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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I have some more room in my tank now and would like to be getting my first tang. Deciding between the tomini and the kole. It's for a 65g. I originally planned on making it a seahorse tank so I put in a bunch of macro algae, well now it's a reef and pruing the macro is a weekly chore. I recently added a skimmer to help compensate for the filtration loss from the macro and I also beefed up my refugium a little bit. I also do at least 20g's of water changes every week on this tank (Joel and Jordan will vouch for that). So I don't have another way of removing the macro so I'm going for a biological solution. That's a really good way of justifying getting a fish I have always wanted.I have wanted a Kole for sometime but just saw the Tomini and love that one too. Both stay smaller and like algaes just wondering if there is an opinion as to whihc one would do better. I'm kind of assuming that they are both readily available but maybe there is a difference there too. (fingers) It would live with: Midas Blenny Bi Color Blenny Pair of Clowns Pinkspotted Watchman Fireshrimp 4 Peppermint Shrimp Various Corals Here's a snap shot of the tank if it helps.
  2. So how many of us were in the shop and saw this thing today. It is a beast.
  3. BTW with your lights there are a lot of options for colorful corals in the LPS world. Many of which are on the hardier side.
  4. Try feeding the tank, wait 6 hours or so and then test for ammonia, nitrite, and pH. A tank not having an ammonia reading is different from a tank that is able to support a bioload. You need to spike the ammonia to see.
  5. Man that is one hell of a deal. I am so tempted Someone buy this please if I set up another tank while my wife is at work it'll need to have room in the stand for me to sleep there.
  6. For the record I have never used a Ca reactor, so I know very little about them. Denitrators, well, I know a bit about and IME that thing is a rip off. Even for the very not so handy DIYer's you can make something that is better for a ridicoulsly low cost. I made mine out of a 2 liter bottle, a Rio 90, some airline hose, and a large jar of Seachems denitrator. Basically I used the venturi attachment with the Rio to pump a small amount of water through the airhose. I drilled a small hole in the screw top of the 2 liter bottle just large enough for the airline. Then I fed the airline through the hole so it reached the bottom of the bottle, and used superglue to seal it water tight.. The I filled the bottle with the media and screwed the top back on. The I used a hot nail and poked some holes in the top of the bottle. The pump pumps water to the bottom of the container so the water flows through the media and then out the holes in the top. Worked like a charm. Total cost was less then $30 not including the media. When it came time to change out the media, every 6 months or so for me, I would reuse the top and just get another 2 liter bottle of pop. If you are more handy you can use an acrylic tube and plumb in a pump to circulate the water in the tube the same way it would in a recirculating skimmer. IME flow through the reactor moving the media is not detrimental, however you do not want a large amount of water moving through the reactor if that makes sense. I don't use the reactor anymore, these days I just use a packet of sugar every few days, but if you want a reactor. . . IMO it is the way to go.
  7. Reef is kind of a broad spectrum. You going for softies, LPS, SPS, some mixed things. What's up? Some things are more forgiving then others. I'd skip the cermaic media myself as well.
  8. The problem with setting up a sump for you at this point is your tank is filled with water, not drilled, and has no overflow box. You could use an external overflow box that hangs on the back of the tank, but I never had a good experience with them myself, although it's been a few years since I have tried one and the designs do seem to be improving. By the time you paid for an external overflow box you could buy one of the larger HOB refugiums and not have to plumb the tank, run a return pump, and chance the a flood. If your retired and have plenty of time for tank maintenance then a cannister filter is going to be easy for you to care for. When your doing your weekly water changes just keep some of the water to swish out the filters in. You will want to clean it weekly, or at least every other week IME. Some cannister filters are designed so you can close the hoses and just remove the top for cleaning, it's not so bad IME. Sorry I don't have much experience with HOB skimmers, only used the AquaC Remora pro myself. Some people love them, I am just not one of those. For future planning it would help to know what direction your looking to go in. HTH
  9. I don't recall the URL. I'll wait until I here back from there. Was something like octogaonindustry.com. Was an add for a list of unpaid jobs a compnay was seeking that was located in San Diego. I didn't catch any unseen scenes in the replay, and I watched the original and the replay so . . . maybe I just missed it or it didn't stick out to me.
  10. Did anyone else catch the website comercial and register?
  11. Have you ever wondered why you read so many posts of people who love Chemi clean? They use it once a month and it works great. Chemi clean only kills the weakest cells of the bacteria, leaving the strongest to reproduce. If you have not cured the cause you will only being getting yourself a stronger cyano outbreak in the future by using such product. The product calls for a large water change after the use, I would do that. I would also follow the treatment by a couple of dark days for your tank. The bacteria is photosynthetic so a few dark days afterwards will kill the stronger cells. If the cause is still present it will resurface soon enough. The skimmer is going crazy due to what is in your system. Let it do it's job, that's why you bought. JMO not that I know anything.
  12. Size of fish will depend on the swim patterns of that fish. Every speices is different. There is no set forumula on how much any tank can handle that is hobbyist accesible. You can feed the tank with pure ammonia to determine how much the tank can handle and then feed an appropriate amount of food, keeping fish in the system that can survive on that amount of food. IME if it is not to late to return the Remora I would. IME Remora's are below par in the skimming catergory and there are better options for you out there for equal or less money. Cannisters are good IME if you keep them clean. When I ran cannisters I used purigen, carbon, phosban, and chemipure as the media. JME With your listed equipment you could keep a number of things depending on the amount of maintenance you are willing to put in. IMO with a tank that size and with that filtration I would be looking at: a sand sifting goby to help keep the sand clean an algae eating fish like a lawn mower blenny or a smaller bristle tooth tang and a wrasse, or a couple of the smaller gobies If you want to do a tank with macro algaes that would be cool to, but would limit you on some fish as they will munch the algaes. Given your listed equipment you are not going to be utilizing all of your liverock. LR is only useful as a means of filtration if flow if going over and around it. Otherwise liverock with water not moving through it can actually be detrimental IME, as it collects and traps detritus. JMO, HTH
  13. I'll be there again. Might be a bit late am coming from work. It would be cool if some people besided John and I actually showed up, not like the last two times? Is anyone else really bad at pool? Free pool on Sundays!
  14. Ya pumps rockin! It is actually all working just how I planned. I think that's a first.
  15. It's all working. I'll get a thread together later.
  16. So I got a chance eh (naughty) I thought I was being so smart that if I wanted to rearrange things later I could save the bulkhead. Sometimes I'm just to smart for my own good.
  17. I picked up everything I need to cut it off and put on a new one, but am first going to try coating the place where they meet with PVC glue to see if it helps. There is a pretty heavy amount of glue on there, so . . . if that was going to work it should work. Picked up a new pump this afternoon to. Glad to see the Loud as Hell 1 go.
  18. So I plumbed up a nice CL system for my soon to be seahorse tank (as in the seahorse is in QT and once the plumbing is done he can go live in the bigger tank). I have a leak in the CL intake. It is leaking from where the bulkhead in the tank connects with a 1" threaded elbow. I used teflon tape, but still the leak, surprising the CL is not spitting out air. I get a drop every 30 seconds or so. The way I screwed the elbow onto the bulkhead, I can't get it off unless I cut the whole thing, which is an option, unless I can get a hold of a pipe wrench or something. It just won't budge. I was thorough screwing it in. Was curious if silicone or weld on 16 would work since the leak is so small. Just a foot note, the elbow connects to a ball head that when closed, stops the leak so very low pressure on the leak IMO. The leak drips down the hose and goes back to the pump so it is in tubberware for the moment. Thanks.
  19. IF you are able to limit the amount you drive then it will help you out a lot. My wife and I combined drive less then 5000 miles a year. Doing your 3 month oil changes after only driving 400 miles can seem like a rip off though and the attendants will mock you. True story.
  20. Very healthy coral. Thanks Again
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