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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Thanks Rick! I wouldn't mind passing a few different orders off to be pick up from you or something if there are several people that want to get some critters but don't want to make the drive down. Shipping is between $5-$10 up to Portland or down to Eugene and is for the most part overnight.
  2. Byrd, In my experience I havn't found anything that really eats it readily. I have seen a few different tang species that will munch on it from time to time and I am sure there are several inverts that will consume it aswell. Most of the fish that we have in our displays for the most part leave it alone. I have tried to get rid of the stuff by tossing a clump in the display(and believe me it is not short of fish or inverts lol) and I have had no luck with much consumption. I guess the statement is more general than specific. Besides ebay, I have a new website I am working on. I had a simple on for mainly custom orders but have since shut it down. I also sell by appointment to locals or through word of mouth though my demographic seems to be growing as of late
  3. Very nice, clean tank! I love the aquascaping too! Great job. It will be cool to watch this tank mature.
  4. This will be one sweet tank! Keep the pics coming!
  5. Curtis I think you should be alright if you make sure they are on there good and tight. It really is a tough call though. Being that you can valve down the flow if necessary, I would say give it a go. Definately make sure that the eductors are at least two inches under the water surface. The way my bulkhead sits and the room that I have to work with, one of mine sits just at the 2 inch mark and I very seldom get a bit of a vortex with air bubbles. Garrett
  6. Yup I will be here! Just give me a buzz when you are on you way 503-580-5716 Thanks!
  7. Hello all! I am going to try and run a sale ever couple of weeks or so. This week I have the followign snails on sale: Margarita Turbos: These guys will eat lots of algae and unlike many snials will readily consume hair algae as well! They have black shells with black bodies and are roughly 3/4"-1" in size 1-10 .49 each 10-25 .44 each 25-50 .39 each 50+ .33 each!!! South Atlantic Turbos: These snails are roughly 3/5-3/4" in length. They have a nice dense cone shape and a very large mouth. They consume diatoms, detritus, and algaes very well. 1-10 .44 each 10-25 .39 each 25-50 .34 each 50+ .29each!!! Zebra Turbos: If you have algae, these guys will take care of it! They are a larger snail between 1" and 2". 1-5 $1.65 each 5-10 $1.45 each 10+ $1.20 each!!! Many many other varieties of snails in stock at great prices!!!
  8. Welcome! Your tank looks pretty sweet! Look forward to seeing more about it.
  9. LOL thanks guys! Mike, Prices wont be any higher I have some tricks to keep overhead to a minimum. If this just pays for my own hobby expenses I will be super satisfied! Garrett
  10. Hello PNWMAS! The Premium Aquarium is a saltwater and freshwater hobby and maintanece company and is at your service! We specialize in invertebrates, corals, macro algaes, fish, plants all of your dry goods needs, and special requests! If you are in need of a few coral frags for your tank, want to add a few fish, or perhaps would like to pick up a clean up crew, The Premium Aquarium is here to help! We have a great selection of fish, corals, plants, inverts, and dry goods and of course wonderful prices! Call, send a PM, email us, or stop by for a visit at anytime! We look forward to helping with all of your reef keeping needs!!!! Location: 4071 Liberty Rd. S Salem, OR 97302 Hours: Everyday 11am-7pm If you would like to visit outside of store hours, just let me know and I will be happy to set an appointment up with you Thanks!!! Garrett Munoz The Premium Aquarium ThePremiumAquarium.com sales@ThePremiumAquarium.com Store: (503) 990-8577 members discount: no set discount but alway running PNWMAS specials
  11. Come on by and grab a frag man. I have one left Garrett
  12. Brandon I think you should take Jason up on his offer and convince your parents that having 15 tanks in there garage is no biggy. Byrd, My parents are way too understanding. My dad also really loves the hobby but could never convince my mom to allow him to set up a nice display in the house. He kind of lives through me lol. He purchased his first coral a few weeks back though!
  13. Corey, You should come over and trade me I have inverts...lol
  14. Thanks for the shout out Brandon and Rick!
  15. I agree. That's why my prices are always lower to begin with
  16. Bigtroy, When I first got into salt water I had a very similar lighting set up. It was a 50/50 fourescent tube. I willd definatley want to upgrade to at least compact flourescents or if you want to be able to keep more than just softies, you should probably upgrade to either HO t-5's or metal halide lighting. Both will allow you to keep a large variety of corals and invertibrates such as anemones and clams but metal halides(MH) are still probably the ultimate way to go. For you size tank, I would recommend either a 24" 4 or 6 bulb t-5 fixture or retrofit custom canopy or a 24" retro/fixture 150-250w MH with either actinic CF or t-5 supplementation. You can get away without running actinic supplementation if you go with a 20K MH bulb also. There are lots of good people on this forumn that can definatley help you with your lighting questions and needs. Just remember that if you upgrade to t-5's or MH, you want need to upgrade again as your coral tastes change. Most of us start out likeing softies and things with alot of movement but then sort of transition into corals that are a bit more light demanding.
  17. LOL I think he is just waiting on a chiller and then he is going to finally get them wet! Garrett
  18. Just so you guys know, you can get great deals on clean up crews locally !!! I have literally thousands of inverts right here in salem at great prices! In fact they are better than the prices online. Just a thought. Shipping is like $5-$10 if you don't want to come down and hand pick them(which is another awesome benefit of buying locally ) or I could even meet up in Portland to get your inverts to you. Toss me a PM if you are interested. EDIT: Oh and I am an official sponsor of PNWMAS now as well.
  19. Looking [language filter] nice Brandon! You will be very happy with the purple acro. It is incredible once it gets color! I am going to like to see updates on this tank! Garrett
  20. I started the hobby after my wife convinced me to go down to Petco so she could buy a betta. Of course I go all out when I get into something so once I started cruising the isles and looking at SW fish I decided that a betta was a bit drab and to simple for me. I blame her my starting my addiction. I think she might even blame herself a little too. I started with a 29g Eclipse system from Petco that ame with 2 little flourecent tubes. I of course did very little research and took only the advice that I fealt would allow me to keep stuff alive. We all know how quickly we are forced to learn the correct way to keep a SW tank. Though I managed to keep a few corals alive for a while, it was by no means a reef tank. After a huge learning process and some advise from local reefers, the internet, and LFS's other than Petco, I decided to upgrade to something a bit bigger, a bit more reef tank like, and a bit more of a money pit! I ended up with a non-drilled 90g tank with a very DIYS hood and retrofited lighting. I thought I learned alot from my 29g! This tank really allowed me to learn some of the ropes! More of this tank: http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2224 I was tired of not having a reef ready tank and wanted something that had a bit more length and could allow for some larger fish. The 90 was a fun system but I wanted something bigger, better, and more of a money pit! So after going to my favorite LFS to get a quote on a 125g, I was convinced to go with a 210g! I am not quite sure how he managed to convince me but I was a bit worried that it might be just too big of a tank. After all it ended up taking 4 adult men to move the thing into my house without someone blowing an organ into another organs spot. This ended up being perhaps my favorite build so far. It started as a nice, simple, large mixed reef, then progress into an sps dominated tank plumbed into a 900g total system volume prop/algae/just fun system! The inline garage: After having to do a very sad tear down and sell off of most of my previous system, I moved into an appartment. Man was it nice not having to deal with tanks! But of course only a few months sober and I had to get something back up and running! I was so freakin bored with all of the free time that was once spent on my system. My dad convinced me that I needed to set up another system. I wanted a tank in his garage and want me to start growing corals again. After telling him no many times over a period of about 2 months, he managed to catch me at a vulnerable time. I was extremely happy eating this cheeseburger and he managed to get me to say let start a setup over the next couple of weeks! Remember that when quitting an addiction, it is necessary to remove yourself from those people in your life that might try to sway you back to your old habbits;) That being the short of the story, here is what the system kind of looks like now. There have been a few upgrades, move arounds, livestock additions, etc. since the pics. 90g display(my old tank now drilled)- looks cooler now Part of the prop/algae/invert system It will be interesting to see how this system evolves. I am eventually going to upgrade the display tank itself to something much larger but since this system is in my parents garage, ideally I would like to wait until my wife and I purchase a house. Oh and anytime anyone want to come down to grab some inverts, frags, algae, or do some trading, just toss me a PM. Garrett
  21. I love it. The video has some nice toons with it too! I can't wait to see all of the colored sticks growing in that beast. Garrett
  22. Yah it only takes about a month for them to grow back their crowns. They are great critters to add to your reef. A nice addition to the cleanup crew and just fun to watch. I have a few in the display.
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