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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. With my sun corals (I have two) I feed the tank so all the fish and shrimp can eat. That makes the sun coral open up. Then after it is fully open, maybe a half hour or so I target feed the sun coral mysis with a turky baster and chill there for a minute while it catches it and starts to eat it. No fish go near it for that minute. I think they have turkey baster phobia. I have 6 peppermeints, and 12 emeralds in that tank, also a wrasse and some other fish but the sun coral eats in peace. Try squirting some mysis juice directly on it, if it doesn't open up fully with in an hour, you got a problem.
  2. I QT everything. Dip corals. Seahorses can get ich, it presents in there gills most of the time. They can also carry various other parasites. Bacterial infections like vibrio are most common. I'm really happy I setup the QT opened the box and one of the girls is dead, which means the other has been in a bag with ammonia and exposed to who knows what else. At least now I am fully setup to give the surivivor the best chance I can.
  3. If you don't already have cultures of phyto, rots, decapped brine eggs, some air pumps, and panacur, I would just let these ones go. Take some time and get your self prepared to raise fry, not only with your cultures but also by reading some stuff that is out there. You'll have more fry in a couple weeks. If you can get a species ID, or post a pic so we can give one to you it might help us help you with raising the fry. Different species need different first foods IME. You may not need the rots, will help to know when to place the hitches in as well. JME
  4. (laugh)(laugh) All the seahorse keepers are laughing, everyone else is groaning.
  5. You don't like watching girls dance together huh? :lol: I'm sure I might have a chance to take a photo or two tomorrow.
  6. SO I've been out of seahorses for a bit over a year now, had a few deals go bad, never received horses. I'm getting two female barbs in the morning. I have my QT setup. It's a 20g long, 10g sump, 24w UV, Remora Protein Skimmer, plastic chain hitches, taxifloria, all bare bottom. Heater set to 69F. Return pump is a MJ 1200 so about 10x tank volume turn over per hour. Using a clip on lamp, nothing fancy just a QT tank, thought about using my spare T5's but decided not to. Took 20 lbs ish of LR out of two different refugiums. Took a cycled sponge out of two different tanks as well. Thinking tank should be able to handle the bioload with ease. Bottle of Amquel and extra salt water on hand just in case. Have a shell for a feeding dish. PE and Hikari Mysis in the freezer. Beta Glucan on the shelf. Turkey baister still works. I was able to put alomost all of this together minus a 10g tank and some hose just out of spare parts lying around. I feel like a true fish keeper now. Did I forget anything? What did I miss?
  7. I believe it is the Pacific Imports RPS 1000. Didn't ask Joel for the model number, but it is from Pacific Imports and matches the description on there site. Once the thing was fixed it works beautifully. Little loud for my taste, but before the skimmer my tank was dead silent with the most noise coming from the Quiet One 4000. I like quiet. Might replace the pump with something else to see if I can reduce the noise. The skimmer has pulled out my skimmate in the last 5 days then my remora Pro did last month. I need to do a side by side thing with it since the Remora would be so easy to hook back up.
  8. I'd be way down if you'll have me. I know nothing about making beer, but I am very good at drinking it. Would be fun to see how it is made at home.
  9. Beyond beyond is the short story. Long Story. I went into Waves with money to burn and picked out a skimmer. Then I talked with Joel, who remembered my tank an basically told me that it was about 5x to much for my tank. He recommended a skimmer that was about a half the cost of what I picked out. He took the time to talk to me more and figure out what would work best with my system and what I was trying to accomplish. We picked out a skimmer that wasn't one he even carried, but he ordered it for me. Saved me a couple hundred bucks by not letting me just get the one I had picked out. That enough is of note IMO. Then I get the skimmer. Take it home, thing leaks. Now I had waited some time for it since the company had it on back order so I was kinda bummed. I PM'd Joel, he said to bring it in and if he couldn't fix it, he'd replace it with a new one. After he fixed the leak I found, he found another, and fixed it. Then another with the pump, so he took a pump off his shelf and fixed it. At this point he offered to get me a brand new skimmer, I declined since I thought this one was fixed. Then he found another problem with the air intake, so he fixed that. I took it home ran it for an hour, another leak sprouted in a different place. So I called him, he again offered me a new skimmer but I thought I could fix this problem on my own. He tried to walk me through it, but my plan was not as good as his so he asked me if I wanted a new skimmer or if I wanted to come back in. I went back in. After close to two hours of Joel tinkering between the two visits to find and fix the 6 different problems with the skimmer, tonight my skimmer is working. I'm just amazed. I'm not a big customer, I don't spend a lot of money, Waves didn't even make much off the sale. I kinda felt bad even going back after everything that was done for me, but was never made to feel that way in the slightest, just the opposite in fact. I wish I had less words to be able to sum this up shorter, but I think the story speaks for itself. Waves could have easily just sold me a piece of equipment I didn't need and taken in a couple hundred bucks more. When the skimmer was defective I could have been referrered back to deal with the manufacture. Instead they helped me save money, get something that was better for me, and then when it went bad spent a couple hours with me to make it work. Thanks Waves. Sidenote: On top of all of that, I picked up the most insane SPS frag while I was there today. It might be the coolest SPS coral I have ever seen.
  10. Nice shots. I have the same Acan. They grow fast. I went from 3 polyps to 9 in a few months. I put a euphyllia next to some palys I no longer wanted, they are almost gone now. It works both ways.
  11. IME it is hard to give a clam to much light. Lack of color can come from to much current or lack of CA or Mg IME. I've only been keeping clams for a year or so but those are my observations. To bad I don't have anything to trade you for Heiu, that clam is a beauty. I got my crocea a little over a year ago at 2" and it is now almost 6". I'd love to get another one. I'd like a gold maxima and a striped deresa to one day. Clams are so much fun.
  12. I have seen some differnt zoa's and paly's do that but never SPS. IF it is anything like the zoa's it will correct itself in a few days. I have had colonies were a few were inverted and the rest were fine. Not sure if it is the same thing or not. JMO
  13. I have a 36" Nova Extreme light your welcome too. Some rust, the end caps are broken, two of them still fire the others kinda flash. Rusty screws, loud fan. Lots to fix if you like. If you want to pick it up it's yours, otherwise I'm probably going to throw it away in a few days.
  14. Wow those things have gotten really high tech. I made my first one out of a rio 90, an airline, and an Aquafina bottle. Tools were a nail, pliers, and a lighter. I like the Arm media to lower the pH idea. I read the thread but have to think about it some more. I did get a nitrate reading today. . . In the past I have found a cube of sugar drops nitrates pretty fast. I have never had a negative efect from reducin nitrates by means of water change, sugar, or nitrate reactor IME. HTH Thanks for the link.
  15. Do you still have this? Does it include reflectors? I'm intrested
  16. So are the ICe Caps really worth the extra cash? I had my Nova fixture go bad and need to replace with anoth T5 ballast. Planning on a retrofit. Icecaps have a good rep but are considerably more, just wondering if the 40/40 thing was real? Right now I'm doing pretty well with the Nova but the individual reflectors sound nice as I don't currently have them. Wanting to keep SPS, Clams, LPS and some softies. Thanks.
  17. Man I totally forgot about it. My MJ mod kit failed and the impeller snapped so I just replaced it with a Korlia. My bad. I just forgot.
  18. Nice. Nothing like a good book (articles on fish meds) on a rainy day. Thanks. Now to make some tea.
  19. I love flashers. I like the fish too. WOW that is a brave freaking pod. Do you have a link where I can read more about the Interceptor being used in aquariums? I went to there site expecting the active ingrediant to be fenbendazole or prazipro but it's milbemycin oxime. I'd like to do some more reading on it. Fenbendazole and prazipro have been used to rid tanks of certain pods, hydroids, and some worms for some time but there is a long lasting effect on herbivourous snails (few years later they still die in days) so perhaps the Interceptor would be a better choice. Just kinda curious.
  20. Here's Harry. (Get it Harry Potter's wrasse, my wife comes up with them. )
  21. I'd go predator too. That really sucks. Pods are going to be hard to get rid of cuz they reproduce so fast. I know it's a drive but Waves gets in some insane leopards kinda often. IME with the Potter's Leopard I haven't noticed her going after many pods, she prefers mysis and krill from my observation. She will go after the mysids in the tank. JME
  22. IME a great seller. Those are some great prices too. I'd take you up on them except I already have all of those, some I'm sure I got from you, they are still doing great. You have great taste in corals my friend. IME excellent packaging, very understanding even when I got lost and he had to walk down to 7-11 to meet me cuz I couldn;'t find his place and was 45 minutes late after driving around. Very easy to deal with. Note to the wise if you are going to meet him at work, let him give you directions, Mapquest will not get you there. I wish I could take pictures like that.
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