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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Very nice!! Thanks for your hard work Jay! I guess I will have to get my website rocking!
  2. Some chillers are meant to cool water down to the 40's or 50's. I am sure that the water that ends up coming out of your chiller still isn't that cool. I would think that as long as your water temperature coming out of your chiller is higher than what the chillers manufacturer says it can cool you shouldn't be doing much, if any harm. I could see how such a low flow might be harmful in the long run but at the same time I could see how too much flow could turn out to be uneffective. Glad to hear the frags are doing well!!! I would see about running a bit more water through your chiller if posible. That isn't a whole lot of water running through a 3/4 hp chiller. I would think that 400-600gph would ease my mind a bit.
  3. Dang... Now I have to change my companies name to AAA Aquarium or ZZZ Aquarium so that I can be at the very top or very bottom. (laugh)
  4. Just a thought and something to consider. I run my chiller pretty much only in the hottest weeks of summer. It is a 1hp chiller and requires a fair amount of flow simply because of its size. I have somewhere around 1000gph-1200gph moving through it and then into the display. It has worked really well for me for a few years now and keeps 800g of water at the 78 degree mark. The manufacturer recommends roughly 1200-1400gph so I figure I am just a hair under that. Chiller size is going to have alot to do with how much water you want running through it. I would try to stay near the manufacturers recommendations though I don't think that running a little under is a bad idea. Really I would think that the smaller amount of water would just come out cooler than the larger amount though I would think you would ultimately get the same number of BTU's pulled from the water.
  5. Looking great Kevin! I actually like the height of the tank. at first I was thinking that it would be way to short but sitting next to those couches like that makes it perfect! Glad to see this is coming along nicely. I will probably give you a ring later to stop by and check that bad bow out!
  6. Hey eveyone! I hope you all had a safe and fun New Years Eve and are having a great New Years Day. I just got a really nice order in and have lots of really interesting and useful critters in the tanks! Here is a list of some of the stuff that is now stocked and read. Also, just got in a huge shipment of Oceans Wonders propigation supplies such as frag discs, plugs, magnetic frag racks, etc. Let me know if you are in need of any frag plugs, etc. Invertebrates: Hermits- Blue Leg Hermits- Red Leg Hermits- Electric Blue Hermits- Zebra Leg Hermits- Caribbean Tri Colored Feather Dusters- Giant Feather Dusters- Cocoworm, Colored Star- Apple, Colored Star- Sand Sifting Star- Brittle, banded Star- Serpent, banded Star- Chocolate Chip Star- Linckia, Six Leg Mottled Star- Linckia, Batik Star- Linckia, Burgundy Star- Linckia, Orange Star- Fromia, Rainbow Scallop- Flame Clam- Derasa 2 3/4" Cucumber- Pink Sand Sifting Cucumber: Atlantic Sand Sifting Cucumber- Tiger Tail Sand Sifting Slug- Sea Hare, LG Slug- Sea Hare, SM Shrimp- Coral Banded Shrimp- Peppermint Shrimp- Peppermint Shrimp- Skunk Cleaner Shrimp- Fire Shrimp- Pistol, Target Crab- Decorator Arrow Crab Crab- Red Mithrix Crab- Emerald Crab- Emerald Crab- Sally Light Foot Abalone- Fuzzy Tiger Snails- Astrea Snails- Astrea, Ninja Star Snails- Jumbo Cerith Snails- Nassarius Obsellita Snails- Nassarius, Tongan Large Snails- Nassarius, XL Fancy Indian Ocean Snails- Trochus, Black Footed Snails- Trochus, Banded Snails- Zebra Stripe Turbo Snails- Margarita Snails- Bumble Bee Snails- Mexican Turbo Cowrie- Money Conch- Turtle Sand Conch- Tiger Sand Conch- Fighting Conch- Spider, LG Urchin- Royal(Pin Cushion) Urchin- Short Spine Urchin- Long Spine Fish: Chromis- Green Damsel- Blue Devil Damsel- Blue Fin Damsel- Domino Damsel- Yellow Fin Cardinal- Bangai Blenny- Scooter, Red Blenny- Algae, Red Crown Blenny- Lawnmower Blenny- Tailspot Dragonet- Mandarin, Green(M & F) Goby- Rainfords Goby- Firefish Goby- Engineering Goby- Diamond, SM Goby- Dragon, XL Trigger- Blue Jaw, Male Rabbitfish- Foxface Tang- Sailfin, M Wrasse- Melanarus Wrasse- Flasher, McCoskeri Wrasse- Six Line Pipefish- Australian Dragon Face *Note*- I have several of many of the inverts and some of the fish. I also now stock Aquadine, PE Mysis, and Clyclopeeze as well as a few other dry good items. If you need anything please feel free to let me know. Thanks and Happy New Years!!
  7. If you get down this way sometime, I have plenty of seeder items that fit the bill. Pretty good prices as well
  8. As long as the thing isn't all rickety or something it should definately hold a 15g tank. I used an audio stand from K-Mart:D for a 29g biocube. Worked like a champ and is still doing so. Actually makes for a nice look.
  9. I have th ebest cush available. I give my gowers all the credit
  10. If you make it down this way I have plenty of Kendya tree coral that I could give you and probably a few damsels. Whats the project?
  11. You rock man! I am still on the hunt for the fish and mantis that you are looking for. I will let you know as soon as I find anything out.
  12. You should totally bring it over and trade it to me for some goodies You know how I love chaeto. Such fine green.
  13. Last call for 25lb or 50lb lots of Premium Fiji Live Rock. If you would like some, please let me know so that payment can be made before I place my order this evening or tomorrow morning. I hope everyone had a great Christmas!!! Thanks!!!
  14. Emeralds are a great bubble algae eater. I have sold them to many people that loved the results. Most emerald crabs, say 98% of them will not bother anything else in your tank. Just like any crab, there are exceptions to the species but rare. I would think that trying a few might be a good idea. They aren't too hard to get out of the tank if one does become an issue though I doubt you would get one of the "bad" crabs.
  15. Merry Christmas everyone!!! Enjoy your family and friends!
  16. It would be sweet to get a pair but I have never seen them on any of my lists. Not to say that someone else couldn't get them but I think finding a pair would be quite the hunt. Sweet looking fish though!
  17. Wow. I remember those two tanks and they have added a condiderable amount of coral since I was there. Glad to see they aren't nearly as bare as they used to be lol. I actually built my 90g rock pillar modeled after that pillar. I love the look of a pillar in a smaller, taller tank.
  18. Looks to me like normal diatoms. This happens in every tank and is part of the cycle. It will even happen after water changes or anytime things are thrown slightly off in the tank. Easy to deal with though. Just wipe it off the glass and get a good cleanup crew to take care of the rocks, sand and keep the glass clean. Let me know if I can help in that area. I have lots of critters and lots more coming in right after Christmas Congratulations on getting the biology really rockin in your new tank!
  19. That looks great!!!! I love it. I might just have to do something like that for my 90g. I am glad you did this. It gives me some motivation to get it done myself. Good stuff!
  20. In May the wife and I went down to visit my sister with my parents. We were fortunate enough to have a few hours to go checkout this beautiful place. It is defiantely worth the price and there is much more to see than just the beautiful reef. I would imagine that the reef will be much better looking in the future. They were lacking on the coral and invertibrate side of things by quite a bit. There were definatley lots of fish, some that weren't even "reef safe" lol. I presonally loved their shallow reef section. They had a few different bubble tip anemonies and clowns as well as several different giant clam specie lit by both natural and supplemental artificial light.
  21. I am also interested. Would love to see pics aswell.
  22. Urchins will eat it. Your tank is maturing nicely and this algae is just another sign of tank maturety. It really is nothing to worry about but I have seen both short and long spine urchins eat it readily. I would imaging there are other critters out there, maybe even some snails or hermits that might nip at it from time to time.
  23. Looking great Kevin!!! I am glad that you are taking your time and doing things the way you want them done. You are going to have a real nice set up there! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help
  24. The price of rock onces tanked will be around $4-$5/lb depending on quantity and such. Preordered/paid in ~25lb or ~50lb lots will save you money. The order will be in either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
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