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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Alright everyone! Way to go Kim and thanks to all who have joined thus far!!! I am going to get on the horn with my supplier and see how many we can get our hands. This way if more want to join, I will know if that is even going to be possible this go around. I would like to have everyones payment in by Saturday so that I have the money in my account and will be ready to get the order done on Monday. I would expect that once the order has been placed that I should have them in by mid week. I am then going to let them settle for a day or two, take some pics, and do a drawing for who gets to pic first!!! Cross your fingers Paypal payments can be sent to garrettm85@hotmail.com If you can send the payment under the personal tab as a gift or payment owed, that would be much appreciated. I don't get charged a fee if it goes that route though if that isn't an option or doesn't work well for you then sending it the regular way is of course perfectly fine. Also if you could put both your PNWMAS username and your real life name and phone number, email address, etc. in the subject or details area of the transaction that would be great. It will help me keep everything nice and organized Thanks!!!
  2. Looks great Kim! Thanks for posting this up. Based on the stock that I received last week, I would imagine everyone will be very pleased with what they get! I will be doing the order next week or the week after depending on how quickly we can get everyone on board. Great opportunity here guys so don't miss out!!
  3. I think I am around 5 or so though I am not sure because some people are 50/50 lol. A list of who is definatley in would be great. I know those who posted that they are definately in did so in this thread so it should be pretty easy to compile.
  4. Thanks for the awesome feedback guys! I appreciate it! Glad to get your guys down here and loaded up with critters Gill, you gotta stop by again soon. You were awesome to chat with!!! See you Sunday Shane!!
  5. Very nice! Glad to hear they have worked out well. Sounds like the blue tang needed a friend
  6. Thanks for making the trip down and grabbing some goodies!! I hope the purple firefish comes out for you more. Never fun to get an awesome fish and then have it hide a bunch lol. So many awesome rics!!! It will be great to have you guys down again.
  7. Need about 4-5 more in on this and then it's a go for sure. Souns good David!
  8. It's a Maxi Mini. I wann see a pic of that beauty in a couple of days (rock2)(clap)(drooler)
  9. I would like to get a list of those that are definatley in on this so that I know this is something that I am going to be able to pull off. Then I will toss out a paypal address for everyone to send their funds over to and then we can get this order placed I am thinking that I would like everyone who is definatley in to confirm by Friday the 14th. This should be fun. These maxi-minis are pretty cool. I like them alot better than any of the other mini carpets that I have had in the past.
  10. The prepaid price would be either $35 if you want an A grade or $50 if you want an ultra grade. This will make it a bit more simple when it comes down to the math and will make it easier when it comes to ordering as well. Sounds good Mick
  11. I am thinking 10 prepaid would be a good target to get this thing going. A raffle would be a good idea. I can take pics(though maybe not the best) and then they can be spoken for in the same order as the raffle names drawn. The maximum would be $50.
  12. +1 !!! Thanks for all of your hard work Jay!!!
  13. I am guessing that if I can get enough to join, I could probably get the A grades at $35 and the Ultras at $50 and I am hoping to get some of the hand picked but those I can't price until I get them and get the bill
  14. Unfortunatley I have no way of knowing what I am getting before they come in. I can request a certain number of each type of grade but even then beauty and grade in this case can be in the eye of the beholder so to speak. Prices will probably be about $10 a piece cheaper with a group buy. I am more concerned about making sure people are cool with not knowing what they are going to get then the price. I am thinking it's almost going to be sort of a grab bag syle group buy. Once I get them, I will grade them based on what was ordered and what comes in and those that ordered ultra would get one of the ultra and those that ordered grade A would get grade A, etc. Mick, it would probably go down in about two weeks depending on how many want in on the group buy.
  15. Adding a few specials to the top of the thread. Sorry I have been really busy and haven't had any time for pictures :( It looks like I am going to have to see what I can do about a group buy here Here is the issue... I don't really know what colors and grades I am going to get until I unpack the boxes. I will then have to grade them based off of what is in the box and the quantity of each and grade of each that I ordered. I am also concerned that if I do this that there will be some folks that don't get the colors that they really want or that get something with red stripes when they wanted a solid pattern or a 2" bright one comes in vs. a 5" that someone wanted, etc. That being said, if people are willing to commit, I can start to get a system together and get some things in the works. Prices will be between $40-$70 for them and of course the price will depend on what comes in. I pay differently depending on the grade so I will charge accordingly. I may be getting them from a couple of sources so there could be some nice diversity to be had. What are all of your thoughts?
  16. I love the new Kent. It seems to work just as well as the old stuff. I think it might just be the old stuff with a better looking label and maybe a few increased lvls? Anyhow, I have lots in for you next time you visit Trent
  17. Looks like the pics are going to have to wait just a bit longer... I am hoping to have a few up by the end of today lol. Thanks guys!! You guys are always a pleasure to have over!!!
  18. Hello everyone!!! I hope everyones holiday season was a great as mine was!!! I haven't been able to post any specials in a while. It's been real busy with family and such so I figured I would get one going for you guys now! I will post a list of most of the fish and inverts in the system and then I am going to try and take some pics later tonight and get them up so that you all can see some of the candy in the system!!! ALL INVERTS 15% OFF OF MY ALREADY CRAZY LOW PRICES!!! IF YOU SPEND $100+ ON INVERTS THE DICOUNT GOES UP TO 20%!!! THIS INCLUDES CORALS, SNAILS, CRABS, ETC.!!!! FILTER SOCKS ARE $5-$6 FOR ANYSIZE/VARIETY AND THERE ARE MANY TO CHOOSE FROM!!! FLORIDA RICORDEA ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS SALE BECAUSE I HAVE THEM AT AN EVEN BETTER PRICE THAN 20% OFF. ALL FLORIDA RICORDIA ARE 3 FOR $33 OR 5 FOR $50!!! MANY COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM AND THESE ARE THE HIGHEST QUALITY AQUACULTURED VARIETIES!!! Hermits- Dwarf Blue Leg Hermits- Red Leg Hermits- Electric Blue Leg Hermits- Hawaiian Zebra Feather Duster- Carribean Feather Dusters- Giant Feather Dusters- Cocoworm, Colored Feather Dusters- Cocoworm, Colored XL Star- Sand Sifting Star- Brittle, banded Star- Serpent, banded Star- Chocolate Chip(not reef safe) Star- Linckia, Dalmation, Red Star- Linckia, Blue Star- Linckia, Orange Star- Jewel Tile Cucumber- Tiger Tail Sand Sifting Cucumber- Pink and Black Cuke Cucumber- Pink and Yellow Filter Feeding Cucumber- Sea Apple Slug- Sea Hair Slug- Sea Hair, Electric Blue Spot Anemone- Green Bubbletip M Anemone- Rose Bubbletip XL Anemone- Yellow Sand Anemone- Tube, Green Shrimp- Coral Banded M Shrimp- Coral Banded, Gold Shrimp- Peppermint Shrimp- Cleaner, Skunk M Shrimp- Cleaner, Skunk XL Shrimp- Fire, XL Shrimp- Harlequin, S Crab- Red Mithrix Crab- Emerald Crab- Sally Light Foot Crab- Decorator, Spider Snails- Astrea Snails- Nerite Snails- Margarita Turbos Snails- Mexican Turbos Snails- Zebra Turbos Snails- Jumbo Cerith Snails- Nassarius Obsellita Snails- Nassarius, Vibex L Snails- Nassarius, Tongan XL Snails- Trochus, Tiger/Red Banded Snails- Bumble Bee Abalone- Fuzzy Tiger Conch- Tiger Sand Conch- Fighting Sand Urchin- Long Spine Urchin- Long Spine XL Urchin- Short Spine Cowrie- Money Cowrie- Strawberry Clam- Maxima, Gold, 1"-1.5" Clam- Squamosa, 3.5" Octopus- Pacific Brown, S Fish: Chromis- Green Damsel- Various Clown- True Percula, T.R. Clown- False Percula Pair Clown- True Percula Show Cardinal- Bangaii Basslet- Royal Gramma Pseudochromis- Purple Pseudochromis- Bicolor Pseudochromis- Diadema Goby- Engineer, S Goby- Firefish, Red Goby- Firefish, Purple Goby- Yellow Watchman Goby- Yellow Watchman L Goby- Randall's, M Goby- Randall's, L Goby- Bumblebee(Wheeleri), S Goby- Decorated Sleeper Anthias- Disbar Dragonet- Scooter, Red Dragonet- Scooter Dragonet- Mandarin,Target/yellow Dragonet- Mandarin, Psychadelic, XL Blenny- Lawnmower, Algae Blenny- Lawnmower, Algae, XL Blenny- Tailspot Rabbitfish- Scribbled- One Eye Tang- Yellow M Tang- Sailfin M Tang- Mimic, Half Black Tang- Convict, SM Tang- Vlamingi, M Tang- Vlamingi, XXL Tang- Blue Hippo, M Tang- Blue Hippo, L Tang- Blue Hippo, XL Butterfly- Kleins Filefish- Aiptasia Eating Trigger- Niger, SM Wrasse- Fairy, Purple Velvet Wrasse- Flasher, McCoskeri Wrasse- Melanarus, Male Wrasse- Five Bar Mystery Wrasse- Cleaner Eel- Snowflake Moray Pipefish- Dragonface, Australian There are also lots of drygoods available including bulkheads, foods, salt, sands, live rock, propagation supplies, chemicals, test kits, etc.
  19. Great to meet you and the family John! Sounds like all is going well with the tank and it's inhabitants as well!!! Got a ton of new critters coming in later today including a pair of Harlequins that you might want to take a look at!
  20. Still intersted if you can get it down this way...
  21. It's that time of year again to get the tanks looking good and filled with cool critters. Family and freinds love to look at all of the interesting creatures that we fill our reefs with and Santa tends to be in a far better mood when he sees a good looking tank. So, here are some inverts, fish, and corals to help bring joy to your holiday! FLORIDA RICORDIA SPECIAL! $10-$15 per polyp and many have doube and triple eyes. So many colors to choose from including lots of rainbows!!! Astrea Snails!!! These guys are a favorite for ridding your tank walls and rocks of unwanted algae. .79ea .74ea when you buy 10-20 .69ea when you buy 21+ Red and Blue Leg hermit crabs will really help that tank sparkle so that you can get on Santa's good side .74ea .70ea when you buy 10-20 .65ea when you buy 21+ I also have Hawaiian Zebra and Electric Blue hermits in for some added diversity. XL Margarita Turbo Snails!!! These guys aren't your typical small/cheap margaita. These guys are a good size at around 1" each and they clean like crazy! .79ea!!! Bumblebee Snails!!! Excellent detritus and extra food cleanup. These guys will clean nearly every surface including the sand. .99ea!!! Velvet Nudibranchs!!! Got some flatworms you want to get rid of? These guys will eat em up! I only have 2 left and these guys can be harder to get! $15.99ea! Peppermint Shrimp!!! These guys love eating aipasia and make for a great cleaner shrimp. I usual put a few in ever display tank! $7.99ea $6.49ea if you buy 3+ Skunk Cleaner Shrimp!!! A must have tank and fish cleaner! These guys will setup cleaning stations for your fish to swim by and get a good scale scrub. S $11.99 M-L $17.99 XL Bali $23.99 Fire Shrimp!!! Another great addition to your reef tank. These guys are stunnign critters to look at and do a great job of cleaning up the tank and fish! L-XL $29.99 Longspine Urchins!! Exellent algae control and very interesting to watch! These guys are one of Santas favorites from what I hear! $16.99 ea!!! Disbar Anthias!!!! These guys have been flying out the door lately and it is no suprise to me as to why. They are super colorful, usually school in groups out in your tank, tend to do really well in comparison to other anthias and are at a great price! $13.99ea $11.99ea if you guy 5+ Bangaii Cardinals!!! These are one of my favorites and look great in tanks. Easily breed in captivity as well. $14.99ea! Hawaiian Flame Angel!! This guy was in my display for over a year and is one of the most stunning flames I have seen. Great reef fish and I never had a problem with polyp picking either. 54.99!!! (not exact fish but for representation) Hawaiian Potters Angel!! This is a great looking little angel that has been here for about a month now and continues to get alot of attention! 54.99!!! Tons of other fish, corals and inverts in stock as well!! These are just a few! Kent Salt 50g mix bags $15.99!! Kent Salt 200g mix bukets 49.99!!! Filter socks in many different varieties and sizes all $6, 2 for $11, or 3 for $15!!! Rod's Food is in in several varieties!! This product offers a great diversity of nutrition for your tank and is one of my more popular foods. PE Mysis and Cyclopeeze are another favorite and are full stocked! Tigger Pods as well as most of the other Reef Nutrition products and DT's Phytoplankton are in!!! Tons of other foods and dry goods available!! So much to check out!!! Let me know if you want to setup a time to swing by and check stuff out. Toss me a PM, Text, or give me a buzz. All prices are limited to stock on hand and are good through 12/15/10! Note: All pictures are for reference only and exact specimens will very slightly. These pictures are borrowed from other sites and are the property of their respective owners.
  22. That should work well Just let me know what time and I will set it aside
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