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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Ever thought of just turning off the pumps for a few minutes? DOH! The easiest solution is usually a good one.
  2. If you keep up the hootinanny your going to get banned before you have to worry about it. Just chill for now. What don't be like that, you were all thinking it too. I just said it first. On second thought zoalander might be a good new SN.
  3. Darn I have been looking for a good source of hydroponic since I moved up from Cali When I lived in the LBC we got the ish. . . :lol: It was a joke, no PM's please, unless they are kind. ;)
  4. I've been doing the fish forum thing for about 5 years now. In that time, over the various forums I belong to, I have more then 20,000 posts. I moderate on sites, I'm an admin on sites. If post count mattered or status mattered I would be "thee" guru. All it means is that I have no life other then playing on forums every night. Take it from me that is all it means. One of the sites I'm a mod on I swear I'm only there for comic relief, everyone there know more then me by far, but I have more posts. When I had a question about acrylic I went to James. Even though he has less then 150 posts on this site and 8 rep points, he knows way more about acrylic then I ever will, so I ask him. So I dwarf the guys post count by 19,850+, while I was posting about stuff, he was doing it. Who know better? I ask James, he helps me understand things I otherwise wouldn't. When I have a problem with my tank, I talk to Joel. But wait I have more posts then Joel, Joel only has 1500 or so, I must know more then him. Ya, that's just not the way the world works. I might know more then Joel about a thing or two (and two is questionable), but there are many many things he knows more about then me. Honestly since Joel and Jordan started helping me out, I've never done better in this hobby. IMHO the rep system is crap. Any two friends can give each other rep points to make each other look good (assuming they are two different people and not one person signed on from home and work who justs boosts there rep points from different IP's). The whole thing is a joke. There was even a thread recently on this site making a joke out of it and everyone giving everyone else rep points. Who cares how many times you got a friend to give you props. I care about what you know. For a newb I can see how it can be daunting. The learning curve is pretty high. Try to take advice on the merit of the advice, not the number of bad jokes (posts), useless redirect(posts), or secret alliances (rep points). In the end figuring out the differences is what is going to allow you to help someone else some day. IME helping someone to be succsessful in this hobby, by passing along what has been shared to you, is one of the most rewarding things there is in this hobby. Hence, I have 20,000 posts. Ya I want to help people, but it's just for selfish reasons because it makes me feel good to help out. Oh, and I think I am funny so I crack bad jokes in posts pretty often. Just my opinion, I'm sure someone with far less posts and less rep points could say it more eloquently.
  5. I keep a few species of macro's, always willing to share. I looked into grasses but was not willing to sacrfacie the vertical swimming spacefor the addition of a DSB for their root system. I use prolifera and taxifloria to achieve a fake grass look. The pic is from a October (I need to update) but you can see my "psuedo" grasses. If your looking online I have had a good relationship with Reefcleaners.org for awhile. If you order through them tell John, Kevin from seahorse.org sent you. You might not get a discount, but he'll take care of you. He's a pretty swell guy. His service is top notch. Any macro's you seen in my tank I'd be happy to share. I pruin them and toss pieces fairly often, might as well share them. Everything but hte ochotodes I'll hand out for free. I make money off that stuff, pays for the rest of the tank
  6. 0 is great. Bump it back to one and test in 8 hours.
  7. I have gotten a few tanks at Waves, all though they are smaller then what you are looking for. I know Joel has made larger glass tanks then a 60g but to find out if he can help you out, just call him. He's not so bad to talk to. Oh, IMO on a tank that size, go glass. Acrylis is a pain to clean. It's a difference of using a magnet to clean your tank every fed days, or taking off the canopy and sticking your arm in there. Never again will I go acrylic, unless it's free, or I am poor, or I happen to, ya I have a problem.
  8. I would like the golden eye, fire and ice, and ring of fire. You sure you don't wanna ship the zoa's they are easy to ship. I can pay with paypal if you can hold them. Maybe someone else from Portland will be going down and I can contribute some gas money, or a frag too.
  9. Maybe a piece slightly bigger then a quarter? I feed it to my 65g which house a kole tang, foxface, pair of clowns, and a bicolor blenny. All of them eat it. I feed daily. I often feed a second feeding of daphnia or cycopleeze, and once in awhile when I thaw to much mysis for my other tank, I'll feed that too. JME
  10. I have been using it on my reef for sometime. Seems like awhile now. I also feed cycopleeze and daphnia for smaller coral mouths, but all my fish enjoy the Rod's. You do see a feeding response from the corals IME.
  11. I don't meant to bash World of Wet Pets, it's just that it is more of a fresh water store IMO. If other people have found them to be helpful that is great. The OP is not from the area and since they are listed in the tropical fish section of the phone book might have been confused. They do have some salt water stock, but if your in a crunch for time, trying to fit in many stores in a day, it's one I would skip. No offesnse meant to anyone. To be honest if I had something bad to say about them I probably would. While I realize this forum affects peoples business, it is also made for hobbyist, part of that is looking out for each other. Should the scam behind that South African Prince who just needed your bank account number to transfer you 50 million dollars be kept hush hush because the scam is feeding his family? That's crap. I'll use Jody as an example just cuz he's here. I've never done business with Jody, but I have heard he is top notch. If I order from TEC and they burn me on the deal, and doesn't take the opportunity to make good on it, I'm gonna post it here, and on RC, and on RDO, TRT, etc, etc, etc. Same if the deal goes great. The reputation of a business comes from the conduct of the business. Seems to be very prevalent in many things.
  12. Thanks Ricky. No hard feelings on my end, just didn't want people to show up an have ya not be in. I understand you were having a bit of a rough go of it for awhile. These things happen.
  13. I think for this particular noob the old addage, "Rome was not built in a day", might be more fitting. Welcome to the site.
  14. I would consider World of Wet Pets in Beaverton a waste of time. If you wanna go to Soutas call ahead, I've never been able to get a hold of them. I might have called them 10 times, never a call back. There hours were varied for awhile so I'd try to make sure they were going to be there before you made the trip. JMO
  15. Tank was not mine, I just took the pic. There was probably over a 100 in that system.
  16. Agreed on testing the water you buy. I was buying from a local shop a few years back and kept having algae problems. Turns out the new water had a nitrate or 40 and low alk and Ca. I switched shops and get my water from Waves now, it's much better. To know if your tank is cycled you have to be able to test for ammonia, you might need a new kit. I use cheapy's for it, just the API's. If there is any color change it is not done. After you get it to drop to 0 and nitrite to drop to 0 it is important to purposefully raise the level of ammonia in the tank. IMO the easiest way to do this is to drop in a day or two's worth of fish food wait 12 hours, and then test again. If the tank can clear the ammonia and nitrite in that time, the tank is cycled. If not, your going to have to continue to introduce an ammonia source until the bacteria levels reach higher numbers so they can clear the ammonia. Some people really prefer to use a chemical ammonia (pure and unscented) to raise the ammonia level so they know exactly how much is going in. It is a cleaner way of doing things as well since there is no decay. It is a very common misconception that when your ammonia is zero your tank is cycled and ready to be stocked. It is not the case. Lack of ammonia just means there is no ammonia, it does not mean the tank can support life. A 10g tank with no rock or sand and newly mixed water should also have a 0 ammonia reading, does not mean it is cycled. HHT
  17. That's a really cool shot. I have always thought they were quite alien myself. Just cool critters. Here is my favorite shot I've taken of them
  18. Oh this might be just what I need. I have had some chalices and acans popping up all over my tank lately
  19. I'd be interested, but it all depends on price my man. Times are tight, we're saving for a house. Don't suppose you'd wanna trade it for xenia and GSP :lol: To be honest, I couldn't afford the fair price for it, but if the price was a steal a few of us might jump on it. Just being honest.
  20. Dude if you never got any I am in Beaverton off of Murray and Scholl's most nights besides Thursday are good for me.
  21. Wow that is sad to hear. I never had the priveldge of meeting him either, but that dude was a legend.
  22. That's a great collection Miles.
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