they are far worse! Especially once they get to be around 14" long Good luck with your decision. If you do decide to keep him, I think he would look good in taht 120g Garrett
  16. My wife wanted a betta fish to liven up the apartment a bit... We went to Petco and $400 later we walked out with my version of a betta. If you are going to doing something, go all out. I just didn't realize how far "all out" was until thousands and thousands of dollars later... 29g eclipse(LOL) --> 90g mixed reef with a bunch of goodies --> 210g mixed reef(turned out mostly sps dominated) --> 600g frag/algae/support system +210g mostly sps domintated system --> A BREAK(for what was supposed to be a while lasting only 2.5 months or so)--> 450g frag/algae/90g display in my parents garage since I am too broke to afford my own house because of my addiction! I need to get my priorities straight.
  17. I am glad to hear the move is going well for you guys! You have such nice corals and I am sure they will be growing like crazy in the new place!
  18. 1. You have odd scars all over your arms from getting cut from various corals and live rock. Oh and the burns from MH bulbs 2. Your wife doesn't even bother asking who that person or those people are walking through your house to get to your garage anymore. 3. Your fingers are pretty much constantly covered in at least some cyanoacrylate. 4. You know what the heck cyanoacrylate even is. 5. Your shoes are constantly stained with salt blotches 6. Sea shells and dried up sea critters make you sad and at the same time you wonder why they are so much cheaper than the exact same thing you buy alive. 7. You get either the police, DEA, FBI, or just a bunch of strange neighbors driving really slowly by your house and occasoinally kind of peaking in your windows wondering what that weird glow is. This also may include several strange looks from neighbors or people just passing by 8. You have residues from several strange white powders in your car trunk or on your jeans on a regular basis, prompting all sorts of questions one does not wish to get into. 9. No one arounds you but yourself sees the significance in your excitement over increased algae growth, or for that matter much of anything that you talk about on a regular basis. Nerd. 10. You have at least one funky fish/coral/invert related t-shirt. Nerd.
  19. Erik, I am pretty sure the zoas are bam bams. They just need some more time to color up under your new lighting.
  20. That is kinda what I was thinking too. Its pretty cool to watch. I have one that I added to my new frag system 2 days after I had water circulating in it. Still thriving and it has been a couple of months now. I have had them last almost a year. Garrett
  21. Thanks Rick for meeting up this morning! I hope you like all of the critters. Those banded stars are so much fun to watch. Garrett
  22. That has to be one of the most beautiful tanks I have ever seen! I love how many Euphylia varieties that you have! Just plain rocking! Garrett
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