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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. As a description of the members after they read your posts? (laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh) :p
  2. I have extra PC bulbs and ballasts as well. They are yours if you come and pick them up. I'm in beaverton.
  3. My offer is serious. 2 zoa polyps, for a powerhead, straight across.
  4. I'll trade a koralia nano for a 2 polyp frag of purple hornets.
  5. I have had tanks with drop off from the MH not covering enough spread, but never tried what you are talking about. IME since the drop off was natural it did not bug my eyes to much and did give me a place to put lower light corals. I was using a 12" deep tank at the time. I think it worked for me. JMO
  6. If you put the camera lens right up to the screen and use a low F stop you might be able to make the screen magically disappear. Nit sure of the mesh on the screen but if you can focus through it you might be able to get some close ups. HTH
  7. My bad homie. At first read through I didn't realize it was an invite for everyone to offer stuff to sell or trade. Just looked like you trying to sell your stuff. Maybe I should take less swigs before posting.
  8. Classified section might be more appropriate place for this post.
  9. Gotta love baseball. I might be the biggest baseball fan on the board, but kinda loyal to the home team (check the avatar) for the well, rest of my life. If Portland gets a MLB team, we'll get season tickets, but the Angels will always be #1. Cool the Ducks have a team, no way they can touch what Oregon state has produced for at least 10 years of building. I'm not a fan for either, nothing against them, just not a fan. Huge fan of baseball though, nice to see a surge.
  10. My Cal was had a 100ppm difference between the Salifert and Elos, Salifert was higher. My alk was also different. When I managed my alk and Ca reading to the Elos kit all these weird things started happening in my tank. My brown sticks started to get color and grow, so odd. I'm Elos for Ca, Alk, Mg, and Phosphate, I still use API for nitrate. Hanna for pH. JMO
  11. I have run the gambit on the subject. A few years back I was doing two 30g water changes a week, the tank was a 65g. I worked by a research institute that had free water, was maybe two minutes out of the way. When I moved up here I started doing weekly 20g water changes on my 65g. Then I got to the point where the tank had matured, the refugium was kicking, I got my first good protein skimmer, switched foods, increased flow and got the pattern right. Now I do a water change every few months or so. On my hospital tank I was doing a 5g water change, twice a day. But that was a hospital tank with no biofiltration. On my seahorse tank I have done three water changes in a year. Two of them were within days of each other. I had a flat worm outbreak and had to repeat the dose of flat worm exit. Other then the need for flatworm exit I wouldn't have changed the water, don't plan on it. Oh, no skimmer, on that one either. Just lots and lots of macro and a very low bioload. As far as negative effects from water changes, I don't see much of them to be honest. If you temp and pH match the water, and the new water is good, IMO there is not a way to change to much at once. JMO JME
  12. Happy Birthday Dude! BTW if your to old to party on your birthday, your freaking old.
  13. I might not make this one, gonna try. If I don't see you guys have fun.
  14. For daily feeding pumps on. For target feeding all pumps off for an hour. Just what works for me.
  15. Ya some of us drink beer, some of the other people drink water, tea, sometimes kids and family's come. It's pretty chill. There is an occasional frag swap, or sell, but mostly just hanging out and well, hanging out.
  16. I have a gripppppp too. Just a hectic schedule at the moment.
  17. If you'll give me a quarter for every thread I can link where people have skimmers, do water changes and still have hair algae, I could retire. If his skimmer was pulling out the nutrients then this thread would have never been born. If the he's not using a skimmer, then he's still in the same boat needing a cuc to help to break down the algae and other nutirents. Part of setting up a tank is the cycle, the next part is letting it mature a bit and get stable. IMO this part entails enlisting a CUC, and then letting the other natural elements surface and take hold. This will include various species of pods, worms, snails, and an increase in bacteria population, things that will just pop up, or you can always add them. If your really fond of the water change as being the answer I would do four days with no lights then a 100% change. Four days should be long enough to kill the algae, it will release it's nutirents and spores back into the tank, the 100% water change would almost all of them except those that settle into the rock. It's not like there is stock that would be shocked be a large change. Even if you went this route, IME your still going to have algae problems down the road until the rest of the elements are stable and in place. IMHO I have had better succsess taking things slow and letting the tank get nice and mature before stocking. When I setup my 65g I went two months with no fish or corals, and then another 3 months with just a bicolor blenny. Then I started stocking the tank. Stoked on the results. I go a bit slower then most, but I like the results I get. JME
  18. One day your going to have to turn the lights on, and then those nutrients will have built up and you will still have the same problem, if not larger. IME it is much easier to deal with an algae problem in an empty tank then one that is fully stocked. Getting things under control now, could mean better husbandry later. If he gets the CUC going, he can always cut back on food introduced now. Tougher to do when you have fish in the tank, or corals that need food. If his clean up crew tackles the job then he can begin feeding more and more until he is feeding for his expected bioload and everything is under control. While turning the lights off may kill most of the algae now, those nutrients are just building up in the system and spreading spores, planting seeds for later problems. Unless you ahve things setup to remove them your just delaying addressing the problem IMHO. JMO
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