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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. LOL! Maybe you could find a place for a frag of $500 efflo. I might have one for you once I get ready to do some fragging You are right though. Your tank is pretty well packed with color!
  2. 1) They are cute. A man can admit that 2) I think Alice in Chains down in Salem is definatley a reason to come by the tanks! They actually were pretty dirty but thank you for the complement! Greg just did an amazing job of only filming the clean parts (whistle) 3)+1! Very mad props to Greg! 4)I completely agree! I would love to see some shots of his tank. He has a monster of a tank and from the sounds of it, it is pretty cool looking!
  3. Yah, I am still debating on actually selling that one. It is a beauty and they are pretty hard to come by nowadays. Oh and Dave, I have plenty of cookies to go around (laugh) (naughty)
  4. Greg, You are the man! I had no idea what you had planned here. The video looks great! Now I wish I would have cleaned the tanks a little more lol. Thank you very much! When you asked if you could take a little video, I didn't really think much about it and though maybe you just like to get some film of saltwater critters. This is awesome! Huge props! I think I might have to give you a cookie or two next time you are down (naughty)
  5. Me too (clap) I almost am thinking of throwing it in the display but who knows. I have way too many sweet corals right now lol.
  6. Lisa, It was good chatting with you. I will try and help as much as I can. Take a deep breath and get some sleep
  7. I think I have 3 or so of the millis. A couple of smaller colonies and then a medium sized one. Thanks for the nice comments guys! Much appreciated!
  8. Hey Everyone! I just got in some really nice maricultured corals and wanted to share some pics with you all. Great looking stuff with some unbelievable color. Pictures just don't do them justice. I also will toss up some pics of some of the zoas in the system along with a couple of other things. Sorry for the blur and mediocre picture taking skillz Look at all that candy!!! Here are just a few of the awesome colonies. A few more random shots of tank inhabitants: Not from this shipment, but a cool coral none the less ORA Birds of Paradise: Psammacora: Dragon Soul Favia: Sorry these zoas/palys were a little upset. I just got through moving them to a different tank Magicians (naughty) A really nice little 2.5"-2/74" Derasa clam. Dragon faced pipes are one of my favortie reef critters! I have a bunch in and they are all eating frozen readily There are literally hundreds of corals, hundreds of inverts(if not thousands) and even a few fish in the tanks. If anyone wants to come down/up and check some stuff out just toss me a PM or give me a call and we will get something scheduled P.S. The prices are really great too (naughty)(clap)!
  9. Nice looking setup there Mike. Looks like you have done pretty well in your gatherings! Good stuff.
  10. I have done some looking into it. The purple sponge may be hard to get but it looks like the reds, oranges, and yellows of various types might be doable. Also the Australian variety is callede an Australian Spider Sponge most readily and actually has parazoanthus sp. that give it its web like apearance. Pretty cool symbiosis there. If there are enough interested I would be willing to do a special sponge order. I will try and keep my eye on this thread and see. Nick is another great source as well if everyone chooses to go that route.
  11. I hear you loud and clear lol If enough people want them, I can order several different varieties... PM me for details or give me a buzz. I have to do a minimum order so there would have to be a fair number of buyers. FYI most sponges that we bring into the hobby are from the Florida and the Caribbean. They have had some pretty nasty cold whether which has temperarilly suspended alot of activity by the collectors and suppliers in that area. They are just starting to ramp things back up but it may be a while before we see a nice diversity and quantity of some critters collected in these areas.
  12. Wow! Sorry to hear that. The acros will be in late Wednesday night. I think there will be around 20 heads available give or take a few. I know there are quite a few people that are curious about them so we will see how many I have left lol. It will be good to have you back down again. How is the pom pom doing? Also, thanks for the referal I just sent your friend back a PM.
  13. Sounds good!!! I am going to try and make it. Just have to make sure I don't have to work. Oh and I might just have to bring one up with me assuming I get to go and such You will get the chance to see them in person tomorrow. You should totally bring one or two home with you They are great in multiples and are super friendly.
  14. My thoughts exactly! I try and order tank raised live stock whenever possible. The more tank raised fish we can get going in this hobby, the better!
  15. It has been a while since I have had a chance to post up some specials. I figured since I have a bunch of acro colonies coming in next week, and I got a pretty nice order of fish and inverts in this week, why not get some specials going!!! First, some invertibrates and clean up crew items: Margarita Turbo Snails- These guys will eat lots of algae and unlike many snials will readily consume hair algae as well! They have black shells with black bodies and are roughly 3/4"-1" in size on average. $.59 each if you buy 1-10 $.54 each if you buy 11-24 $.49 each if you buy 25+ Mexican Turbo Snails- I think these guys are probably the hardest working algae eaters that I have ever seen! They consume algae like it is going out of style. I had two very dirty tanks a few weeks ago and literally the night after I tossed in the Mexican turbos, the tanks were spotless! $1.89 each if you buy 1-3 $1.79 each if you buy 4-7 $1.69 each if you buy 8+ Astrea Snails- Probably the most popular snail in the hobby, astreas are a staple to a nice clean tank. $.72 each if you buy 1-5 $.69 each if you buy 6-10 $.65 each if you buy 11+ Nerite Snails- Excellent rock and glass cleaners with really cool shell patterns. $.79 each if you buy 1-5 $.73 each if you buy 6-10 $.65 each if you buy 11+ Black Nassarius Sand Snails- These guys are extremely active sand sifting snails. They consume leftover foods, detritus, and algaes. They will also clean your glass and rock. $.34 each if you buy 1-10 $.31 each if you buy 11-20 $.28 each if you buy 21+ Red Leg Reef Hermits- $.64 each if you buy 1-10 $..59 each if you buy 11-20 $.54 each if you buy 21+ Tiger Conch- Great sand sifters and awesome critters to help keep your tank clean. These guys are very fun to watch! They have a long mouth kind of like an elephants trunk, long protruding eyes, and a foot that kicks them an inch or two in whatever direction they are traveling. They are about 1.5-2" in length. I also have two other conch varieties in this week. $5.99 each if you buy 1 $5.49 each if you buy 2-3 $4.99 each if you buy 4+ Next up, the fish: - Tricolor Fairy Wrasse! These are super colorful and a great peaceful addition. They can be kept in pairs or groups and with other fairys and flashers! One left @ $24.99!!! - McCoskeri Flasher Wrasses! They are great in multiples and with other fairys and flashers. Excellent, colorful fish with a nice personality. $17.99 each!!! - Melanarus Wrasse! These are one of my favorite in terms of both their color and personality as well as their utility in our tanks. These fish help keep many pests at bay and are almost always out and about adding nice movement and color to our tanks. One left @ $18.99!!! - Dragon Faced Pipes! Very cool critter to add to a reef tank. Unlike many pipefish, these guys do really well in reef tanks and can handle the high flow. They slide and scoot all over the sand bed and in between the rocks in search of small microfauna. Better yet, they are eating frozen cyclopeeze, baby brine, and arctipods! $21.99 each!!! - Tank Raised Bangaii Cardinals! Awesome, peaceful reef fish. They add a nice contrast of black and white with a cool shape as well. $14.99 each!!! Food!!! I now stock a couple of frozen varieties as well as a couple of dry varieties. - PE Mysis Shrimp available in 3.5oz cube packs, 4oz, 8oz, 16oz, and 32oz(16 and 32oz sizes brought in on special request) This food give you alot of bang for your buck. It is packed in very little water and teh Mysis are naturally gut loaded, giving your fish and inverts the best nutrition available. - Cyclop-eeze bars Excellent food for pipes, mandarins, fairy and flasher wrasses, and corals! This food is also extremely nutritious and is packed with almost no water, giving you more for your money. - Aquadine Waffers available in Spirulina and Carnivore varieties. Excellent dry food that almost everything eats. It sinks well and has a good amount of protein. Tangs, angels, clowns, blennies, gobies, you name it, this food is great and really easy to feed. - Oceans Nutrition and DT's products available on special request. Items available include; Oyster eggs, Live tigger pods, Arcti-pods, Roto-feast, and Phytoplankton. Propagation Supplies! I have 6 different varieties of frag plugs, discs, and tiles available. I also carry frag gel glue. Frag Plugs: 25pk Large Frag Plugs: 20pk Frag Discs: 20pk Large Frag Discs: 15pk Frag Rocks: 10pk (nice, more natural alternative for those that don't like frag discs, and plugs) Frag Tiles: 20pk Sample Pack: 4-5pk Below is a list of most of the critters that are in the tanks this week. I have multiples of many of the fish and usually dozens if not hundreds of each type of invertibrate available. Invertebrates: Hermits- Blue Leg Hermits- Red Leg Hermits- Zebra Leg Hermits- Electric Blue Leg Feather Dusters- Giant Feather Dusters- Cocoworm, Colored Star- Sand Sifting Star- Brittle, banded Star- Serpent, banded Star- Chocolate Chip Star- Fromia, Rainbow Star- Linckia, Six Leg Mottled Star- Linckia, Batik Star- Linckia, Burgundy Star- Linckia, Orange Scallop- Flame Clam- Derasa 2 3/4" Cucumber- Pink Sand Sifting Cucumber: Atlantic Sand Sifting Cucumber- Tiger Tail Sand Sifting Shrimp- Coral Banded SM Shrimp- Coral Banded M Shrimp- Coral Banded, Gold Shrimp- Peppermint Shrimp- Peppermint Shrimp- Skunk Cleaner Shrimp- Fire Shrimp- Pistol, Target Shrimp- Harlequin Crab- Decorator Arrow Crab w/anemone Crab- Red Mithrix Crab- Emerald Crab- Emerald Crab- Sally Light Foot Crab- Red/Orange Fiddler Snails- Astrea Snails- Astrea, Ninja Star Snails- Nerite Snails- Jumbo Cerith Snails- Nassarius Obsellita Snails- Nassarius, Tongan Large Snails- Nassarius, XL Fancy Indian Ocean Snails- Trochus, Banded Snails- Zebra Stripe Turbo Snails- Margarita Snails- Bumble Bee Snails- Mexican Turbo Cowrie- Money Conch- Turtle Sand Conch- Tiger Sand Conch- Fighting Conch- Spider, LG Urchin- Royal(Pin Cushion) Urchin- Short Spine Urchin- Long Spine Fish: Chromis- Green Damsel- Blue Devil Damsel- Blue Fin Damsel- Domino Damsel- Yellow Fin Pipefish- Australian Dragon Face Angel- Bicolor Clown- Ocellaris, Tank Raised XS Clown- Blck & Wht Ocellaris, Tank Raised Cardinal- Bangai Blenny- Algae, Lawnmower SM Blenny- Algae, Lawnmower LG Blenny- Scooter Hawkfish- Flame, Hawaiian Filefish- Aiptasia Eating, Matted Dragonet- Mandarin, Green Goby- Firefish Goby- Engineering Goby- Yellow Watchman Goby- Diamond, Sand Sifting Rabbitfish- Foxface Pseudochromis- Bicolor Tang- Covict Tang- Vlamingi Tang- Sailfin, M Wrasse- McCoskeri Flahser, Male Wrasse- Tricolor Fairy, Male Wrasse- Yellow and White Coris Wrasse- Melanarus Wrasse- Six Line The system is also pretty loaded with corals. I have many different varieties of LPS, SPS, and softies available including some really nice zoa/paly frags. LE's such as Magicians, Tubbs blue, Kedd reds, Japanese deep waters are available as well as various other colorful varities. From Euphylias to Green Polyped Toadstools to ORA Birds of Paradise, there is bound to be something for everyone. Oh and next week 20+ Maricultured SPS colonies will be coming in! Give me a call to make an appointment to come by or send me a pm if you like! This weekend is a great time as I don't have to work and will be at the tanks much of the time. All prices are limited to stock on hand and are good through the end of the month! Note: All pictures are for reference only and exact specimens will very slightly. These pictures are borrowed from other sites and are the property of their respective owners.
  16. So... I went to the Airport yesterday after a really busy day working. Well, I came back with a bunch of crabs... Could be a problem if I don't get rid of them soon... You all should come by so that I can pass on some of the love!
  17. Thank Franklin! I am constantly getting rid of my crabs and then all the sudden I have a bunch more... Mike, I can't wait to get your critters in. It is bound to be soon (laugh)
  18. Thank you for the awesome corals! Let me whenever you need any criters, fish, food, etc. Thanks for the business! Garrett
  19. Thanks Kevin! Always good to have you by the tanks.
  20. From what I can tell, your two crabs look like a variety of mithrax crab. I have had many just like these over the years that have been mostly a benefit to the tank. Jason, it definatley sounds like you have a gorilla crab in your tank. I would recommend using Bob's suggestion on these guys. I had one that grew from thumb nail sized to over palm sized and it ate all sorts of star polyps, occasional zoas, and I would occasionally find fish remanents near or in his cave though who knows whether it he actually killed the fish or if he was just cleaning up the mess.
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