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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. All of the polyps pictured in this thread so far are zoanthids. Some of the larger are Zoanthid gigantus which are commonly refered to as Palys in our hobby. We tend to use the word Paly too general and realistically palythoa polyps look quite different. Here are some examples of palythoa and protoplyathoa: Palythoa grandis:
  2. Roy has some nice ones too. I have seen them in person. Looks like you have two good options
  3. Those are the ones. I just can't get rid of the entire colonies. Some of it will be going into the display and my friend wants to make sure he gets some frags of some stuff once he gets set back up. I don't have a problem hacking a few off for you though.
  4. Ryan, I also have a nice size colony that I could frag a few polyps off of. I have both the true tubs blues as well as some smaller tubs look alikes. You might have seen them on the bottom right when you were here last. Garrett
  5. Sent you a PM. I will continually have great deals on inverts so no worries. I just am going to choose a few things every couple of weeks to have a sale on. It helps to keep thing moving and gives people the opportunity to grab some critters at absolutely crazy prices
  6. Maybe this should go in the feedback section but I figured I would post it here since it is on topic. For those of you who have not had the chance to deal with Ryan, he is the man! A while back Ryan was looking for a skimmer and I happened to have one laying around that fit the bill. We got to talking and he offered to help me out by building me a few media reactors for the system. I wanted to make sure they would be big enough to handle my system and that they would have a few customer things done on the that would allow them to work ideally for my setup. Ryan offered to trade his services and materials for the skimmer! I still can't believe how amazing these reactors are! They are absolutly perfect and can be plumbed any number of ways that I choose. I will be working on building a nice rack to have sort of a meadia reactor center over the next couple of weeks. These things hold a ton of media, are super easy to take apart and clean, and are plumbed for half inch fittings so they are extremely versitile. Excellent work Ryan! Thanks for running all over Portland to find the parts to get them done and thanks for taking the time to be so meticulous in their design and construction!
  7. Sorry for the bad pic, but here is my final pic: I count 60 polyps DID I WIN??? Nice job on this one guys! It looks like most everyone had some nice growout!
  8. I use a dual stage temp. controller. You can get single stage temp controllers as well. They are the best way to prevent this kind of thing if you have to use a heater. Plus the temp controller keeps the temp far more consistant than does the heaters own controller.
  9. Those critters are just another important part of your clean up crew. I believe that little guy is some variety of a Medusa Worm or somethign similar. They grab particles with that worm like appendage.
  10. These are beasts! What an awesome job you did! I am super impressed and can't wait to get them all hooked up and rocking. Now I have to get to work on designing the rack for these guys. For those of you who can't tell, Ryan is quite the craftman! He pretty much dominates the reactor world and I am sure would make some pretty crazy skimmers and such as well. Thanks!!!
  11. Welcome to the club and to OR! You really couldn't have picked a much better area to move to for this hobby! We have some of the best LFS around and some of the best people. I am down for another Eugene/Albany/Salem frag fest!!!! When, Where,
  12. Looking good Mike! I am sure it will love all of the room in your tank
  13. Looking real nice man! The rock fits well in that sump too (laugh) It will be nice to see it fill with corals over the coming months. We will definately have to do some trading!
  14. Tank is looking good man. Get that purple acro right up under the light if you can. It is a crazy light lover Did you get that larger green slimer at the top from Jason at CRPC? I was eyeballing that one for a good time if so. Garrett
  15. Jason certainly has the best combination store that I have ever seen in my life. He has awesome corals and fish and then to top it off you can walk out with an AR-15 or a bulk box of .45 rounds. Pretty freakin rad place and an even better guy. Jason is one of the main influences that I have had in this hobby. He knows his stuff and tells it to you straight.
  16. Hey Brandon if you don't find anyone to trade them with I would love a couple more K1s for the tanks. We could trade coral or inverts, etc. Let me know, Garrett
  17. Shane thanks for ordering some critters! You were as easy to work with as it gets. Charles you and the wife should definately make another trip down when you get a chance. There are lots of critters in the tanks and a few new corals too. I am doing another order this coming week so if you guys need anything let me know. I ran out of emeralds and need to order some more so there should be plenty in the tanks. Thanks for being awesome customers and fellow reefers! Garrett
  18. Lol I sure did! You should definately come visit.
  19. Bob is right. Shrimp and small fish will be lunch but other than that, technically they are reef safe. They also poo alot so that could be an issue. More frequent or larger water changes and good skimming is required.
  20. Anthias can get a bit pricey when you start to get a nice school going. Chromis are probably the easiest way to go plus they are pretty inexpensive and a bit easier to care for though less attactive. The nice thing about chromis is that they really don't need to be fed daily. Most anthias do better when fed on a daily basis if not twice a day. I have one that I feed every other day and it seems to do fine. Garrett
  21. I am interested in several items but would love to see pics. Thanks,
  22. Looking really good man! I am loveing it. I would recommend just drilling the existing hole out to fit a 1.5" bulkhead. You can even drill out a template piece to guide the blade so that you don't have to worry about the hole getting all mangled from a wobbling hole saw. This would be pleanty of drain power and you would just need to go buy the same pieces to set up a 1.5" version of your current drain. Sweet stuff! I am excited to see how bright your light is with the new bulbs. It might just convince me to use my 6 bulb over one of my tanks.
  23. Very nice! I am happy to see another convert to salt! Looks like a simialar size to my display. This will be a fun build. Keep the pictures coming!!! Let me know if you need any extra critters once you start getting your algae blooms
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