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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Thanks for the trade Brandon! The corals look to be doing very well and I will probably be putting the t-5's up soon. Garrett
  2. Looking great! I love the monti and the clowns. Garrett
  3. Logical1 This is perhaps one of the best lights on the market. I am using the model previous to this that doesn't come with actinics like this one and it is awesome. This is a step up so I am sure that you will love it. You can literaly keep anything includign SPS and clams under it. If you want a light you won't have to upgrade this is the one for you. Garrett
  4. Make sure and grab some extra squid while at the store, oh and I think Wal-Mart has the 6ft swimming pools on sale. Could work well until you get your in-ground olympic lap pool built Garrett
  5. Brandon, I like it! Very nice logo and yes I am a RA! My name is Garrett. My wife is only told what I pay when it is completely necessary. I am always broke because of reefing. I have a problem.
  6. Nice video! I love electric flames. I had a couple for over a year in my last prop system. They do pretty well for me. Garrett
  7. Michael for going through such a hard move it looks like everything is recovering nicely. Good color on those montis, rics, and euphylia. I believe the green with red polyp monti is a chili pepper monti. I would love to get a frag of that some time. Beautiful stuff man! Keep up the good work. Garrett
  8. I personally havn't had issues once they have popped. Any new small ones that form are very quickly consumed by the emeralds until they are entirely eradicated. The males have very large claws and grow a bit larger than the females do. It's defiantely worth tossing a couple in there even after you have removed what you can of the bubble algae. Garrett
  9. Sounds like you have a very fun day ahead of you Kick some butt and let me know if you need anything. Garrett
  10. Very good points to consider. I think you could easily build a drop down drape or something to prevent people from seeing through to the other side if needed. I was thinking about this when I was imagining the tank build earlier and forgot to mention it. Very good point on the load bearing wall. Make sure that it isn't one. It is such a headache! Just do all of the thinking you possibly can. Do lots of research and read as much as possible! This will be very cool if done correctly. Garrett
  11. Bump!! Those of you who havn't joined and are thinking of doing so should defiantley jump on the bandwagon and send your entry fees in! There are some amazing prizes this go around and now this frag pack giveaway!!!! You get a pretty awesome coral frag to grow out and a chance to win in multiple ways! Freakin great deal. If you and you significant/sibling/friend/other are competative and/or are both interested in kicking each others butts in competition, this is a great opportunity to take part in. Freakin crazy good deal, awesome fun competition! Keep this thing alive and kicking. I want to see it get up to 50 competitors! Get on it!!! Garrett
  12. Benny, Check out some of the Large Reef tanks in the special interest forumn over on Reefcentral. They have several large tanks that are used as dividers or inwall systems. Are you basically going to have two walls with the tank inwall to both of them? Equipment housed underneath? You could build in storage and lighting access pretty easily. Fun project! Garrett
  13. That is a very clean and nicely done system! I look forward to seeing what it looks like all stocked up Excellent stuff!!
  14. Yah Danik, go for it. That is a great deal and well worth the drive. Nice demensions too! I think you would be hard pressed to find a better deal. Garrett
  15. It's not too common to find one that is dyed now days. I have seen a couple but for the most part around these parts I have only seen naturally brightly colored anemones. In the late 90's and even early 00's it was more common to find dyed anemones but as of late I don't think I have even seen one. Also, it is sort of still up in the air as to how unhealthy it is. I wouldn't ever buy one but I have heard that it really doesn't harm them and they loose the color over time. Garrett
  16. Sometimes if we use a good amount of live rock and sand we defintalely can decrease out cycle time. We always experience a cylce of some scale. Bacteria, algae, etc. need time to build up on new equipment, glass etc. and this takes time even if live rock, live sand, and water is used from a well established previous system. I have had pretty good luck with good live rock and sand in setting up entirely new systems. Most of the time I just have minor ph swings with littel other instability with the excetion of some amonia, nitrite, and then nitrate. Most of the time it is just a noticable increase in diatoms. Garrett
  17. Just to be clear and so that everyone is aware of what was actually dontated and what was actually purchased with competition money at cost. The first colony for this competion was donated by me and not purchased with competition money. All other pieces, including an extra colony for the first competition have been purchased at my wholesale cost. This includes the pieces for this competition Garrett
  18. They are definatley sweet fixtures! I am excited to get mine up and going. Now I just need to decide which tank to put it over lol. Great reflectors and nice slilm housing! These are definately pro! Garrett
  19. Doesn't look like redbugs to me. Looks like RTN :( I don't think this one is saveable but as dj says, it might be wise to try and save some of the nubs. Could be a number of things really but I doubt slightly high phosphates or nitrates would cause this. They would have to be up there a bit. Sometimes this kind of things happens for unexplainable reasons unfortunately. GL with it though! I hope it pulls through for you. Garrett
  20. Yah its star polyps for sure. Garrett
  21. Looks great man! I really want a nice Chevron tang! Been lookin for a while but can't find one at a good price and usually never locally. New pics of the tank!!!
  22. Looking HOT! I love the new B Nest. It has a nice color and contrasts well with the other colonies. Congratulations on getting it all going the way you like it. Looks pretty sweet! Garrett
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