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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. When you open a thread above the intial post in the top right hand corner is the word options. Click on the word and set viewing mode to normal. HTH
  2. I have some salt, some smaller pieces of liverock, a brittle star, and some brown polyps with green enters if you like. LMK
  3. Wimp!(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)
  4. So I hope this is corrected by now (or most likely everything is dead). In the future with ammonia levels that high, a 100% water change would be less stressful then the corals and fish living in those toxic conditions. Products like Amquel will neutralize the ammonia. With readings that high, and live stock still living I would check a test kit and see if perhaps there are chloramines, or chloramine neutralizers in the water as they can register as ammonia on test kits. When fish are exposed to such high levels of ammonia a meth blue bath will help to ease the burning of there gills. The macro going sexual has never caused an ammonia spike IME, however if you need some more macro and are close to Beaverton, come on over, a have a bit . . . More like an ungodly amount, but I'll hook you up. I threw away a quart sized bag stuffed yesterday, but still have more. IME a single fish death would not cause a blip on the ammonia in my systems, or other well established tanks. Don't know the history or size of your tank in particular. HTH Sorry I didn't see this sooner.
  5. Homie if you want some GSP come over, I'll break you off a piece. Not intrested in the mushrooms but the GSP is free. I usually throw it away.
  6. Green Toadstool Frags YGPM (clap)
  7. I responded in the other thread but I would like to take the full size coral. I live in Beaverton, but can meet you wherever. just have to work out a time that works for both of us. You can PM me or reply here.
  8. I'd love to take the full size one from you. I do have corals but nothing really that cool that is large enough to frag and trade. Most of my corals are frags growing out at this time. Soon I will be a frag machine.
  9. What day you guys want? Day and time is flexible for me. Suggest something.
  10. I'm sorry about your Dad, that is scary. FWIW my Grandpa went through the same thing with flying colors and he was given horrible odds. It's amazing what doctors can do. God Bless.
  11. Frank, we still need to work out a time for you to come over. I have a zoo or 10. I'm not the biggest fan of run of the mill stuff either so I understand.
  12. I read of a problem where a midas blenny was injured by the product. Here is a video http://www.viddler.com/explore/YayHeaven/videos/28/?secreturl=51208172 For the record Red Sea has been notified and claims it must be a sensitivity with one particular fish and not all midas blennies. I'll continue to use the Bic lighter and the occasional joe's juice on mine. JMO
  13. Would love to trade cash for some of those.
  14. Apprently it is not just Tonga . . . It was my understanding that until a scientific committe was formed to survey the damage to the reefs that future exports would not be possible. With the current state of Tongan political affairs this is unlikely in the near future. I hope I am wrong.
  15. A message from walt Smith. RC threads: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1380526&perpage=25&pagenumber=1 http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1382020
  16. Thanks for all the great suggestions. I really appreciate the input. I can't wait to start adding to my library. Not much. Most of my books are outdated and not what I would want now. Just the generic stuff. I do have Ocean by Cousteau, Live Sand Secrets by Goeman, Working Notes (seahorse disease various authors), a fish ID book from the 80's, Hawiaan Fish . . . nothing else comes to mind.
  17. Disneyland in Anaheim? For aquariums check out the Rain Forest Cafe in Downtown Disney. Several large tanks, no corals but cool fish. The Aquarium of the Pacific is an incredible Aquarium which is about 30 minutes north of Disneyland and definetly worth the trip. They have several very cool exhibits including the largest reef tank I have ever seen. I can load some pics from there is you like, but not sure if that's what your looking for or not. Seaworld is about an hour and a half south of Disneyland and they have some cool stuff but no real reef things. HTH LMK if you need any other ideas of stuff to do when your down there, it's my home town.
  18. My birthday is next week. Want to put some good books on my list so I don't end up with socks again. I'm interested in expanding my knowledge in just about every area. So was wondering what is your favorite book on reefing. Corals, fish, setups, equipment, just about anything.
  19. I can't see the pic. While some favor a blow torch I use a bic lighter on mine. I just pull the rock, torch it for 30 seconds or so and put it back in. I have used kalk paste in the past with good succsess. I have used Joe's Juice which IMO is pretty much the same thing (not chemically but effectiveness wise. I tried lemon juice but you really have to put the syringe in the aiptasia's mouth and squirt to have any kill power, which is harder to do cuz the aip's close up. JME. I keep a few peppermints in all of my tanks (6 in the 65g and 4 in the 30g) and they do pretty well with keeping the smaller ones in check IME. My pep's are well fed with the other foods in the system so they don't go after the larger aiptaisa for me. Lazy shrimps.
  20. I've had one for over a year no problems in the reef. I kept one previously in a 44g seahorse tank for a couple years until I had a problem with the crab nipping a seahorses' tail after the seahorse had hitched to it. The seahorse convulsed and the crab was bashed on a rock and was no more. The seahorse injury was minor and healed without treatment. The one I have now in my reef just chills in the same spot and is rarely seen. All of my fish are 3" plus and I have never had a problem in the reef. JME, HTH
  21. I'll be driving through Renton next week. You could mail me your G.C. and I could send you a pic of what I got for myself. It is my birthday. :D :D :D
  22. O.K. I've seen some of the members tanks, my tank will be ready in about 5 more years if all goes perfectly.
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