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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. IME Foxfaces and tangs do a good job on algae.
  2. Taste great with garlic butter I imagine.
  3. Took some, not the best. Can't get a good shot of these, they are eye of rah kind of brownish greyish but cool texture Pink Paly's Not a zoa but these mushroom have been popular Orange zoas Red Zoa's Bam Bam's if I recall, it's been awhile, I could be off. Simple Yellow Polyps Hey some people like these Green with Yellow Skirt Blue Tubs I thought these were RPE's but the polyp size is to big, it's way bigger then the others I've seen so I'm not sure what they are. I can frag any of that, or multiples if you like. LMK
  4. I'd love to get an RBTA. I can pay you for it or have Long Poylp Green Leather Frags. I have heard it is Tyree but the polyps are longer. Torch coral. 2 heads, tentacles are long, would need some room. various zoa's various macro algaes pulsing xenia.
  5. Congrats Mark. I knew it would hit ya. The only thing I have used air pumps for was for mixing salt water in small increments, hatching brine, and using for flow in nem propagation tanks. They come in handy for hospital tanks to IME. Oh I can. (naughty)(naughty)
  6. Tis a screamin deal. Hope it works out for ya. I'll pay ya the $125 for the pump, magnet and controller if ya want.
  7. I have had very few good experiences where payment or goods were to be "sent" to me. I tried it maybe 20 times, got payment once and the check bounced. That person did come through, the others vanished. These were on other sites I am a mod on. For me, I get payment, it clears,then I ship. IME there is just no other way to do it. I have shipped a few hundred packages, this is the only way I do things now. JME If the guy has a good rep, I might go for it if I really needed what was being offered and it was a screamin deal, but things are always iffy in that realm. JME
  8. Only get easier from here.
  9. I'm flexible. Currently my return is a 1/2" but I wanna new return pump any how. Mine is too loud. If you got something let me know.
  10. Wow, dude I just tossed all of mine from the 25g refugium two days ago. I could have hooked you up. Wish I would have held off.
  11. I couldn't do once or twice a day either, but Sunday nights (my friday ) are easy enough to remember. I only dose once a week to keep the nitrates in check. No worries on the hard time my man. I dish it out often enough.
  12. Good, for a minute I thought you were selling Siskiou (whistle)
  13. When you get there it will be worth it. I speak of experience on this one. I have actually done and been doing this for some time, it's not just something I have read about or tried once or twice. Still to each there own there are a thousand and one ways to have a great tank, Matt has great success with his system too.
  14. Patience young grasshoppers, you have a long way to go. Just add more source carbon, keeping uping the doages, you'll get there soon.
  15. Might wanna look into a closer home forum, maybe the Puget Sound Marine Aquarium society. Not that your not more then welcome here, but . . . might be closer for ya. Happy Reefing.
  16. I had firefish in an open tank for four years before my first one jumped. I didn't even know a fish could jump at the time. I was really pissed at my cat though. (laugh) Poor cat.
  17. Kuda, Has your pH changed at all? IME hair algae seems to like lower pH's. If it were me, and it has been (a few times), I would: Hand pick out all the algae I could. If you can remove the rocks and place them in a bucket to help scrub them without getting stuff all over the rocks great, if now then do it in the tank. Just pull out all the algae you can. It might take a couple hours, but it's worth it. Then do a big water change, using the siphon hose to vacuum the rocks and all the nooks and crannies. Sometimes using a power head to blow stuff off or out is helpful if you don't have really high flow in your tank. Then kill the lights for three days. Keep the skimmer going, it might go a little nutty, and run a UV if you have one. The no light will help to kill some algae and help all that stuff that got away when pruning just die. When the algae dies it will be releasing some of it's nutrients and spores back into the tank, hence the crazy skimmer and the bonus on the UV. Then do another large water change to help remove all the extra nutrients that are still in the system that the algae released. Dot he same vacuuming process again too. That itself won't win the war, but it's a good opening attack. Not sure what fish/ CUC you have. or what's on your wish list, but now is a good time to start adding a herbivorous fish if it's on your list, increasing the algae eating snails, and or hermit or emerald crabs. You can beat it, it just takes time and diligence. On the cyano issue, after I have "fixed the problem" the cyano has never gone away on it's on. The 3 days no light did kill it and have it never return though. It's a pretty resilient bacteria so if there is food for it, it will grow. JMO
  18. I would rehome one of the two. Tangs seem to be aggressive towards other algae eating fish IME. I have a similiar aggression problem with a foxface and a kole. The aggression on the tang could subside a little if the rabbitfish disappears. I don't think a 60g cube would work for either if they are full grown, but I could be wrong. Sorry not more help.
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