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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. I have heard good things about uniseals though I personally have never used them.
  2. Supper cheap at bulkreefsupply.com Not sure if any local stores carry them or not either. I couldn't find any when I was looking for some a while back.
  3. I voted single ended, not because it is better but because it is my preference. I feel I get better spread out of single ended setups, primarily because I can be more selective about reflectors. I also love to run 400w SE Radiums on an HQI ballast. Amazing color and growth. I currently have a DE 250w fixture over my 90g and have to say that I have been impressed with the output of the 250w DE bulbs in comparison to my other 250w single ended bulbs not on HQI ballasts.
  4. They are great. I had two of them that I picked up for $20 a piece on black friday a couple of years ago. They worked awesome and ran for about 4-6 hours with two K3's plugged in each. I ended up selling them a while back and kind of wish I hadn't now lol. I will end up buying some heavier duty versions so that I can run a few powerhead and mayber a small heater for 24 hours or so.
  5. I would get a SE Radium and run a pair of actinics with it. Should be just about the best spectrum out there with both color and lots of growth.
  6. I personally haven't seen these guys available from any of my suppliers. My guess is this guy collects these himself or has a crew of his own that does. Cool looking conchs though and especially if they readily breed in captivity.
  7. Ciao, This is what I had on my last tank and it was dead silent. I actually had my durso pipe come to about 2 inches below the overflow. Really helped.
  8. I am so glad you didn't give up on this coral Ryan. I am hoping to get a frag from you eventually. That was one of my favorites! Garrett
  9. I second Bob's guess though it wouldn't supprise me to find that it was some unfriendly rock crab variety. Not all have been bad in my experience but clearly you had a nasty little bugger.
  10. With that kind of bioload a 10-15% water change should be just fine running no skimmer. A 30% water change should allow for a few more fish in there as well
  11. Interesting. I wonder what this new NASA creation will be able to find. It would be something spectacular to prove the existance of other larger life forms out there and especially in our small solar system. Good read.
  12. I have seen this video a couple of dozen times and it never ceases to amaze. I love the different colors of fish that this guy has managed to keep in mass numbers. Not to mention a great collection of corals!
  13. I think you should be just fine. Especially since you plan on rinsing it out.
  14. I haven't seen any of the many that I have ever bugging healthy coral. I wouldn't worry about it unless it becomes a problem. Of course you could always add a harlequin shrimp if you are worried about them once you are ready. Garrett
  15. Sounds good. I constantly have lots of critters coming in so you should have access to just about all you would need.
  16. LOL they are a defiante pain to get off. I am glad that someone local has some. I have some in the tanks but I would have to hunt them down in order to get a few bagged up.
  17. Yah I have noticed that. I just add room temp RO/DI water until they stop laughing
  18. Looking good Kevin! I look forward to watching the build progress and if you need any help, let me know.
  19. Looks good Rick. I love the prism favia and the red lobo! Also your Black ans White clowns make me very jealous. If you every need to find a home for them, you know who to call (naughty)
  20. Good idea Rick. Some people use a cup of vinegar to dissolve the bristles as another method of getting them out if the area is in pain or something. I personally have pretty good luck just wiping them off with a damp towel.
  21. :( that is sad. I hear you though. I had a teacher that had a death fear of birds flying over his head. One day a bird flew into our class and he passed out from the overwhelming fear. We actually carried him outside so that when he got up he didn't see the bird over his head and end up having a heart attack or something. I don't like clowns very much myself though I can deal with them as long as they don't get too close. lol
  22. LOL their stings don't hurt that bad if at all. I pick them up on accident all the time when packaging algae and unless I have a cut or something I never really notice. They do leave a nice row of bristles sticking out of your finger though lol. Makes you fingers look like a cactus!
  23. Superb! I will eventually have him build me a nice tank once I get into a more perminant place. I love the work that he does and his pricing is fair to say the least. Your tank is going to be pretty freakin rad!
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