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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Jaz's sinulara has some GREAT color. She brought me a small colony of it last night and it is really nice looking. Great meeting you as well!
  2. Thanks Gents, Doug is a regular at the shop. Hey Doug, you and the lady need to come by and check out some of the new critters I got in yesterday
  3. Trent, Thank you for making the trip over the pass for little ole me! I had a good time chatting with you and am happy to see such great pics of the cirtters and rock you picked up! Your setup is looking great! Hit me up if I can help with anything! moovinfast, I am not sure why we don't see these guys in the hobby more often. They are great to watch and have some pretty nice color. Kim, Can't wait for your next trip this way! I have lots of new stuff in the tanks since your last visit as well.
  4. Jason, It was great to have you down! I appreciate our conversation and the business. Always good to chat! I hope everyhing is doing a great job at knocking down that algae. You will definatley love the $500 Efflo! It has been one of my favorite for some time. Jon and Clay, You guys are a ton of fun lol. Thanks for making the trip up to my place. Always fun times at the 10 o clock hour! aquariansaltwater, You definatley need to come down if you have the chance! I am in South Salem. Rapture Rabbit, You and the wife should totally make the trip down! I would love to chat reef and show of the system. Tons of critters and corals as well a growing drygoods selection. Always great pricing as well! Isaac, You know I would never forget about you I have a nice chunk set aside for your next visit lol. Come trade me some of that delicious coral you have! Thanks for the props and the thread guys!
  5. Welcome to the club! you have a ton of great reefers down in your neck of the woods! Let me know if I can help with any questions or get you anything in particular!
  6. Looks like you have a good start! Welcome aboard!!
  7. Welcome! Morays are a ton of fun! Now we just need to get you into our true niche; reefkeeping!
  8. Reefit should be able to take care of you but if you would like to head south, I have a great selection of many varieties of high grade live rock available. Plus there is a bunch of other great stuff to gander at!
  9. Definately a BN though weather it is an ORA is totally up to the originator of the colony or orinial colony. I would say that it looks pretty dang similar in polyp extension/branch structure. That is some definate, "reach for the sky" growth though. I like it. Makes it look like a mid water, out of the ocean colony to me. good stuff. Wouldn't mind growing a few frags out at different levels/spectrums myself to see what it does. Shweet!
  10. Way to go everyone! I am really pleased at how pro active everyone has been! Perry hit this one right on the button. Great work!!!
  11. You and Jamie should definately try and make it down when you get the chance! The new shop is a bit nicer and has alot more room to move lol. Oh and babies love looking at the fishies
  12. I think that is the only one that is out that way besides the big box stuff.
  13. Bumpin it up! Tons of awesome inverts, frags, etc in the tanks. Now is a great time to stock up and save a bunch! (rock2)(clap) Also, if you some nice coral, fish, or algae that you would like to trade, just let me know.
  14. If you get a chance to come down this way anytime soon, let me know. I would love to trade you out for some of your macro. I could use as much as you can bring!
  15. You rock! Close enough on the spelling lol. Look forward to having you up!
  16. Glad that you like them! Brad, thanks again for being our curior service! They are definately some really nice examples of their species.
  17. Thanks Dan! I am in need of lots more so as always just hit me up when its that time again Moto lol. Bryopsis would be a nice treat for the hundreds of hermits in my tanks but I will have to pass this go around (laugh)
  18. Frag plug turned upside down wit two or three packing peanuts rubber banded to it. Float in bag or cup. Works like a champ. Oh and on a non green note... Don't use the disolveable kind lol Styrofoam floats are a shippers best friend. Packing peanuts are usually pretty abundant and can be reused over and over.
  19. I think you need to take a trip down In fact I think you need to bring me some zoas and do a bit of trading (clap) Though if that isn't an option, I am sure I could find someone to bring them up for you. Michael or Jason could probably do it.
  20. Hey everyone! I would love to buy your macro aglae! I am in most need of chaetomorpha sp. but would love other varieties as well. I have a bunch of macro but I sell through it faster than I can grow it and need a few more good sources. I have tons of goodies to trade or I can flat out buy it though you will get more in trade! Let me know what you have! Thanks!
  21. Randy, I will have to check into some Berghias. I haven't seen them on the lists in some time though I know there are a few specialty breeders and such out there. Bob, The Regular Sailfin is $28.99 and the Desjardini is $39.99. The Mandarins aren't captive raised though they are really great looking and are eating cyclopeeze, arctipods, and brine thus far. Jason, It will be great to have you by! What time are you thinking on Thursday? Thanks for the offer to bring stuff up for the northern folk! Erik, Did you want to come down and pick the linkia up or did you want me to send it up north for you to pick up at Jason's place on Thursday night? The Male Melanarus is $27.99 an is a beauty! Kim, You and Beth should definately stop by if you have a chance! I am glad that you guys like the filamented flasherr! They are great fish! You are totally right on the dwarf blue legs, trochus, and nassarius. Thanks for the shout out!!! Michael, I am always up for some trading! You have some real nice stuff my friend. Toss me a text when you know when you are wanting to swing by. It will be great to chat reef!!!
  22. I am at the shop all day today so feel free and give me a buzz if you want to swing by. I should be around most of the weekend as well! You should see these electric show sized green and rose bubble tip anemones too! Oh and the Mandarins and Scooters are all eating frozen as well!
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