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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Ya my drain is a two inch. If you look behnd the spraybar on the right you can vaguely make out the strainer piece. It's one of the spa style ones.
  2. pledosophy

    MJ Mods

    So I wimped out. I bought the Eco System mod and holder. But WOW. That is nice. Wide spread flow and a ton of it. I'm not really so stoked on the holder, want to get a magnet so i can place it where I want it, but am quite pleased with the pre built mod kit. Plug and play, was done, worked great. Took me like 30 seconds. My fish were a bit leary day one but now they are out in the flow. Quite stoked.
  3. Man looking at all your recent threads it's ashame your so far away. Good Luck.
  4. My 65g is 22" deep I believe. Been awhile, but pretty sure. I use 4 T5 39w bulbs, they all share a reflector, (ya I know but the fixture was really cheap). I have no problems with corals like zoas, rics, GSP, xenia, and some euphyillia's on the sand bed. Your going to be more then straight with the MH's and the T5's IMO HTH
  5. Zoo's and shrooms, now your talking my language. I'll warn you up front. They both can spread like the plague. So be happy with the ones you get so when they are everywhere you'll be all stoked instead of wishing you would have never put those ugly brown button polpys in your tank that now cover so much of your rock that you have to scrape them off with a razor during water changes, blast those free corals. Can you tell how I feel. I do have quite a few awesome zoo's and mushrooms that I keep rooting for so they take over. One of my rics let a runner go tonight and I saw it in the flow and was actually shouting, " No, left lft, ya there, stop, no go back, ya land not in the rocks, not in the rocks there a go. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I may have a problem.
  6. If you don't have one yet the SilenX fans are the bomb diggity! Way quieter then any other an I have ever owned. They even have ones with LED lights ( I don't have that one but they look quite cool, I kinda want one, O.K. I want 2). I setup my entire 30g to be as quiet as possible. I did kind of to good of a job, 3 feet away I have to look over to see the tank is running. It's a good thing, but . . . white noise is cool too. Anyhoo the SilenX produce great air flow and are virtually silent. I'd recommend it. Back to the topic, all my fans take the hot air and point it out. I bought one of the those Sunpaq light fixtures 8 years or so ago and it was setup like that so that's what I always did. Never had a fan quit. JME HTH
  7. I did it for about 8 months. Didn't plan on doing it for so long, but there was some money things, some lazyness etc. Basically I left it in rubbermaids with heaters turned up. I changed the water every time I changed the water on my nano so about 10g's a week. I used an old Via Aqua pump (800gph or so) for flow. I actually fed the rock with pure unscented ammonia, got it at Smart and Final, and dosed vodka when I remebered. I'd like to say once a week, but I might have missed a few doses. When I setup the tank there was no cycle. I could drop in 5 cubes of mysis, wait 6 hours and read zero for ammonia,and nitrites. I tried burying the liverock in a DSB in one of the tubs to see if I could promote the growth of anaerobic bacteria, but I didn't deem it succsessful in my case. My tank is running now, has been since March, never had an algae issue. I feed 5 cubes of various foods a day. Dose phyto three days a week. I use no skimmer (keep meaning to get one one day, maybe a Euro Reef is in my future, just want a gadget, never had a good skimmer). My only filtration is the refugium. I do keep up on water changes pretty well. My clean uo crew is a turbo snail and a peppermint shrimp. The tank is a 65g with a 20g fuge. Lots of macro's. JME. In retrospect, I'd do it again. I didn't have any pests survive. Just the bacteria. No coraline either, but that may have been due to the time. HTH
  8. I did mine through the back of the tank and then ran spraybars to get it on the bottom and under the rocks. It's all controlled by ball valves so I can push all the water through any one of the outputs. I'm quite happy with it myself. Pic's are worth a thousand words right? I've had 15 or so tanks, about 30 or 40 variations, many types, I tinker,this is the one I'm most happy with. The spraybars are my friends.
  9. Oh . . . Oh . . . Can I guess ! ! ! (naughty) This way he can insult us all with one post instead of individual messages. Just more efficient this way. All that copying and pasting. Who has the time. Wait this is my favorite part . . . So we are all so awful you want your name deleted so there is no record of any association of your great name with this horrible site, but when the time comes to make or save a buck then we are all your homies? Really? People come to this site to help people, to share, to help better the care of our animals and all you can think to do is dish out insults. I took the time to pull up your profile and read through your site "contributions" On second thought I agree, you should be banned from this site. After making physical threats to members, I would have banned you. I wouldn't delete your posts though, might be useful to have a record later on.
  10. I'm in Beaverton off Murray and Scholls Ferry and also have enough to meet your needs.
  11. What size is that? Will be even cooler when the softies fill in a bit more. Miniblinds, intresting addition to a reef. :lol: ;)
  12. Did you just use primer on those fittings?
  13. I never added a clean up crew really. I now have two, possibly three species of stomella's in my 30g with 25g refugium. It's quite cool. I have the typical variety and an all black version. Another seems to be appearing but don't know if they are just a variation or another species of the same. They are quite fun. I have 30-40 in my system. Only other CUC is a peppermint shrimp, a conch, and two astrea. Good times.
  14. Bumble Bees are whelks and do prey on other snails IME. Cerith snails are good. Naussarius are also good. Bristle worms do a fine job, just ugly. Kinda depends on what else is in the system.
  15. I'd be happy to buy a frag from you. If you'll only trade for SPS let me know what SPS frag I should pick up to trade for with you. I've wanted that leather for some time but the last time I saw a frag in Portland it was $125 and not attached to a rock, was about the size of a pea as well. :(
  16. I'll take him if your still looking for a home. They are a great fish. I kept one for a few year before I moved up here and had to give him away. I have a tank ready for him. A 33g with a 25g refugium where he would only be housed with 4 seahorses and a twinspot goby. He would be happy there and have no enemies. I also have much experience nursing fish back to health. I have succsessfully treated many sick fish from LFS and made it a side job for awhile. I'd love to pick hi up if you can catch him. Kevin
  17. I have tried a seahare three times, last time was a dwarf. I just liked them so wanted to keep one. The nori seemed to do little for them and have never been able to get one to live past three weeks myself. They are cool creatures. Very fun to watch. I wish I had enough lagae to keep one.
  18. Chaeto is a macro algae. I have actually had chaeto go sexual. Never had prolifera, red grape caulpera, or ochotode go sexual IME. When I moved once I forgot about a container of macro under my stand. Went with no light, no circulation, and no heat for five days. Prolifera, red grape, and chaeto were all fine. Green grape was dust. Few things. You were probalby told from day one you needed a skimmer. I was not. So I ran tanks for years without one. All was well. After that I got into macro algaes, skimmers remove some of thenutrients macro's eat. My maco doing well is as important to me as some people SPS doing well. Removing it's food sounds silly to me. After years of running a succsessful tank there is no need to change IMO. Macro not only absorbs nutrients but refugims also provide a lot of food production. Using a device to remove food from my corals just doesn't make sense to me. The only arguement I have heard against my methodlolgy is the gradual yellowing of the water. I have not experienced such. So no need to change. I have no algae problems, I feed more then anyone thinks I should, my tank runs great, my corals and fish are happy. If it ain't broke. IMO skimmers are very natural. I grew up by the beach, the waves look like skimmers to me. I just found a way that works for me. If your way is working for you and giving you the results you want that is awesome. If it ain't broke. I'm not telling you to unplugg your skimmer, jsut sayingI don't use one and all the myths about us that don't are off base IME.
  19. You'd be surprised on how little water I change and still have good results. I did the first water change on my 65g in three weeks. A 10g change. Nitrates did creep up to 10. I don't keep a lot of fish, or clean up crew for that matter, but I do feed like I have a lot of fish. Typically I feed 5 cubes of frozen food, daily. I spend about ten minutes a day on my tanks, ya feeding like that will do it to you. Every couple of weeks I spend about an hour doing the water change and cleaning the glass. Also remove some macro algae. I get none. IME that comes from a lack of surface agitation, which I have plenty of. I like to have the surface of the water moving for 02 exchange. Also both tanks have overflow boxes which provide some break up as well. You gotta look into more types of macro. Some are very unlikely to go sexual. JME
  20. IME the MJ will work. Then add another as a powerhead. You'll be good quiet, and fairly cheap. JME
  21. I have a beat up looking 25gish seaclear look down tank if it would help. I was goingto do something with it, now I'm not so . . . I also have a 20g long tank with a stand that used to be pretty before the flood. The stand needs some work, but would like to make it gone too. Both tanks are drilled. Let me know if you want one, or better yet both. I'm sure we can uh . . . come to an agreement.
  22. YGPM Apparently "YGPM :D" is not enough characters so I added this too.
  23. Show is awesome. Never seen live video of a barbaganti before. Great stuff.
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