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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. We're are down to split the colony. Works out great for everyone. Miles I don't have your address anymore, PM it to me and I'll send you a check, or I could paypal. Let me know what you want for shipping too.
  2. Any chance you'd do a smaller frag of the rainbows? Maybe in the 20 polyp or so range?
  3. Only chicks drink Ruby. I had the Terminator as a Governor once. I prefer the Hammerhead myself, but to each there own.
  4. Wow did I miss something? (whistle) (laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(rock2)
  5. In the price range you are speaking of most if not all of the camera's mentioned are not applicable. I prefer Canon's for the SLR's, the amplifier arrangement on Nikons, Kodak's, and Fuji's is just not up to par. If they would have learned what the space program learned in the 60's they would be much better camera's. We like to think of digital as being new, it is not. They were making 8 foot by 8 foot macro shots with accuracy down to a 1/1000th of a millimeter fifty years ago. Also very important to remember that a mega pixel is not a standard unit of measurement. 1Mp can have far better resolution then 10 Mp if the 1 Mp is used effectively and the 10Mp is not. Similiar to how a car with a V4 can embarrass a car with a V12 off the line. Just because the car has a V12 does not mean it has wheels, nor does it mean it has gasoline. More goes into a camera then just a megapixel. Cost is not always a good comparison either. I replaced a 7K setup with a 2K setup a few years back. Ya the Nikon D1X was the latest and greatest, but the Canon 10d could actually make the 40x60" prints I needed it to, the Nikon could not. Despite the 5K price difference. I upgraded in about three months. I have used many many different brands, I can back it up with experience, more then most. But just the macro lens for a Canon is going to run you $500, that's not including the body, flash, memory card, or tripod. If you want a lens for everyday use that's another $400 for an O.K. lens, another $1500 for a great lens. If your just looking for a good quality photo for Under $500 I would go with the Sony Cyber Shot DSC W300. You can pick that up for $300 and spend the extra cash on a tripod and memory card, or spend a bit more for the under water housing so you can put the camera in the tank for macro shots. In all of the point and shoots I have purchased it is the only one I have ever not returned. Going on 4 months now, kind of a record for me. I've made photography my profession for the last 12 years. I have a bit of experience. Used many types of camera's personally. IMO the best bang for the buck is the Cyber Shot DSC W300. There is a slightly more expenisve model but I prefer the wheel for changing modes to the touch screen myself. The Manual setting that shows you the final picture result on the back of the camera before you click the shutter is something that is a long time coming as well. Even the Canon and Nikon people are jealous of that. I was kinda shocked myself to be honest. Even the 1D does not offer that. If you want to spend a few grand, I would go for the Canon, if you want to spend a few hundred, the Sony's are the way to go IMHO. There is a big difference between the two in the professional world, but most of it you will never know. Not meaning to sound arrogant, but how often do you make prints the size of your front door. JME. Everyone knows something about photography these days, so my opinion and a buck will still buy you a coke.
  6. I'll stand up and buy the Pres a good Beer, as opposed to the canned water.
  7. Been to Vivid. They are still way behind some of the others stores down there IMHO.
  8. Don't feel to bad Miles the prize is a bag of detritus.
  9. Let's wait for the pic of the base before we start handing out prizes Miles.
  10. Hey you said to ask, figured it was worth a shot. I can bring a few things to trade, but no pics yet, need to make the frags first I suppose. Give me a day or three.
  11. Can you get a close up picture of the base. Also a closer pic of the polyp.
  12. This one is the one I got at Waves IME they are reef safe with every coral. Mine gets along with my clowns pretty well, it is the boss of the tank though, they all know it.
  13. Buying better test kits and monitoring my alk. Sounds silly but I never paid much attention to it before. Now my SPS is finally doing well. Growth from the other corals is better also. Adding my first real skimmer and dosing sugar as opposed to my old method of weekly 25g water changes has been nice too, although my arms are a bit smaller. I now change my reefs water once a month or month and a half, and the seahorse tank maybe once every three months. So much easier.
  14. They can go in a reef if other stocking conditions, flow, and temperature are adjusted for them. They do best at temps 74F and under IME. The flow most be designed for spots for them to retreat into. As far as tankmates, this might help. http://www.seahorse.org/library/articles/tankmates/tankmates.shtml
  15. I keep high light corals towards the top and middle of my tank with 4 T5's. Low light corals go in shade or on the bottom. JME
  16. I'd do it for ya if you were closer. Glass is pretty easy to cut depending on the thickness. You basically score it and break it. I bet a frame (as in picture frame) shop could get it done for you as well, that is were I learned my skillz.
  17. MOFIB http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/ Never dealt with bar goby's myself.
  18. OMG! The wife said if I bought a new tank I better be able to sleep under it. I wonder if that means she'd O.K. this one? Someone please by this and save my marriage.
  19. I don't have a tank for ya but always down to trade zoas. Post a link to your gallery.
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