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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. That is so weird. I still get $238 and out of stock. huh. That makes no sense. I'm planning on waiting a few weeks to order. I need to learn more first. We'll see what the price of the ER is then if that's the one I go for. Kinda leaning towards one of the recir ones. From what I have been reading they allow for longer contact time with the shorter skimmer. Still a lot to learn. Thanks for the directions.
  2. When I went to the site not from the link they were selling for $238 and out of stock. You're right they went fast. LOL I'm not looking to buy one for another couple weeks. Just researching ahead so I'm not sorry later. Read a few great articles today as well.
  3. Octo's look kinda cool to. FJDog, do you have the recirculating 150 or the regular one? Any one think the recirculating one is worth an extra hundred bucks? I already have a T on my return so could use it as a feed pump, and kind of like that you can run it out of sump as well. So I'm researching while posting and just saw the Octopus 150 Recir is the same as the Pacific Coast Imports 2000 if that helps. Right now my options seem to be a Octopus 150 Recir/Pacific Coast Imports 2000 for $320 (shipped) Pacific Coast Imports 1000 recir for $220 (shipped) Euro Reef RS 80 for $265 (shipped) DAS ex-1 used for $225 and a 4 hour drive I still have a local guy to talk to too. BTW what is lmp? How important is it? I'm gonna go look through some reefkeeping issues to see if I can learn some more.
  4. I can't find any info on DAS. Can I get a link? G2 or G3 sounds like they might be over kill. They are rated for 3x+ the size of the system. Is that a bad thing or no?
  5. So, I think I'm going to really try my hand at keeping a mixed LPS and SPS tank. My first order of business is to get a protein skimmer. I have tried the cheap little remora, not into it (pulls out next to nothing). So I am looking to get something for my 65g. Currently I am only running a 20g refugium with the Remora for filtration. I'm fairly happy with how the tank is running now. Levels are great. But it would be cool to have the option of going from a lightly stocked tank (IMO 3 fish in a 65g leopard wrasse, bi color blenny, pink spotted watchman) to a more moderately stocked, and dare I say heavy bio load. I'll go slow. Also haven't found many SPS heads without skimmers, so there has to be something there. I am looking at the Aquamedic Turboflotor, the CPR Bak Pak, and the Euro Reef RS 80. Any other option I'm missing. The PM's might also be an option. I wouldn't mind spending up to $300 or so, would be better to spend less of course. I don't want to buy something i will not be happy with in a few months or a year or so. Have done that to many times. I think I have the rest down alright. Added a MJ 900 mod. Might add a MJ 1200 also. Have a CL which pushes 800 gph mostly through spraybars under the rock. The return pump pushes about 300 gph. So that would put me at about 4700 gph. I can add the loc line things to increase flow from some of the returns as well to bump it up more. Because of the wrasse, I need to be able to keep sand. Would like to get a jaw fish down the line as well. Will be going with T5 lighting, just cuz I already have them on that system. Plan to keep the SPS in the top half or so anyhoo. Let the LPS live on the bottom. Sorry for the long question. Any help would be fantastic. Thanks!
  6. When I tore down my 65g to move to Portland I found a lawn mower blenny, a six line wrasse, a yashi goby, and a thorny oyster. I never had seen the oyster and hadn't seen the other fish in over 6 months, the yashi had been well over a year. Redesinged the overflow box when I reset up the tank. There was so much macro I jsut never saw them. Now I clean my sump/refugium walls like I clean the tank. No missing fish though
  7. If it is a crack in the galss silicone will ot hold it, you will need to get a new tank. My apolgies. I know how much it sucks to get a crack in your tank and loss water, been there done that. IME after trying to silicone it as a temporary fix the crack startd to grow from a couple of inches to over a foot in a few days. JME HTH Again sorry that sucks.
  8. That'd be awesome. I really just wanted the resin to make a holder for the MJ. What you want for the swivel?
  9. What type of resin is safe and where can I get it. I want to make a magnet holder for my MJ mod and i also want to coat some PVC covered with great stuff and agronite to make some spraybars for my little nano which will hold seahorses, macro algaes, and a ton of cool little frags. Trying to build a CL with spray bars under the rocks to get good flow but not blow around the seahorses. Want to be able to make it look like rock incase it shows through the rock work. I'm kind of a DIY idiot, so if you have a brand name and a place to get it locally or a link where I could order it I would be really appreciative. I'll be using an old Magfloat to attach the MJ to. Having the acrylic tanks, I just can't use the magfloat for anything else. Thanks.
  10. I can post pics if you want. Actually took some last night just haven't loaded them yet, would be no big deal if you want to see it. BTW my prices can't be beat.
  11. Was Up Jordan. I got a few. Red Ulva (thinking this is what you mean by sheet only it is commonly green) kinda smaller size Red Grape, an alright size, bigger then the usual clipping Small amount of "dragon's breath", this has not grown like the others for me but I'll split what I have. Some of all three would give you a good start. LMK what you want. If your in tomorrow at Waves I'll be there to get water, could bring it by. They will all be kind of on the smaller side. I got them all as frags in Novemeber, but they grow pretty fast so no problem to bring you some. I also have some of the greens, but other then the suction cup which I have very little of (enough to share but it would be really small), last time I was in the shop you had the others I have. I'll check on here before I stop by. Going to try to meet up with Randy tomorrow if it works out for him so my schedule is dependent on that. I guess I could always just leave it for you if your not there if it's cool with Joel. You can give me a call too if you like
  12. So where are you at and is there anytime today 1-11 that you can meet. I'd love to pick up a few different things.
  13. It might take them time to adjust. Zoo's are pretty hardy. I'd just wait and see. If they were doing fine before I'm sure they will come back around for ya.
  14. If your worried about putting a larger amount of phyto in the system with the clam you can remove the clam to a seperate container and feed the clam there. Let it sit untilt he water turns from green to clear and then place the clam back in the tank. Will make sure the phyto fed is consumed and will add less pollutants to the tank. I really don't feed my clam, it just likes the light.
  15. It got it back in the headlines which is what I imagine the intent was. If my tank was old, the silicone gave way and I flooded my neighbors house, they'd sue me. I'd be at fault. The government's levy's were in bad need of repair, they knew it, they didn't act, the levy's broke, and people lost life and property. The storm on it's own would have been pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as it got. If the governemnt is going to build levy's it is there job to maintain them and they are liable for any loss of life and property from their failure to do so.
  16. I'll try to post some pics of the green mushrooms I have. They are pretty cool. Would do great in a nano.
  17. I'll take one for $30. PM me with how you want to do the exchange. Sorry I have no SPS frags of mention.
  18. Sorry Miles I have no ability to do a video. For someone who is a photographer by profession, you'd think I'd take more pics, but alas a mechanics car never runs and I hate picking up a camera at home. I'll get to it for ya though.
  19. I got this one. http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem~SearchStr~~action~view~idProduct~EC4111~idCategory~FIPHAC~category~Ecosystem_Aquarium_ECOMOD_Maxi_Jet_Pump_Modification_Kit_Saltwater_Aquarium_Supplies_Powerheads_Accessories~vendor~.html After googling the other one sounds like I got hosed. I don't like the Ecosystem holder. It pushes the pump to far down in the tank. It has to be a foot down in the system and while you can turn it side to side, you can't control the angle. Seems like it would have been easy to make the screw holder able to screw onto the bottom piece to increase some versatility, but hey, I'm not an engineer. The sureflow holder seems better but I really want to copy Miles magnet holder so I can change the angle. I need to Mod something, the thing now is freaking ugly. I'm not one to trust the suction cups with that kind of flow anyhoo. If it falls, that could mean the death of a coral or clam, huge stand storm, not cool. Sorry Leng and Len (I know them both personally) but the design is not so cool. I don't think the one I got could be used on a wavemaker. I have one of the American DJ powerstrips and normally turn off the pumps for water changes and sometimes for feeding. The MJ Mod has already frozen on me once out of the four times I turned it off. It's simple to fix just take off and put back on to release the magnet, the same way the old Eclipse system filters were (who remembers those) but not so good with a waver maker. I was kinda hoping to put two on a timer on one hour rotations, maybe the newer ones would be better. I really like Ecosystem as a company. They are nice people and give good products IME. For the cost for us DIY challenged I think it was worth it.
  20. Ya the rock and wood access panels was kinda cheap looking IMO, although, my Dad would love it. To each there own, it's the tank of the month not the best interior design of the month. :D I have followed that dude's build thread for some time. All the info on his system is in there, much of it step by step. When I first saw it I thought it would be great for rays or something. The footprint is huge. The spray bars are cool. I have seen it for the back of tak walls, but it requires some weight, that stuff is buoyant. Steve, don't under estimate yourself man. I grew up in Cali and even there several people sent me to your site. It inspires more then you know IMHO. My friend even referenced your tank pics for the aquascaping on his nano. It wasn't the same but pretty cool. I really like your cold water system, have seen the threads. I'm a seahorse lover so seeing someone keeping pots in the states was pretty awesome, let alone all the other critters. One of my dream tanks is a 180 tall with pots and breiceps, so seeing yours was cool. Even though I'll probably never keep large tanks, (unless I win the lotto and can keep sea dragons) I kind still find inspiration from those who do. I'm not really good at lip service, but I really enjoyed your site. Don't sell yourself short.
  21. I picked up the fan and power supply at Waves. It's not the LED one so I can't vouch for there noise level but I'm pretty stoked on the one I got. My new canopy has openings on the top so I thought of installing the fans pointing up and using the LED's as moonlights. Haven't tried it so really don't know if it would work, but it's worth a shot. I'll report back when I get around to seeing how it works. I have to rework my rock on that tank for the CL first. Then I'll get to the fans. Only so much time.
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