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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Mystery and fairy wrasses sold I have lots of other goodies that I am sure would look great in your tanks though Also more wrasses and tangs to come shortly...(naughty)
  2. Roger if you don't find someone, I will do it. Risky but I have a pretty good track record. I don't think I have broken anything larger than a 20l and have probably drilled 40 or so tanks at least.
  3. Sallys are pretty cool crabs. I have seen many of them lunge at fish but most of the time it is more of a scare tactic. I don't think they are trying to catch the fish but I am sure that if the fish were injured, too slow, or something wasn't right that they would definatley try and catch it. Opportunistic critters. I will agree that 4 sallys in a 55g might be a bit too many but hey I bet there is some clean rock in there
  4. Sean, Good to see you back on. I am sure you will have your tank turned around in no time. Glad the wife is OK. Let me know if you want to drop by and check out the new system sometime or if you need anything.
  5. Good news! Alot of the time when they crawl out of their tube, they are simply traveling to a new location to start a new home. I have seen many of them do this and the show up creating a new tube somewhere else in the tank. I have on the other hand also seen them do this and then die right after but that only happens sometimes. Good luck!
  6. Let me know if you need any critters to help mow down that astro turf
  7. Amazing stuff! Great Job!!! (clap)(clap)(clap)
  8. Time for evey law obiding citizen with good moral character to get their CHL's so that acts like this can be stopped asap.(enforcer) Not sure if anyone could carry in this particular case(on the job, in a military structure, etc.) but it would have been cool to have a story where the gunman was taken out a bit ealier in his rant. I don't know enough about the mass murderer to comment on the terror thing but I know he definatley needs to be disposed of(threaten) Maybe in some live fire military training?(naughty) In all seriousness though there really isn't a place for him or any other unjustified killers on our soil, in our prison cells, or our padded rooms.
  9. Looks good. It almost looks like the smaller stuff kind of sparkles. Positive it is aragonite sand? Thanks,
  10. I used to use a very similar mix to feed my entire tank. I think you have a larger list of ingredient though Curtis. It works out really well to make a large batch of food at a time and then just freeze it into ziplock bags so that you can just snap off a piece and feed the tank. I still use a similar approach with a variety of food for the entire tank but I just don't mix and freeze it all together. This allows me to spot feed certain types of food to certain types of critters and really helps me gauge what is eatin the most so that I can try and feed accordingly. There are defiantely benefits to both way but I have to say the mass food manufacturing certainly makes things easier from day to day.
  11. If you ever make it down to Salem, I have lots of goodies that you can look at including some really nice and of course fully cured live rock. Welcome to the site!
  12. PM sent on payment details. 400lbs is good for me and I dont' really care if it is sugar sized or one size up from that.
  13. Now that is between me and Michael Michael, I wish I could have done something more my friend.
  14. Basically you have tons of options out there. I feed Reef Nutrition or DT's Phyto once-twice per week lighting, cyclopeeze 3-4 times a week(some of my pickier fish such as pipes and horses love this stuff), and Reef Chili 2 times a week. Most of my corals don't really seem to care whether I feed them at all while some really do alot better when fed. My sps don't seem to care really but the softies and some of the lps definately do in most cases.
  15. Engineering gobies are encredibly peaceful. I would think the clowns and them would get along just fine if they even noticed they were in the same tank lol. I have 4 engineering gobies with several other varoius fish in on of my tanks and they do awesome. Great little critters and are very interesting to watch.
  16. Really it is just a waiting game. SPS can take some time to turn around. I would make sure that you have all of your chemistry in check, you have good flow and lighting, and you have them a place that they will be able to thrive. Other than that it is just time Ryans tank was working its way back to normal conditions after a small accident involving some metal introduction. Now it should be just a matter of time before the corals return to their previous glory. In this case they seemed pretty saveable but you never know with corals until all is well(and even then, weird stuff can always happen).
  17. Looking good Curtis! I love the new Trachy. The rockwork looks nice and will allow for alot of nice swim room even when your corals grow out quite a bit. I think you should get a couple of nice colonies to start to get rid of that frag tank look. Of course it is always cool to say that you grew everything in your tank from small fragments!
  18. I use USPS priority boxes. I double bag the algaes then wrap them in paper and then just tape the box up and pop a label on it. Never had a problem shipping this way. In the colder parts of the year, I will usually wrap up a heat pack in paper and then put that at the top of the box just as a nice added precaution for items going to the east coast or Canada.
  19. If you have been thinking of adding a beautiful, seldom seen in fish stores fish to your collection, I might just have the fish for you! Last week I got a really great looking Mystery Wrasse in! It is about 2-2.5 inches long and is really fun to watch. This week only it is $59.99!! Here is a picture of what these fish look like: I got qutie a few other really sweet inverts and fish in on this order as well! There is a great looking Afican Exquisite Fairy Wrasse, A really vibrate Solaris Fairy Wrasse, a nice Male McCoskeri Flasher Wrasse. All of these are eating like pigs and swimming around like crazy! The Jumbo Tongan Nassarius Snails are sweet. They are almost like small conch, they are so big. It is awesome to see them pop out of the sand whenever they sense food. The 6 legged Colored Linkia Stars look nice as does the Bright Orange Linkia(these guys tend to be on the hardier side of linkia stars) Lots of great sand sifting, rock cleaning, glass crazing, extra food and waste eating inverts and fish in the tanks and ready for some new homes!
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