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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Bump for a crazy good deal on a 125g glass tank with corner overflows. I am kind of wondering why this hasn't sold yet. This is a nuts priceDOH! You know Scott, this would make a great frag tank or something to plump inline with your new display
  2. They are pretty sweet! I am glad you like yours. I am going to be putting a coulple dozen conches of different variety in the new display once I get it all running. I think they are one of the nicest critters for the money you can get.
  3. Franklin, I have lots of corals too. I have 3- 5.5ftx18"x12" tanks and 4- 33"x18"x12" tanks. 3 of the smaller tanks are for algaes and some snails. 1 of the smaller tanks houses hermits, live rock, and turbo snails with some fish. The larger tanks are for corals, fish, and inverts. I also have a 90g display that is coming along nicely but is too small for my liking. So I picked up a 500g with Brandon this weekend as a project that will eventually hopefully become my new display. It is a bit large though. You should come by some time and check it out. I wish Dad and Mom would take care of the electric bill, but I think that would be a bit unfair of me since I run quite a bit of electricity. I think I probably doubled their electricity use
  4. Looks good. Mike and Lance will get a chance to check out the monster while over.
  5. I want to see a complete from beginning to end beer count! Keep them coming. By the way you look kind of small in that tank. You might need some flippers to get to the other side to finish cleaning.
  6. With the upgrades that Ryan mentioned, I think that the skimmer could easily handle a well stocked 1000g system. Maybe even a 1500g system with a moderately heavy fish load. I have been doing some major reading over the past few days and from what Ryan has said and form what I have read it sounds like your skimmer will handle pretty much anything you or I could want.
  7. LOL I wonder if there is a way to clean it without diving? I have been thinking of exactly how I am going to do it. I will probably just have to get in and have some fun. Let me know how the cleaning goes! I am pumped.
  8. You rock Ryan. We will definately give you a call! I am not sure how the heck we are even going to load them yet lol.
  9. This is going to rock man!!! I am excited to see what these things look like. Hopefully we come home with some more goodies too Twin build threads here we go... lol(I am picking up a 500g with the same dems but mine will have the overflow in the center for a walk around tank) See you at the crack of dawn!
  10. Good stuff man! Looks like it is turing around quite nicely. Hopefully that sunset milli makes it. I am sure that it will. I love the mature look of your tank. That beauty is filled to the brim!
  11. Airfreight might be an option assuming they can't put together a truck over. I am not sure what the cost difference would be but to airfreight around 100lbs of non-live goods I think it is between $20-$30. So if you had 25ish bags at 1000lbs that would be roughly $200-$300 or so in shipping. at $5 a bag with shipping being split it would come out to around $12-$17 a bag.
  12. I used sticky back felt strips on my 210g tank. I definately wasn't going to attempt casters but I wanted some way to kind of slide the tank when it was empty and also add some buffering between my hard wood floors and my wood stand. Castors are scary IMO but I have seen them used. Always go way overkill if you are goint to use some. Also remember that all of the weight of your aquarium will be applied to the small spots where teh casters touch the floor. I think it would be best to distribute the weight through as many even pionts of contact that you could.
  13. Mike, Have a great trip man! You will have to let me know what you think of the reef shops that you visit and of course the brew houses. The wife and I have a trip to Seattle coming up on the weekend of the 6th-8th and we are pretty pumped. We have 5 other friends that are going up with us too so we will likely be doing some good ole pub crawling. Tell the wife happy birthday and enjoy yourself!
  14. Contact Rick and see when he is doing his order.
  15. Thats freakin awesome! Great job and very nice idea for an unconventional to frag coral.
  16. Bummer man! They are one of the most beautiful tangs that is for sure. I would wait about 6 weeks or so to get another one if you want to be really safe. That is about the time for a complete ich cycle to get out of the system. Chances are your other fish have it but are just not affected by it and probably wont be. I have a few tangs in right now that have the slightest sign of ich. It happens alot when new fish come in and then it just goes away. That is what happens when you don't medicate your tanks and have new fish unfortunately. Luckily they almosts always are clear of it a week or so later.
  17. I have one of the Solar Fairy's in my display. It came in as a Clown Fairy. One of the most beautiful fish out there I think. Mine eats like a pig but is a bit bullied by the six line that is 1/4 his size.
  18. The long stick like things are also sponges. I have some in the cryptic section of my system. I also used to get them growing all over the place on the back of my rockwork in my last display. Good nutrient export critters. Plus I hear that linkias like to munch of some varieties as well.
  19. Rick, It is indeed psammacora. I would think about moving it into your display tank under your halides. It is a high light sps and does much better towards the top of a halide lit tank imo.
  20. :( Those corals look great in my tank now though We need to get you up and going again!!!
  21. My Merulina would give your diplo a run for its money lol. For that matter it would give Ricky's hydno a run for it money too We should play "battle corals" one of these days(naughty)
  22. Very nice! He looks great there. I am glad to hear that he is eating well and likes his new home! Gradth, let me know if you want one. I think I have a handle on a couple more and if a couple of people want one I will bring an order in. Also these guys typically do really well with gobies. I had him in the same tank with about 4 other gobies and he didn't seem to mind at all. Never had any issues in the past with them either.
  23. If you can take the rock out, a small torch works really well If you can't then yah the next best thing is kalk paste in my opinion. Joes Juice works well too I just like a bit thicker paste.
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