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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Who knows? I may end up there sometime. Somtimes I feel like I am living there because of work anyway lol. Just remember... this kind of drug can be transported legally
  2. They should be just fine together. I sometimes have 3 or 4 in the same tank when I bring them in for customers. I havn't ever seen a problem and gobies in general tend to be pretty good in pairs or communities.
  3. Congrats duck! Well played game by both teams. I really would have loved to see the last minute and a half of the game played so that the Beaves might have had a shot at running the ball down the field and picking up the win but oh well. I enjoyed watching every minute of the game. I kinda wish I wouldn't have been the nights DD though lol. Oregon is going to kick some ars in the Rosebowl! I will definatley be a ducks fan for the second day of the year(had to root hard for them at the Arizona game!).
  4. LOL I hope it is but it doesn't seem like the guy thinks it is.
  5. Alveopora would be my guess as well. If that is an undata, something is seriously wrong with its polyp extension and its polyps in general. It would be nice to see the base but even from what I can see I still vote Alveopora.
  6. Glad to hear that you like the linckia! It is a great looking star and they live for a pretty long time in a healthy system, so I am sure you will get to enjoy it for months to come. Just say when on the cuttlefish and I will get you one (clap). Means that you need to set up a new tank me thinks
  7. I am sure the pom pom will pop up unexpectedly at some point. They have a habbit of doing that. Sorry to hear that he didn't plant himself somewhere that you could watch him though lol. They are pretty sweet to watch. Good to hear you like the turbos! They are monster cleaners. I was amazed at what they turned my two top algae tanks into. Sparkling clean literally overnight from being the dirtiest I have ever had a tank. Amazing snails! Doing an order Monday. If you need anything let me know
  8. Looking good! I don't think I could watch a movie with that beauty always snagging my attention. Very nice room to have it in though. Let me know if you ever are in the Salem area. I have lots of corals and such that might be of interest. Also have lots of invertibrates, so if you are in need of any cleaners let me know.
  9. I have one that is also out. I think I need a new capacitor but am unsure of which one to purchase. Anyone have any hints or suggestions?
  10. I have seen them die a couple of times from bad molts. I am not sure that is the direct cause but it sure seemed like it since they were healthy, happy, and not even full grown yet.
  11. List sent Corals aren't on the list but there are plenty of those in the tanks as well.
  12. Just came across this on RC. Seems like a good deal. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1751206
  13. Damsels usually wont eat coral but they are a pain in the butt! There are some less aggressive varieties out there that will generally be pretty peaceful but the majority are very territorial and just plain bullys. Of course if you like alot of little fish with lots of colors and don't plan on keeping any docile or smaller fish, you could always just keep a way colorful damsel tank! I have about 15 or so different damsels in my 90g along with a school of chromis, a purple tang, a pair of royal grammas, a pseudochromis(also not recommended), a couple of gobies, a lone anthias that likes to school with the chromis, and a starry blenny. The damsels only pick on each other really. The yellow and with black striped ones get mean and ugly as they mature. I kind of added all of these aggressive fish as an experiment and am happy to say that many small aggressive fish looks pretty dang cool. I won't be adding but a few of the more peaceful damsels to my new display and only for color really. I may decide to keep the 90g going just for the massive amount of small colorful fish that I have come to enjoy.
  14. Thanks everyone for the support! I really appreciate it. If anyone needs a good price on a cleanup crew, just let me know. If you don't wont to come down and hand pick, no problem. I can either bring them up on my next trip to Portland and we can meet up or I could mail them to you. USPS or UPS is usually overnight for $10 to the Portland or Eugene areas. PM me with what you would like or if you would like a list Oh and if you do make the trip down, I have lots of frags to look at and will make it worth your drive
  15. Kevin if it were me, I would have the lighting as close as I could while still allowing myself some room for the arm in the tank and a good light spread. I think it is important to maximize the amount of lighting that is focused down on where your corals are going to be. Your reflectors will play an important roll in deciding how tall you should build your canopy as well.
  16. Great comparison! It is amazing the difference the right reflectors and ballasts can make. I will switch mine to all electronic over time most likely.
  17. Looks great! Is that acro purpling up? Looks like it might be? Good stuff!
  18. Yah with you system and number of nass snails you should be fine when it comes to nutrient or ammonia spikes. That sucks Curtis. I have had it happen to dozens of fish over time. It is a pretty common issue that many fish come in with. I myself need to setup a quarantine for this kind of thing. It sucks loosing beautiful fish to issues that can be treated.
  19. The answer to your question all depends on preference and what you altimately will be keeping in your tank. 5x250w DE's are defiantely adiquate and light your tank up well. That being said, you have a very wide tank and I think with the proper reflectors 4x400w's would give you even more light, more bulb options, and overall a bit better cost when changing the bulbs(though your electric bill will go up slightly so it might end up ulitmiately costing you a bit more with the 400w's). I personally would run 4x 400w HQI ballasts(electronic would be ideal) with Radium bulbs and some nice lumenmax or similar reflectors. Your idea for actinic supplementation should be perfect with that mix. This is assuming you want a nice bright reef with a crisp white with a blue hint to it. I am also assuming that you will probably be housing colorful sps and maybe some clams and such.
  20. Chances are if it is not a molt, the crab probably died before the sally got to it. Same with your emeral and the electric blue hermit Rick. Emeralds usually don't have a problem defendign themselves even against much larger critters. Sallys, emeralds, and hermits will almost never kill something that is healthy and doing well. They will almost always be blamed for doing so because they are the first to noticed that something isn't doing well or has just died so that they can take advantage of the easy meal. Crabs are all opportunistic so if a situation presents itself and there is an unhealthy or dead critter, they will eat it. Also, in my experience Sallys will tend to pick on each other until there is only one per about 3ft-4ft or so of tank space with lots of live rock. They are pretty territorial within their own species but they will not go after anything else that is healthy unless they are about the 7" across mark. Even then though it is extremely rare. I would say about 99.5% of sallys and emeralds are model citizens.
  21. Looks great! I can't wait to see how corals do under your LED's. I am sure they will rock. I am curious to see how well SPS and clams do. It looks like there is alot of light from the pictures. Also, I would add a couple of k2's for flow. K3's are pretty dang strong but you may be able to pull it off.
  22. LOL looks like we are all still in the same boat. It looks nice in the buckets but I just havn't had time to wash 400lbs of sand. Once someone adds it to their tank I would love to hear what they think of it. Also snap a few pics and post them up if you can. Garrett
  23. How is everyone likeing their sand? Anyone have it in their tanks yet? Pics?
  24. If you ever get a chance to make it downt to Salem, I have lots of frags in the system.
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