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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. There is a ton of wild stuff out there. In fact most of what people are advertising as tank raises or propagated was either collected in the wild or is only gen 2 or 3 so is pretty close to the original wild colony. There are constant changes and discoveries around the various reefs in the world which allows for some pretty stunning pieces to hit the market on a regular basis. There has been many advances in the education of the diving and collecting community in the past decade. This is allowing for some pretty great sustainable harvesting ventures. There are also a ton of corals that are maricultured in the wild for the trade. These are a great option as they are not only selected and farmed for their color, features, growth, etc., but also sustainably raised and in many cases help add back to the reef for future generations to enjoy and live off of. Techniques, quality, and quantities of maricultured corals are increasingly improving! In many tropical watered areas of the world, the ornamental fish, invert, and coral trade is a siginificant part of the economy so it is very important to consider maricultured corals as a great way to support the hobby and all of those who make it possible. Aquacultured corals have been raised in captivity for several generations. They have adapted to tank conditions including more drasting temperature and elemental fluctuations, tank current/flow, synthetic lighting, and regular fragmentaion to name a few. Aquacultured corals are a great option for these reasons. There are some farmers that are now hybridizing Maricultured corals into second and third gen Aquacultured corals. This is creating some pretty crazy colored, resilient stuff that of course is sustainably raised and like all maricultured corals, are really a great economical option to help support communities living off of the reef.
  2. I love the Maristar fixtures! They are really great looking and allow for a nice range of options for lamp choices. Hit me up if you have any questions or any others. I can help you get them at a good price as well.
  3. The more volume the better! I would love to have more space to add larger sumps myself!
  4. Just started falling hard about 20 min ago here! Yay!!!
  5. Very nice! Glad to see pics of this beauty up and running. I love that symphilia. Great choice!!
  6. Lol this is an awesome thread! On top of all of this, not only did Dave stop by and grab his abalone, believe it or not, my last customer of the day just so happened to be Mohaynow! That's right, he managed to grace my presence as well. John, you will love the frag he brought by from the group by. Looks nice! You are now known as "The Magic Man" For those of you who haven't met this guy yet, you are in for a treat. Great guy with a love for the hobby and a willingness to help any fellow reefer without even having asked
  7. Great looking corals. That hammer is a drooler for sure. Love the Hawkins and Pearlberry oh and everything really. Good stuff.
  8. You can purchase his fine goodies at a few of the local shops as well. I have alot of his stock in the tanks actually. Some of the best, fastest growing rics on the market at a bargain.
  9. ...it's because I love you all so very much... Doug, you may very well have been the final straw that finally convinced me to just get it done already. Jason, I think the rates were less in 87'. Should have locked in then.. Nate, just tell your wife it's for the twins Beth, I am hoping it will make things a bit easier. No more needing to remember which ATM's charge a fee so you can swing by and grab cash, no more having to figure out where the heck you put the check book lol. Micah, thanks for being my crash dummy so to speak. Suprisingly easy to do. Patrick, just remember to only bring it out when you are heading down south to grab some sweet corals and fitches. Michael, no joke! I am sort of regreting my procrastination thus far.
  10. Hey everyone! I know many of you have asked if I accpet credit/debit in the past. Well guess what? Now I do! I finally bit the bullet and instead of just accpeting them through the use of your Paypal accounts, now I can take credit and debit right here in the shop. I am hopeing that this will make things far more convenient for everyone wishing to grab a few goodies while here. Maybe it will even encourage a few more sals My reaoning for not accepting credit/debit in the past simply has to do with profitability in conjunction with average monthly revenue of the shop. I have nothing against them, just didn't want to pay the fee. Well that is sort of a moot point in retrospect since Paypal charges are pretty much comparable. Now, come by and grab some critters!!! (laugh)(naughty)(rock2)
  11. Great to meet you as well Shaun! Glad you could make it by to check out the shop. I appreciate all of the insight and discussion! Glad to hear everything is doing well.
  12. Looks to me like various coraline/surface algals. Simply means your rock is starting to mature and will soon begin to look darker all around. The darker the better really.
  13. Some of the most discouraging things to have happened to me: -Left RO/DI on overnight dropping salinity levels drastically(done this a few times in my day) resulting in many losses :( -Splashing water on a halide bulb, then pop. -Letting corals drop on other corals ending up with dead patches or loss of the entire coral/corals -Big cracks in tanks that were perfect the day before. -Do not use drywall screws to solely secure a tanks stand! -Overloading power circuit and having to pay an electrician to come out and run a ton more power... multiple times -Purchased cheap light bulbs and other less than useful equipment... money down the drain way too many times -Failing at plumbing then learning how to properly plumb and having to redo the project -Fish killing other fish because I should have known better... -The frustration of a lack of space!!! Both in tanks and the room to add more tanks lol -lazyness resulting in tank nutrient levels rising causing all sorts of problems from cyano outbreaks to browning and reduced polyp extension. -Unknown reasons for fish and corals being pissed or dying. This is probably the most frustrating because many times a solution cant be found or isn't realistic enough to implement. -Bills, i.e. power, water, misc supplies for the tanks -Unintersted loved ones :( -Selling something for too cheap or wanting something that you sold years ago for a project now. -Knowing that you spend more money on fish and coral than most people make(given now it is for the shop but it hasnt always been that way lol) -Hearing customers and friends stories about tank problems and not knowing how to help or what might be causing them! Frustrates the crap out of me and at the same time keep me learning. -So many more that I could list.
  14. Thanks for swinging in Doug! Glad that beauty went to a good home!!
  15. jicker-jacker-neon-poker-chalice-darth-oh-not-again coral... This will now be the name of the next hot coral I name
  16. Also, the angle was a bit weird on some of these nems. For example #7 looks way better in person and number 6 is more yellow in person.
  17. Alright folks, pics are up and the names have been drawn!!! Pics are with my underwater point shoot so the color and and focus may be a bit off. I did my best though lol. Also there are no actinics, LED's, etc over this tank so these guys are really not nearly as colorful in the pics as they are under good lighting. Trust me I hand picked a couple that were crazy colored only to find them dull under my lights lol. Time for new bulbs and some t-5 retros me thinks. Ultra name draw order: 1. Nate- Numero Cinco 2. newfisher 3. jgf86123 A grade name draw order: Algae... ... I didn't want you to feel left out Franklin, so I stuck your name on a piece of paper and had my friend draw it from the hat as well A Grade nems: 1. 2. 3. Ultra Grade nems: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nate's Pick!!! 6. 7. For those that were thinking about getting in on the group buy but didn't, I will sell what is left after the participants pick their choices at the group buy rate. Thanks to all who participated and helped pull this thing through!!!
  18. I have lots both name brand and generic... PM me or give me a buzz if interested.
  19. Sally light foot crabs will often cruse the rocks outside of the water. Also, many hermits will as well.
  20. Alright folks, the nems are in! I will give them a day or two to settle in before taking a few pics to post up here. I did get a couple of hand selects in but most of them are ultra grades this week. Franklin, I have seen Porcelains and sexy shrimp host them readily. I haven't ever heard of a need to get a pair of them. I am sure that you could get several in there hosting several nems. That sounds like a fun project!!!
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