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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Get your alk up a bit and it will drop your calcium down a bit. It will also help you get your mag back up a bit. Other than that, stats look good
  2. If you ever make it down this way, I have 2 GBTA for sale at a great price.
  3. Does live rock count or can I have that and 1 coral? If I could only have one thing in the tank it would be a huge piece of very live rock. If I could have live rock and 1 coral I would probably pick a beautiful A. Millipora. Polyp movement, growth pattern, and color are my reasons. Second on my list would be an encrusting monti or scrolling monti of some variety though there really are so many beauties it would be hard to just pick one. Euphylias are also pretty neat but again just one variety would be too difficult!
  4. There might be one left after this weekend but I am not 100% sure. It is tentatively sold pending pickup. The flashers are also 100% coral reef safe if one interests you. I will order a few different fairy/flasher wrasses next time. They seem to be pretty popular and are by far the most colorful and peaceful reef fishes in my experience.
  5. I would also go with the Samsung. I am a big fan of them, LG, and even some of the Hitachis and Sonys. The Visios are a great value and excellent tv as well. If you guys need the hook up, my dad is the manager at the Tualitin Best Buy and he can swing some great deals on TV.
  6. You guys crack me up! Mike, give me a call if you want to swing by and check out some of the critters. Clay, I still have lots of stuff left. I have several little yellow tangs, a nice naso, a convict, scopas, at least one flasher wrasse, a melanarus, and lots of other fish and inverts. Ryan, I will make sure my mom has a constant supply of hot chocolate coming your way. Also I have an extension cord setup so that you can setup the "in tent xbox and flat panel". Replied to your PM. Best Buy has had people standing and camping outside the front of the store since Sunday!!! LOL I remember camping out the night before and I thought I was crazy. It kind of became a tradition for a few years there. Camp out, then shop, then work(I worked for Best Buy so I just tossed a shirt on and went to work after I shoped) I basically woke up on Thanksgiving morning and didn't go to sleep until Saturday morning at 12am. Good times.
  7. Good news Frank! Thanks for keeping us updated and the communication an A+!
  8. It just sounded like there wer alot of sudden and previously uncommunicated or at least partially communicated issues being presented. It almost made it sound like the grow out competitions were not going to happen any more. Thank you for a further explanation of what is in the works and that the grow out will continue with some necessary revisions. Thanks for all of your hard work guys!
  9. First off I would like to say thank you to Erik, Brandon, anyone else who has helped, anyone who has competed, and lastly all of the sponsors. I, as a sponsor and a very active member of this community, would like to have some details and reasoning behind this sudden, seemingly disrupting end to the growout comptition. I am not sure why this kind of post has been made without furthing involving, number one the orgaizers and those running this growout competition and number two the rest of the club. I am not feaking out yet but I think this kind of activity is questionable at best. It is not right to simply make a decission to shut down something that has been a win win for eveyone involved without any kind of explanation or reasoning. Please explain... If there is something in the works please involve us, the community of PNWMAS, before jumping to anything rash. (rock2)PNWMAS!
  10. Honestely I think it is probably plenty thick but better safe then sorry so to speak. Nice score!!! I am excited to watch the build. Congratulations on getting a nice large tank!
  11. I am going to be sporting more beaver gear than normal this year! I am even going to print up some ducks targets to bring down to the range whith me I think I might toss a beaver logo on the side of one of my guns and maybe even paint a few on the tips of my bullets just so that I can watch the Beavers destroy the ducks right before they destroy them down at Autzen. Really though this si going to be a great game and I am super excited to watch it. One of my friends just got a civil war ticket given to him and I am incredibly jealous. I also have to admit that I was rooting so hard for the ducks during there last game that I swear I fealt like I had webbed feat and an feathers start to grow. Great game. Freakin forced me to break open another half case of beer that I was saving for the civil war. Looks like I will have to go out and buy some more. OSU's defense has come along way and we certainly aren't having very many issues offensively. Oregon is has stepped up the game offensively and being that the game is at Autzen they definately have some spirit and morale on their side. GO BEAVERS!!!!! Tear the feathers from the duckys and prepare for a grand feast to celebrate Thanksgiving yet again! After your stomachs are full of duck meat, go get your roses!
  12. I might just have to take a vacation when you are ready
  13. Sounds like she might have, just maybe deserved that one a little. She is a biter number one and number two she took out your MH bulb!! How dare she cost you nearly $100! Karma sucks! Sorry to hear that you lost a long time tank resident though. It sucks loosing a fish that has been with you for so long. Now you have room for a couple of Aussie Black Ocellaris (plotting)
  14. Sounds good Mike! I should be available most of the afternoon. Gonna try and work on getting a new sump and maybe the new display plumbed in.
  15. Bump... There are a few people interest but no one has commited. Someone is going to get a steal of a deal this week. I have more into this thing by far then what I am asking so jump on it if you want it
  16. Very nice work. I like to see progress shots like this and its great to have some explanations to go along with them. I have always thought about trying to do a build like this but I just don't have the guts Good job thus far!
  17. After much debate and though I have decided to sell my roughly 500g reef tank! I got this tank a little over a month ago and was planning to do a really awesome reef build but simply do not have the room at the moment to set this beauty up. I would definatley do so if i had the room and though about paying to store it until I do but I am still not sure how long that will be. Also being that I already have close to 600g worth of tanks setup I really just can't convince myself or my garage owners(my gracious parents who are almost always willing to put up with my antics) to get this thing going. The tank measures 60"long x 60"wide x 30" tall. It is eurobraced and is made of 3/4 acrylic all the way around. This is an extemely well built tank that has a ton of potential. There are 5 holes drilled in the center bottom ready for 1.5" bulkheads and plumbing. It comes with a white overflow PVC tube(12"-14" diameter) that can be siliconed into place in the middle. I personally debated over doing that or setting up a really deap demsion tank and adding an overflow to the back. The possibilites are near endless with this tank. The tank sits on a very heavy duty stand that has 1/4 plywood trim. I would replace and/or paint the trim if I were setting it up as it is scratched up and was just done for rough esthetics when it was first setup. The acrylic is in great shape but the tank could use a good buffing. There are not really large scratches that I can see. The tank also needs a good cleaning as it wasn't really cleaned well after it was taken down. To give you an idea of what this tank looks like, here is Brandon's(djgiantti) build thread. The two tanks and stands are identicle with the exception that this one has the holes drilled for the center overflow and Brandons has his setup for a rear overlfow. http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14882&page=6 To give you an idea of size, here is a pic of Brandon literally snorkling in his tank to clean it. Though I don't really have to sell this tank, I really want some more room in the garage and I would like to give my parents a place to park their car during the coming winter months. I have a price that might shock some but hopefully will get this thing out of the garage quickly! $900 OBO for the tank and stand! This is nearly 1/5th of the building supplies alone Moving this will require at least 4 guys or so to move and a pickup with a large bed or better yet a trailer. PM me or call me if seriously interested. Thanks, Garrett 503-580-5716 *MODs please feel free to move this to my thread if it isn't acceptable to post it here. I just figured I would give more people a chance to see that I am selling my personal dream tank
  18. So I decided to do a bit larger order this week! I figured since it was the holiday and I went through some of the critters that people wanted really quick last time, it was time to make a bigger splash so to speak! For those of your that are like me and really love wrasses, I have a few beauties this week. - Solaris(Clown) Fairy Wrasse! I have 1 of these guys left! These are super colorful and a great peaceful addition. They can be kept in pairs or groups and with other fairys and flashers! A crazy holiday price @ $25.99ea - McCoskeri Flasher Wrasses! I have 2 of these guys left! They are great in multiples and with other fairys and flashers. Excellent, colorful fish with a nice personality. Super Deal @ $16.99 ea - Melanarus Wrasse! These are one of my favorite in terms of both their color and personality as well as their utility in our tanks. These fish help keep many pests at bay and are almost always out and about adding nice movement and color to our tanks. Hot Deal Week Price @ $18.99 On to the tangs!!! -Powder Blue Surgeon! This one is a smaller specimen with wonderful color and is extremely active. Great algae grazers and one of those attention grabbing fish. These fish like a higher amount of flow. SOLD -Yellow Tangs! I have at least a half dozen available in a nice smaller size. These have great color and are very active algae grazers. Beautiful piece of our Hawaiian waters. Super Sale Week Price of $21.99 ea Scopas, Sailfin, Convict, Naso, and Vlamingi are a few more that are must haves! Lots of other awesome fish on from this order aswell including a few different gobies, blennies, sea horses, and royal grammas to name a few! Some nice inverts in to add to the regularly stocked basics! Jumbo Nassarius Snails are always a huge hit and last shipment of them went super quick. These are one of the best sand sifters and a really beautiful in shell shape and color. Each snail has a unique pattern. These snails are extremely active and will not only consume detritus but also left over food particles and algae bits to boot. They keep the sandbeds turned over regularly keeping it nice and white. I have two other varieties of nassarisus sp. snails in aswell! These guys are a GREAT deal this week @ $1.19 ea Fire Shrimp!! These are a shocking red with white spots and white legs. Excellent part of your cleanup crew and are sure to impress! Equally impressive price @ $24.99 ea this week! Cleaner Shrimp!! These are a reef must have that not only keep extra food and waste particles under control but also help to clean your fish. These guys like to set up "cleaning stations" where they can attend to fish that stop by for regular maintanence. Great Price this week @ $14.99 ea Orange Linckia Star! Beautiful, eye catching addition to your reef. These guys are hardier than some other varieties in my experience. Very active and can be seen feeding on your rockwork or grazing on the tank walls. One left @ $16.99! Mottled Linckia Stars! These guys are a beautiful addition to our reef tanks and enjoy much of the same activity as their cousins the orange linckia. Super Value Price of $9.99 ea Tiger Conchs!!! These guys are super popular and for good reason! Great sandbed and tank bottom cleaners with extemely beautiful shells. These are a must have to add to the biodiversity of your reef! Amazing Sale @ $5.99 ea! Pom Pom Crab!! This is one unique littel critter. This guy is beautiful by itself but with its little anemones in its claws it is a stunning addition. Great, reefsafe little crabs that do well in non-aggressive tanks. One only @ $12.99! These are just a sample of the great looking and useful critters that are will be in the tanks. I have a great stock of cleanup crew items as well as some nice corals in the tanks. I am willing to make deals if you need a few things Give me a call to make an appointment to come by or send me a pm if you like! Note: All pictures are for reference only and exact specimens will very slightly. These pictures are burrowed from other sites and are the property of their respective owners.
  19. That is definately a beauty and hard to find for sure lol! I have been calling and emailing a number of folks with no luck yet. I will continue my venture as I want one too now!
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