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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Sounds good. I should be able to help you out with all of that Just toss me a PM when you are all ready and want to head over to do some trading!
  2. My guess is around 200-300g. I use 2x800w on my 450ish gallon system and it just keeps up during the colder parts of winter. I think tihs would be good for around a 200 or 300g system to keep it really consistant. Speaking of which, if you want to trade for corals, chemicals, or something I would be interested in having a spare ready for winter. Let me know if you wan to stop by and do a trade! I would love to have you check out my newish system Garrett
  3. Looking good man! I love all of the colors. I think that the montis that you have are actually rainbow montis! They are pretty sweet looking at that! Sunset looks like the picture in my avatar. It has an orange base with green bolyps. Garrett
  4. Great find Bob! I am of the mentality when it comes to this issue of "If it isn't broken, then don't fix it'" That being said, I still would rather have most everything be made of glass. I just like the look. I think it would be a bit hard to replace most of our water repelant plastic devises. It would be pretty sweet to have a nice all glass cone skimmer with an all glass pump and all glass air tubes I think we have been just fine with plastics thus far. 3 of my sumps are made of a rigid spun plastic and they are awesome. Though my corals don't spawn that often and when they do I have never really had great success raising them (whistle) Garrett
  5. I think that there should defiantely be some credit given to those that have worked so hard to get this whole thing organized! That would be a big thank you to CA2OR and Snowpunk for all of their great ideas, organization, and communicaion!!!
  6. Very nice! I am glad that you decided to stick with it! Awesome stuff!!! Garrett
  7. I have tried many different kinds and have found many that work quite well. I agree, the stuff from BRS works pretty well. I also like the superglue gel from the $ tree as I can get it when ever I run out. I usually keep 15 or so tubes in a bag in the fridge so that they stay nice and thick. Glueing under water is tricky but definately doable. -Use a tooth brush or the like to scrub down the spot you wan the frag to be. -Apply super glue gel generously to the bottom of the frag. -Place the frag on the spot that you wanted and sort of work it around until the crust of the super glue breaks and you have a bit of glue on the rock. -Remove the frag and add another glob of glue. -Place the frag back on the spot that you want it and twist/scrape until you feel it firmly grasp the pot. -Hold in place until you can let go with the frag firmly in place and there is minimal chance of the frag moving. Garrett
  8. Isaac, I think you will have great success. Success isn't always measured in how much money one can make. Beleive me, if this were the case, I wouldn't even be in this hobby as I have spent enough to come very close to covering half the cost of a new home(which of course in some ways I regret until I really think about what I enjoy in life). Isaac, In a way I will be a bit of your competition. I do alot of trading and some sales online as well as locally. I in no way make any money but rather an occasional bit of $$ earned from frags and the like to help pay for my electric bull and hopefully my salt and food lol. Still way to much comes out of pocket because I don't know when to stop when I shop at local fish stores! Isaac, You and yours are good people and I think you know what you are doing. You can always test the waters with a shop and I am sure that this is what you are thinking. If it becomes profitable enough to keep food on the table and the bills paid I am sure you will be satisfied knowing your love for the hobby. Kick some a$$ and get this coral farmers event going so that I can enjoy your company and healthy competition Garrett
  9. Oh and if you need some help, give me a call or send me a PM. I wouldn't mind contributing my genius! Garrett
  10. Steve you have excellent points! That being said, I still want a local event. I want it to be small and I want all of PNWMAS and any body else that we can get to come to be there. I want a very low cost booth, even free would be nice. It would be cool to have this event in someones garage or shop but as Michael stated a small hall or hotel convention room would also work quite well and probbably wouldn't be too much. I think that every farmer/frag vendor that comes should bring their own setup! I think this would work far better and be far cheaper. If they couldn't set up with their own stuff than I don't know what to tell them lol. We have some much stuff laying around as hobbyists that even those that don't have a small garage operation should be able to come up with a tank a pump, some water and some light. This could just be a ton of fun and I don't want anyone to get discouraged. The more encouragment and hype that we can give this thing the better. No one should expect a profit but rather to merely have a great day as a hobbiest interacting with other hobbiests and those with similar operations. I have changed my status from maybe setting up a booth to yes please I would like to and will try my best to make sure that I have the day(s) free Who has a garage or open space with a few electrical plugs??? LOL Isaac, get on it! Garrett
  11. But the confusion could bring such a fun time to our get together LOL Garrett
  12. Sounds good Lance! Give me a buzz when you want to swing by. Garrett
  13. WOW! What a difference? I am really liking the progression of the tank. The new bulbs/configuration give it a nice white/blue color and your coral colors are starting to pop. Good stuff. I like the new sump aswell! Garrett
  14. I don't know. I defiantely enjoy movies in the theater. Especially with a nice stadium seating setup and IMAX screen. I really do enjoy sitting on my couch and watching movies on my 106" widescreen though. The surround sound is almost as good though I can't really crank it because of the apartment neighbors. I usually go to the movies once a week and we have a theater pub here in South Salem; one of my favorite thing to do. Great food, great beer, and good movies in an old, nostalgic theater make for good times. District 9 gets some mixed reviews from me. Overall I liked the movie and can see how some would say that it is over rated and how some would think it was under rated. It definately is worth seeing but there is a lot of searing and a bunch of gore that some might find offensive or untasteful. Not a family movie unless your family is composed of people that can handle a good R rated movie. Interesting concept and not bad for a 1st time director. Garrett
  15. All three of you are awesome to do trades/transactions with! Thanks!
  16. lol that is awesome! Freackin triggers are amazign. I have scars on a few knuckles from a nasty clown trigger that I always underestimated lol Garrett
  17. Your corals are looking super sweet! If you ever need a home for that beautiful cap, let me know Garrett
  18. Roy rocks! Excellent deal on some nice bulbs and he gave me an awesome frag of red people eaters to boot! His new tank is coming along quite nicely and he has some pretty sweet looking corals in there. Some rather unusual or rare varieties which are fun to see. His dog is pretty cool too Anytime you want to do a trade or see something that I have that you like, just let me know. Garrett
  19. As others have mentioned, you will want to stay clear of silica based sand. It does not provide proper ph buffering for our systems and can tend to leach silicates and heavy metals into our systems. I have heard of nothing but bad luck long term when it is used as sand for a reef system. Aragonite or calcium carbonate based substrate is the way to go. Also as mention, it is really hard to get that nice white look out of silica based sands like that found on our coast. Garrett
  20. I will take the purple deaths. Mind swinging by my place tomorrow sometime on your way to or from Portland? Thanks, Garrett
  21. Yes, I try and make sure the water is roughly at the same temp as your tank water and make sure your TDS is at 0. Garrett
  22. Glass isn't too hard to drill if done correctly. The thicker the glass, generally the better in my experience. 10g tanks are made of pretty thin glass and are at great risk of chip/stress fracturing than their larger cousins. When you get into tanks that are 75g+, it becomes a breeze to drill them, just takes a bit longer. The tank is looking nice Rick! I am sure you will want to go with a 180-210g sooner or later though I think this should hold you off for a bit Nice start! Garrett
  23. LOL hold onto those palys that take everything over because they are super pricey too! Check it out. http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemDisplay.cfm?c=2733+7&ddid=67750 I personally think that Paly Grandis is far more attractive than these little aptasia wannabes Garrett
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