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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. That is sooo true! Hydnophora will never have a place in my display that is for sure. For a bright sps, hydno can suck it!
  2. I have never had a problem keeping several gobies in a tank. I definatley don't think it will be a problem and would give it a go myself.
  3. The Pink and Blue spotted watchmen gobies are pretty much just big poopers. They don't do very much if any sand sifting and really are just cool because of their colors. Not much of a cleaner.
  4. Diamond gobies definately do the best job in my experience. I have had one or two jump but for the most part they tend to do pretty well. Most gobys and wrasse can jump by reputation but I have had fairly good luck and only had a few jump on me. Tile gobys on the other hand... lol many of them have jumped and are hard to get to eat.
  5. +1 Radiums on an HQI ballast have always been the best bulb for me. Better growth, better color, just better all around.
  6. Oh the days when a 10K bulb was new and hot stuff! Good looking stuff there Roy! Imagine trying to find some of those corals and clams now. It seems impossible!
  7. Excellent! I look foward to seeing pics. Thanks for driving down and grabbin some stuff. It was good chatting with you for a bit too. Let me know how he does.
  8. They are opportunistic so as they get larger they can definately catch some large prey. I haven't ever seen one catch a fish. I have seen them make jolting moves towards them but I wonder if it isn't more of a warning than an actual attempt to capture the fish. I have seen them munching on smaller fish but I figured they probably died before the crab got them or they were sick or something. I have one in my display right now and I really like it. They are fast movers and clean all day long. It's cool to watch them jump from rock to rock too. I have one available if you make it up this way. It is $5.99 and a little guy. Thanks,
  9. I am not sure how large they can get but the ones I have are about 2" or so in length. They are pretty neat critters.
  10. LOL that sounds like my hermits! They are well fed and occasionally can be bullys! I guess that is any hermit but I like to think that mine have an edge. I have a tons of snails in right now. I think I have about a dozen varieties for all different purposes. Let me know when works for you and no worries I am at least ok with names lol. I never forget a fellow sps lover.
  11. Eddie thank you for the trade! It is always good to hear that those you trade with feel good about the trade. I will hold one of the brittles for you. The green headed coral is a nice vareity of Duncan! They do really well for me wherever they are in the tank and usually like a medium flow and medium to higher amount of lighting. My mother colony is in high flow and lower lighting and does awesome. I don't really feed them much but they definately do enjoy being fed. They will eat pretty much any small frozen vareity and even flake lol(I actually fed one of the large heads a small dead chromis today!)
  12. Brandon, I can order you one in when you want one. They are pretty uncommon fish but I have a good source for the time being
  13. Will do Mike. I got in another variety of conch today as well. You will have to check him out.
  14. Hello everyone! I just got in a new order of critters! Very nice looking stuff with some pretty rare additions and plenty of inverts to boot! Here are a few specials!!! Beautiful Blue Spotted Jawfish! Looks like this guy. This guy has lots of personality and enjoys a decent sandbed to make a nice home. $74.99 SOLD... I should be able to get another one or two for those interested. Just toss me a pm. Magnificant Foxface Rabbit! These guys are incredibly hard to come by and especially in a smaller size. This guy is about 3.5" long and is quite stunning. Looks like this guy. These guys are docile, very hardy, disease resistant, and love munching on all sorts of algaes including the rarely eatin bryopsis(hair algae)! $84.99 Orange Spotted Rabbit! Neat looking critter! This guy is about 5" long and is very distinctive looking. He is a bit larger than the one in the photo but looks very similar. Docile and fun to watch. $29.99 I have several fish that are looking pretty sweet including some tangs, flame angel, flame hawk, baby bangaiis, firefish , a funny little niger trigger, and much more. On to my favorite part, the inverts! Margarita snails are on sale again this week for $.49 each!! And of course I can work out a deal if you need more than just a few. Astreas are on sale this week for only $.65 each!!! Jumbo Ceriths this week for $.79 each!!! Turtle Conches this week for $4.99 each!!! Great sand sifters and fun to watch Small Banded Brittle Stars are $4.99 this week as well!!! These guys are great critters to help consume any extra food that ends up on the bottom of your tank and are only about 3"-4" arm to arm!!! Emerald Crabs are in!!! $4.99 each this week!!! Nice mix of smaller and larger ones available. I have many, many more inverts in the tanks at the moment. From a variety of snails and hermits to some of the more interesting critters, there are thousands of benefitial critters! Remember that I can ship a package of inverts for about $10 to most of OR and Souther WA. If you want to come hand pick some critters and check out the tanks just toss me a PM or give me a call to set up a time! Thanks, Garrett
  15. In my experience they live just as long as any other variety. They are perhaps my favorite snail though it is a hard decision as they all good for slightly different things.
  16. You should come by and pick some up then
  17. Hey Randy, If you ever get down my way, I would love to trade. There are lots of goodies to look over.
  18. I have a McCoskers, a Clown Wrasse, a Six-line, and a yellow coris if intersted. I should have them ready to go by tomorrow afternoonish if they are somethign that you are intersted in. Thanks,
  19. Hey if you are heading this way anytime soon, I will take him off your hands. Let me know. Oh yah and I found this crazy cool PDF about them when I was trying to figure out if they had a poison gland like some of their close relatives(fortunately it looks like its safe). Thanks!
  20. Get it quick to avoid a die off. The sooner the better. Grats on the new tank Clay!
  21. Nice growth man! The one I am watching for Scott is doing pretty well also. It seems to be growing at a pretty amazing rate. I wasn't aware they were fast growers but I guess I can't complain. Good stuff. Looks like things are coming along nicely.
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