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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. As a long time member, and now sponsor(though I am unsure how I am viewed and I imagine it varies from person to person) I can say that I have seen this club evolve dramatically. We have grown and diversified quite a bit and have done so with many struggles and much perserverence. I have seen many issues arrise and those issue have been discussed and dealt with by our board, admin, members, etc. in the best way possible for the club. I think this will continue to be the case as there are processes in place to make sure that our mission statement is upheld. We have a great community here and I don't questions its overall intent or ability to achieve our goals in the slightest. Issues between individuals will always arrise and really have nothing to do with the club or how it is run. This is why we are setup with an admin team. When important issues that pertain to the club are discussed, lets do so in a way that is constructive and as much as possible without personal agenda. The club is a non-profit and does a great job of accepting and distributing the contributions we get from sponsors. I have always heard and seen thank you's and vendors listed when things are being auctions, given, or raffled away. Much of this can be found in the minutes though I don't know why one would need to look. I don't see a need to complicate anything more than necessary given our goal as a club. We should put our focus on enjoying/bettering the hobby! On a side note: It's hard for me to post anything in topics that I don't see heading a positive direction as it usually just feeds the fire even if it is meant to put it out. This is the nature of forumn space in general simply do to the text and emotocons available. A general lack of physical expression and person to person contact makes it hard to get across any message that you are trying to have heard.
  2. Thank you Bob! Good chillin with you and Roger today. Pics posted of the corals as well
  3. Thanks gents for picking up some of these killer corals! Also thanks for the shout outs! Always great to do business with you guys.
  4. Hello all! After getting the new shop setup, I have a few things that I no longer need an would like to move. This is a nice roughly 60g frag tank made of 7/16" this acrylic. It has divider slots so that you can slide acrylic dividers in though I always just used it as one big tank. There are a few light scratches from use but overall it is in good condition. The tank measures 64" long x 18"wide x 11" tall and is rimless. I recommend adding a brace or two as it does have about a half inch bow when full of water. It comes drilled with 4 bulkheads, two for returns, and two for drains though you can configure it however you like. I currently have an identicle one setup as well as 4 that are exactly half the length and they are all very nice. This is just one that I couldn't find the room for or I would have set it up too. The tank is the one on the top right in this picture of when it was setup. Price is $90 Thanks!
  5. Hey everyone!!! I have literally dozens of new Bali Maricultured SPS in the tanks! There are some incredible colors and varieties available and all will be marked with incredible pricing. The colonies are be about 3-4" on average and many have beneficial hosting acro crabs or shrimp in them. Here are some pics as promised! Sorry for the crappy photos, I just used an Olympus point and shoot today. Keep in mind that these colonies just came in last night so they are not fully colored or completely happy yet. Who knows what they may turn into under our specialized lighting Also added some pics of some of the Aussie acans that came in last week. They are pretty nice though I just turned the lights on to take the pics so some aren't as happy as they usually are. I recommend making an appointment to come by sometime this week or weekend. Note: a few of these colonies may have gone to their new homes since the photos were taken. SPS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Here are some of the Tyree Pink Sandollar frags: Here are some Chili Pepper Montipora frags. Sorry for the poor pics here: A few of the Aussie Acan Lord frags. These guys are priced at $19.99 each!!! There are also many colonies not pictured: A few pics of a few of the frag tanks. Keep in mind I just popped the lights on right before taking pics with a not so great camera lol: On top of all of the corals there are a ton of nice inverts and fish in the tanks as well as some great looking live rock from many locations at killer prices! Thanks!!!
  6. To anyone who might be interested, the magicians that Jen has are very nice
  7. Anytime Michael! Thanks for all of your help in the past! Kim, I totally hear you on the coral rehab thing! I should be on it but unfortunately being a store makes that a bit harder DOH!
  8. Anytime I can help just give me a shout! Thanks for the props gentlemen. It's so slow this time of year in the hobby that I would have to have 5 shops like mine to need an employee lol:D Though on a side note, Michael is a kick but LFS employee!
  9. That is very frustraiting! I may or may not know the whole story here and I definately know that there are likely other opinions out there and I respect that fully and can even understand and may even agree in part or in full. However, I don't feel that a supplier should ever bully a retailer in this manner. Warning that pricing may be to low for a given market is one thing and certainly can be done, but closing an account over a free capital system of business and product line is not good business IMO. I mean no disrespect to SLS as they are a good outfit with some top notch products and top notch service but I would encourage some discussion before instant account closer. Sometimes it is better to enjoy the business that you are receiving or would recieve rather than denying that business and forcing it to go to one of your competitors. Beleive me, there are pleanty of other good suppliers out there that also would welcome more business. Price protected products are price protected for a reason. On a similar note, some non price protected products are non price protected for a reason I do think it is always a good business practice to keep pricing similar to what the general market, especially locally has on goods like these as to not totally undercut and destroy the market for your competition and for the future of your own business but there is at times a good reason to run a sale, or give loyal customers a great deal to both keep them coming back and to show them that you value them as much as they value you and your store!
  10. Hey Nate, The wife, some friends, and I have a beach trip planned for tomorrow but I may be around in the evening depending on what time we get back. Hit me up if interested in swinging by. Also should be available until about 3pm on Sunday. Have a wedding to attend and then will be free in the evening again on Sunday. Most of the week my evenings should be free as well
  11. Some of the larger pieces are around the 12"-18" length though it is hard to tell how much each might weigh. I know I have a couple of 30lb+ pieces in there but most are probably 15-20lbs or so on the larger pieces. Most of the pieces are medium sized. I like to make rock columns and structures by drilling and using acrylic rod, pvc, or zip ties so medium pieces with all sorts of weird shapes tend to work better for that kind of thing. Ends up looking like one XL show rock and usually has some pretty cool shapes.
  12. There is definately alot of nice rock to be had right now! I keep many inverts in stock regularly but if there is something in particular you are looking for or if you are in need of a large quantity of something, I can always do a preorder arrangement What day/night works for you? I usually am pretty busy Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Friday days but I usually have evenings available and if day time works better, I can often get my work schedule arranged around when you planning to head down.
  13. This last week I brought in about 400lbs of live rock from various sources and have it all available at a great price over the next few weeks! Here are some pics of the various kinds of rock that is in the tanks. Tonga Branch Rock cooking up nicely! Really great and harder to come by rock that will add a nice touch to your aquascape. $3.50/lb or $3/lb 20lbs+ Lots of really nice Marshall Island and Fiji Premium Live Rock. Great variety of sizes and shapes to choose from. This is some really porus and colorful rock! $3.50/lb or $3/lb 20lbs+ Larger show size pieces are at $3.99/lb or $3.50/lb 20lbs+ Pukani/Tukani Live Rock is incredibly porus and can be used to get a really great, natural looking aquascape. This rock has loads of spots for corals to be mounted and cracks and crevaces for critters to move through. $3.50/lb or $3.25/lb 20lbs+ or $3.00/lb 40lbs+ Inverts: Astreas, Ceriths, Tongan Nassarius, Black Nassarius, Nerites, Trochus, and Mexican Turbos. Blue leg hermits, Red leg hermits, Scarlet hermits, Blue eyed zebra hermits, Decorator spider arrow crabs, and much much more! Also just got about 3 dozen new nano sized corals to add to the hundreds of other corals already in the tanks! There are several nice fish in the tanks as well, including a nice powder blue, a couple of nice male melanarus, a nice mystery wrasse, a few different fairy wrasses, a beautiful flasher wrassee, and much, much more! As always there are some great prices on salt, foods, and propagation supplies as well as ordered dry goods! I should be around most of the weekend! Toss me a text or pm, or give me a call if you would like to swing by! Thanks!
  14. Sounds good. I have conf calls until 11am but am freed up after that. Woohoo!
  15. I have Kent 200g buckets for $50 Kind of a long drive but a good deal if you are ever out this way.
  16. I will be around most of the day today if anyone want to swing by I will also have much of tomorrow available. List updated...
  17. Alex, I will try and get some pics up over the next couple of weeks. It is a bit messy and unorganized right now so I need to do some work before I take pics Just updated thread with some of the critters that are in the tanks now. Look at some of the deals to be had on some of the rare/more uncommon critters!
  18. Thanks again everyone for the great comments. Josh thanks for answering Clays quesitons. I didn't see it lol. Clay, I have 1 5lb alluminium CO2 bottle with regulator for $50 and I have a PCI calcium reactor that is in near new condition with the course coral skele media for $100 Michael, Monday should work. Give me a buzz before you head over so that I can make sure and be home.
  19. Thanks for the great comments guys! I am excited to show off the new place to those of you who haven't seen it. I will update the thread with the new critters tomorrow as soon as I have a chance. It's been way too busy today lol.
  20. Finally have a moment to post up a list! Everything is looking great and there are defiantely some really nice additions to be had. Here is just a simple text list. I only included pricing on a few items but prices are excellent on everything this week! Some of the real HOT itmes are in red. If you have been thinking of picking up one of these harder to find fish, the price is right and now just might be the time! I will be around almost all day today(Saturday) and most of the day tomorrow(Sunday) as well so if you want to swing by, just shoot me a text, pm, or give me a buzz. Hermits- Blue Leg Hermits- Red Leg Hermits- Scarlet Hermits- Blue Eyed Zebra Hermits- Orange and Red Banded Feather Dusters- Giant Feather Dusters- Cocoworm, Colored $19.99! Star- Sand Sifting Star- Brittle, banded Star- Serpent, banded Star- Chocolate Chip(not reef safe) Star- Chocolate Chip, African Red Star- Tile, Indo Pacific Star- Linckia, Six Leg Mottled Star- Linckia, Batik Cucumber- Tiger Tail Sand Sifting $16.99! Cucumber- Pink/Yellow Filter Feeding Cucumber- Atlantic Sand Sifting Cucumber- Pink/Black Sand Sifting Anemone- Yellow Sand Shrimp- Coral Banded M Shrimp- Coral Banded, Gold Shrimp- Skunk Cleaner, M Shrimp- Fire Crab- Red Mithrix Crab- Emerald Crab- Sally Light Foot Snails- Astrea Snails- Nerite Snails- Jumbo Cerith Snails- Nassarius Obsellita Snails- Nassarius, Tongan Large Snails- Zebra Stripe Turbo Snails- Margarita Snails- Trochus, Tiger Snails- Trochus, White $1.69! Snails- Bumble Bee Snails- Mexican Turbo Conch- Tiger Sand $5.99! Conch- Red Footed $5.99! Urchin- Pin Cushion Urchin- Short Spine Fish: Chromis- Green Chromis- Green L Damsel- Blue Devil Damsel- Blue Fin Damsel- Domino Damsel- Yellow Tail Blue Damsel- Yellow Fin Psuedochromis- Diadema Angel, Coral Beauty Angel, Koran, Juvenile S Butterfly- Copperband L $29.99! Butterfly- Pakistani Clown- Pink Skunk $13.99! Clown- Clarkii, Mated Pair Pipefish- Dragon Face $21.99! Angler- Sargassum Cardinal- Bangai, Tank Raised $15.99! Cardinal- Pajama Goby- Clown, Green Goby- Clown, War Paint Goby- Firefish Goby- Yasa Hashe(white ray) $31.99! Goby- Engineering Goby- Yellow Watchman Dragonet- Scooter Basslet- Royal Gramma Blenny- Tailspot Blenny- Stary, Algae Blenny- Lawnmower, Algae Jawfish- Tiger Rabbitfish- Foxface Rabbitfish- Scribbled Tang- Yellow M Tang- Powder Blue $44.99!!! Tang- Sailfin ML Tang- Kole, Yellow Eye S Tang- Orange Shoulder M Tang- Mimic, Yellow Hawkfish- Flame Wrasse- Fairy, Lubocki Male Wrasse- Fairy, Purple Sided Wrasse- Fairy, Koi $29.99! Wrasse- Melanarus, Female S Wrasse- Mystery $69.99!!!!! Wrasse- Coris, Yellow Wrasse- Six Line Eel- Snowflake Moray S $9.99!!! Puffer- Valentini S Puffer- Leopard S Trigger- Niger
  21. If it helps, I have glass hole saws for both 1" and 1.5" bulkheads now. I like Miles idea though with enough flow in the tank, you should be able to distribute the majority of the water around the tank fairly quickly resulting in the overflow gathering mostly old tank water even if you decide to do dual returns. A single return just limits the flow that you intend on using as movement on one side of the tank but with enough flow from powerheads and such, it really wont make too much of a difference. That probably could have been worded better lol.
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