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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Homie the food is O.K. but not so great. I will have to be there late again. No way to avoid it. Will get there as soon as I can. Go ahead and start without me
  2. I have upgraded tanks a few times. :lol: I use the same rock and water (as much as I could, it's just cheaper) and have always used new sand. Never a cycle.
  3. Margarite snails can live over a hundred years in the wild. Astrea snails can live to be very old as well.
  4. Last time I was at Waves they had rics for $20 a rock IIRC (might have been $25 not sure but I wanna say $20). Many colors too, orange, green, pink. Cheaper then I have ever seen anywhere for nice stock too.
  5. Nevermind, seemed to be user error. Oops.
  6. How high are the nitrates? They would have to be really high for it be killing snails IME. Can you adjust your flow to get the stuff out of the rocks? That way it will save you some maintence. Your tank is newer right? Sometimes it takes some time for them to get stable.
  7. Goose, it's not going to help you. IME LPS and softies do a bit better when there is some detectable nitrate. JME Andy, My tank is a 65g with a 20g sump. No idea of actual water volume after rock, sand, etc. For sugar I started with a 1/4 of a teaspoon. I did that every other day for three doses, saw no change. I increased to a half of a teaspoon, every other day for three doses, saw very little change, (I was using an API at the time so hard to say), then went up to a full teaspoon, nitrates dropped from 40-50ish to 0 before the sencond dose so within 48 hours. I continues to dose the full teaspoon once a week inbetween water changes. I stopped using sugar for the time being. Either my nutrient problem was something internal from the tank, or my bacteria caught up but I do run with zero nitrate now. I still test for it weekly. If some showed up I wouldn't hesitate to use sugar again. For vodka I was using started with 1mL and worked my way up to 5mL. I haven't noticed any signs of overdosing myself like the white bacteria bloom. I know that using carbon sources can drop 02 levels but betweenthe surface aggitation, the protein skimmer, and the macro algaes, I never saw a problem myself. HTH
  8. I've tried vodka as well. It tastes delicious. I like it mixed with vermouth, couple of olives and . . . Oh for nitrates I use sugar. It works well for me. I used to use vodka for nitrate to but I always seemed to run out so I switched. When you get the hang of it, it's not so hard at all.
  9. You know maybe we could ask some others what brands they have and do a comparison with a few different ones. We could even do it at the meet and greet Sunday night. Then the staqff would really think the fish table was weird. We would be able to find out what the different kits said, but I don't know if that would necessarily tell us which was more accurate. Just thinking out loud.
  10. Matt, If you wanna do comparisons with the Elos kits I have Mg, Alk, and Phosphate. I have a Salifert Alk test kit around to but not sure how old it is and I kinda misplaced the directions. I bet I could find a set online somewhere though. I did get a better reading with the Elos phosphate kit myself then with the Salifert. If you provide the salifert kits I'll provide the Elos.
  11. My turbo got banished to the sump after it was knocking over entire rocks, not just frags anymore. I do have smaller rocks though (no wise cracks!)
  12. It's a Hawaiian Potter's Leopards wrasse. I used to know the latin name but it's been awhile. My wife named it Harry. As in Harry Potter's wrasse. Clever huh
  13. Thanks again for the deal. As I unloaded the car it started to strike me that I think I ripped you off. Fantasitc deal for shizzle. Thanks for the frags too.
  14. aiptasia I wonder if that is the McMenninan's supplier?
  15. Wow, stoked I'm already coming over tomorrow.
  16. I'm sorry bud. Don't have the words. We'll continue to pray for your family.
  17. My test kits don't even g that high. What kits are you using?
  18. IME if it is growing that well in the overflow, or sump and not in the display it could be something is eating it in the display. I had a similar scenario with it myself, and have had a similar experience with aiptasia as well. JME
  19. I have had valonia grow like that given a period of time. Bubble on top of bubble. Green grape would have runners as well. From what I understand, and I'm not the smartest guy around, there are different strains of valonia. Some have very large bubbles and some only grow small bubbles. The valonia in my system tends to stay in the small bubble variety. JME
  20. Why is it not Valonia? Can you get a closer shot? Looks like valonia to me.
  21. if the sale falls through I'll take the 6065
  22. I would be feeding dragon faced pipes frozen mysis. I prefer PE because of the nutritional values (more protein, less fat) then other brands. They should be fed at least once a day, twice is better if your water quaility can hang with it. Each should eat between 4-6 shrimp per meal. Live is just a treat for them, they need to eat the frozen to live a long life. If you can feed them twice a day, I usually do a fast day one day a week and feed out live brine that I gut load with various things including B12, C, and Beta Glucan. Easiest way to get a hold of me is to call. 714 757 3943. You can also PM me here. HTH
  23. Some people need to add worms. They are a good thing. For $7 including shipping that's not that bad of a deal.
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