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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. For those that wonder what this thing looks like but lack the "member" title.
  2. They are a tiny little sea slug. Some nudis are good but it sounds like Caio has some of the baddies from his explanation. I would get a wrasse in the Halichoeres or Pseudocheilinus family. The Yellow Coris or Melanarus would be a good choice or if you prefer, a six or four line wrasse might also help with the maintanence and removal of the little bastards.
  3. Keven, You should sing by and I will hook you up with some kalk paste to help kill those dang yellow polyps. They are like faster breeding aiptasia with some extra color. I will never put any near my display now that I have learned my lesson.
  4. Hmmm might have to bring some of those guys in. Looks like they munch on starfish like the harlequin. I wonder if they eat anything else or just survive off of stars too? Sweet looking shrimp. All of the cool ones it seems eat starfish lol.
  5. Honestly I haven't seen any on any of my lists. I will have to dig deep and check and see what I can find out on my next order. I have a couple of smaller limpets in my tanks that I will try and put in a critter cage next time I see them. I was doing some fraggin last nice and noticed then when I lifted up some of the LR and rubble.
  6. They are sort of filter feeders and thought they can erritate corals, they are for the most part a good part of your systems clean up crew. I just remove them from areas where they are or have a chance to bug my corals.
  7. I use them when I dont' mind them blocking some of the light or when the fixtures are fairly close to the water. I don't use them when I want completely unobstructed light or when my fixture is up fairly high above the water. I also sometimes run the shields during colder times of the year and take them off during the warmer summer months to allow for a bit better ventilation. On the DE fixtures, you always almost have to use the glass shields because they provide a UV shield that isn't provided by the DE bulbs and almost always is by the SE bulbs.
  8. So is this brown shoe polish or black lol? I am just wondering if my guess might have been even remotely close to shinola. Thanks for getting this info together. Looks like we know where it comes from now. I am going to start using this phrase just to help keep it alive. Good stuff.
  9. I think it's something brownish and squishy. I am curious though.
  10. Though it really wasn't fun being without power for 3 or 4 days in my neighborhood, I do love the snow and can't wait. I will be more prepared this year with a couple of backup battery units for my tanks pumps and such and since they are in a newer, and much better part of town, I think that the power outages will be at a minimum which is nice. I have the board all waxed up and ready to go hit the slopes. Problem is that I need to get some time off of work and such to get up there lol. Bring it Mr. Frost!
  11. I think your crazy enough to have 3 triggers in there! LOL 7 and 2 purple tangs is kind of fun and takes the crazy to insane! You are going to get so beat up on RC. It will be fun to tell them that it is a panoramic shot in the end. Good stuff.
  12. If it were me, I would always rinse it if I could.
  13. Brandon, I really really think that you should keep this tank. You aren't going to come across one like this for anywhere close to what you are selling it for. It is a crazy good tank and one that if I had the space for, I would have already purchased from you. You can't get a better built and looking frag tank and definately not near that price.
  14. Very nice! It will look great full of all those colorful corals you are going to fill it with too! Excellent work!(clap)
  15. This is going to be killer! I can't wait to watch the build and see what you eventually end up with. About time and sweet!!!(clap)(rock2)
  16. It looks like a type of hair algae. You should come by and get some more margaritas and maybe a few hermits. I had that stuff in one of my tanks(only on the eggcrate) in my last setup. The stuff is a pain but it does go away after awhile and then all you need are some hermits and snails to keep it mowed down. I will be at the tanks from about 2:30 or so until around 4 or so I would guess if you want to stop by or I could meet you at the tanks pretty much any other time today as well. Plus then you could bring me some of your delicious green!(naughty)
  17. I totally concur on the ebay paypal thing. On the otherside of the coing, they do own the market and have no reason to lower/eliminate double charging since no one else is doing what they do or is as trusted. It sucks. As for selling on RC. I have mixed feelings. I most always sell my item(s) but you definatley have to deal with low ballers and people that back out or say they will do something and don't. I guess its a risk that I choose to take in some circumstances and not in others. Garrett
  18. I had kind of a funny experience with the whole girls dad with a gun thing. A few years back when my wife and I were early into our relationship, we were at her dad and stepmoms house. Her dad at the time was on leave from Iraq and really had only met me a couple of times before he was deployed. Though I had been dating his daughter for almost 2 years, I really didn't know him that well with the exception of all of the life stories and personality explanations that I had received from other members of the family. I am sure he really didn't feel he knew me well either. I was kind of waiting for the boyfriend/ girls dad talk/semi-threat to happen soon. We all went up stairs to the office to check out some pictures and videos that he had taken in Iraq. Cool stuff but after everyone else went down stairs he said something along the lines of "Hey Garrett, let me show you something for a sec." So fo course it had begun. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a nice looking M4. I had a huge smile on my face and you could tell he really didn't know what for. He started talking about the rifle and I listened intently as little did he know I am a huge fan of the AR-15. A few minutes had passed and we had started talking about the rifle. The funniest thing that I think young man dating a lady that meets her dad and deals with the whole dad/gun thing happened. Knowing that he was into guns and starting to feel a bit more comfortable, I whipped out my 9mm that had always been conveniently concealed on my lower back... Today we are going to the Beavers game... Best way to start a good relationship with a future father in-law that you know is pro 2nd amendment if you ask me. Or the lesson might be... Dave, pat down every poor sap that arrives at the door to pick your daughter up for a date. If he is clean, let him in and then show him your gun collection.
  19. It is kind of interesting. Out of about 20 or so tanks, I think I broke two while actually drilling. So I guess its about a 90% success rate. The problem is that about 5 more broke over time after being set up. The breaks were likely from hair fractures caused by the drilling process so I would probably count them as victems as well. That puts my success rate right at 65%!!! DOH!
  20. Congratulations!!! I was wondering when you were going find out or if you were going to. It seems like alot of people like to wait to see what it will be once it is born. I would like to know personally so that I can get that one extra bit of extended enjoyment and room decorating/buying all the pink and purple goodies. Exciting stuff man! My wife and I can't wait to get working on a little one. Fortunatey I stocked up on the good ole baby prevention pills through the bulk mail order pharmacy that my insurance loves us to use. I am sure there are all sorts of fun thoughts running through your heads!!!
  21. hhhmm we do need some updates... I will have to work on that over the next week. I will get some pics going. and Ryan, I want to see some pics of your setup asap!
  22. Mystery and fairy wrasses sold I have lots of other goodies that I am sure would look great in your tanks though Also more wrasses and tangs to come shortly...(naughty)
  23. Roger if you don't find someone, I will do it. Risky but I have a pretty good track record. I don't think I have broken anything larger than a 20l and have probably drilled 40 or so tanks at least.
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