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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. What species of pipefish? Not all pipefish need to feast on pods, many do far better with larger food like frozen mysis. Since your pipefish is wild caught it may need to be trained onto frozen foods. If you do not know the species post a pic and I will help you out. If you do have a refugium you can provide extra treats during the course of the day, which is never a bad thing. A pipefish has a digestive track that does not include a stomach, so it's not like they can get to much food, well to much for them, over feed and your tank will tell you. I also have free chaeto filled with pods in Beaverton that you are welcome too. HTH
  2. IME Nudi's get sucked into powerheads and intakes fairly quickly. If oyu don't have these, then your good. Emerald crabs will eat the algae then move on to the coral, my sally never paid much attention to the stuff that I noticed. HTH
  3. I got my PCI skimmer through Waves. Good thing I did as it came in with problems and Joel was able to fix them the same day. If I would have ordered online it would have taken me weeks to get the thing mailed back to PCI, then fixed, then returned. Too much hassle. Plus Waves had the skimmer for the same price as it was online. JME
  4. I have quite a few of them. They are good things. Sign of a healthy tank.
  5. They are pretty easy to make IME. I got the supplies from Taps Plastic and cost me about $30 for everything including the acrylic and the glue. I already had the dremel I used to make the slots. HTH
  6. Did you sell the Sea Swirl? If not I may be interested. LMK.
  7. I had a delay in some film being processed so I walked around the shopping center. Walked into a store called Tongs. Saw a tank full of WC seahorses. Two days later saw a tank at a garage sale on the side of the road. It was meant to be. If only I would have known how much I would have spent in this hobby, i might have opted for the Porsche.
  8. All the frags I had are spoken for. IIRC someone else had one up for sale though at the meeting. I'm not gonna be able to make the meeting so you all have fun. Spent an hour looking at Franks tank tonight, you all are in for a treat. Incredible tank, WOW. Thanks for all the advice Frank.
  9. Crap. Adds extra words to fill ten character minimum.
  10. Dream Killer! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Do you think it would be better with a pencil as they are less likely to pick stuff up and put it on them? I don't have room for a long spine. I'll go glass in time. Need the house, then the tank.
  11. Joel used to have it in bulk as well. I know he refils containers IIRC.
  12. Anyone doing it? I'd like to get a smaller urchin like a hairy pin cushion, blue tuxedo, or pencil. I have read reports they will scratch up the tank. Any experience?
  13. If Frank doesn't have the piece I do. I certainly hope so. :D(laugh)(laugh):D
  14. It's yours. I can't make the meeting but can bring it by for ya. I have a smaller frag to that just dropped off I can leave at Franks if anyone wants it. It's not attached to a rock yet. YGPM
  15. I have a green polyp toadstool leather as well if your interested.
  16. I'd love a piece of the Kiwi and the Greenbirdsnest. Will take the large ones if still available. Shall we cal it $25 for both? I'll be at the Meet and Greet tomorrow. Can ya bring them?
  17. Funny I always shut off the skimmer during feeding. I trun ff my return pump so the food stays in the tank and the skimmer is fed via return pump so it's automatic. I did the cleaning with water thing by using a syringe from my Ca test kit. %t's working great now but if the problem persists I'll just take it off and clean it. Thanks again for the help. I knew it was some stupid mistake on my part.
  18. I'm in Beaverton. I've shipped the stuff all over the U.S. priority mail, it's an easy shipper.
  19. So my PCI RPS 1000 recirculating skimmer is pulling next to nothing. I haven't emptied the thing in a month and there is less the 3/4" of skimate in the cup. I feed an O.K. amount (mysis, carnivore cusine, cycopleeze, nori, brine). My nitrates are zero, no nuisance algae to complain of so really I have no problem I would just like to see some skimate for the investment. I'm kinda new to the skimmer scene, ran tanks for the first 7 years without one. Decided to get one when I had a nitrate problem (10ish). It skimmed some stuff for a bit and then stopped. Nitrates are gone now, have been for awhile. I do 30% water changes weekly. I have done all the stuff to help I know how to do, which is little. I did some research and found out that cleaning the neck to often could be bad so I stopped cleaning it weekly. I adjusted the water flow through it, both more flow and less flow, still no skimate. I'm growing a good amount of algae in the refugium. My two sump monsters (brittle stars) have gotten huge so there is some food in there they are finding. The tank runs through the refugium and then into the return pump which is split to feed the skimmer. The thing is plugged in, I can hear it, there are tons of bubbles. Any other advice. If I can't get this thing to work soon you'll find it in the classified section for sale or for trade for acans or a nice gorg. So posting advice or pics to trade would be cool. Everything I have researched about this skimmer says it's a great skimmer and everyone is so happy with it, so . . . it's gotta be something stupid i'm doing, very likely. Thanks to you all. I know if there is an answer I'll find it here.
  20. I totally spaced and forgot to go. Maybe I'll wait until he has some corals. My tanks are full of fish.
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