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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Good Luck. I know how much it sucks to sell stuff for so little.
  2. I don't run it every day but I do run it often. It's usually reactive for me. I have been running a generous supply since the tank move a couple weeks ago, things are still not so happy in there so it's a precautionary measure right now. HTH
  3. Looking for some tablets of Diamox locally. I can get some overnighted to have here on Tuesday, but tomorrow would be better. I have a barbouri with a gas bubble in her tail. I promise not to tell the authorities. If you don't feel comfortable posting, my phone number is 714 757 3943. Thanks
  4. Great for corals, the nets they ae using to breed the "TR" fish are not so good for the fish. The coral thing is pretty dope though IMO.
  5. Did they finally fix the focusing on it? I switched to the "D" line after the soft images from the others. SO far I have used the Rebel, XT, XTI, 10D, 20D, 40D, and 5D. XTI is crap, the rest are going to be the same for 90% of users IMHO. I do like some of the features on the 5D but not so much any that affect the picture. (I like the wheel and how it can lock to not change the F Stop. I also like that you can zoom in on the LCD and go picture to picture with the same zoom. The custom function is nice to be able to quickly shoot to B&W. ISO 50 is cool too, but that is all really nothing that justifies a couple grand more then a used Rebel). FWIW 6100 pictures is nothing for those models. I have over a 100,000 shots on all of the above models except the 5D with no issues. Only been using the 5D for a month, rolled over 10,000 this morning. IME other then some added perks which since I take so many pictures are worth it for me, there is not much advantage to the newer cameras, spend the money on a lens. JMO
  6. Bunch of wimps! The day I left Cali it was 108F, inside the apartment. I was out all day today in the sun, lugging my photography gear around shooting pics. Was fantastic. Who ever needed an excuse to have a beer? I support my local economy by having at least a six pack of Widmer, or Deschuettes a night, they also know me at McMennimans. Explains half of my posts
  7. I got one from Waves, I bought another a few weeks later, so much easier. They are spaced out well enough for timers too. Pretty cool add on IMO.
  8. Dude serious? Would love to. I have some gear I usually do portrait work, but I'm sure I can get a pic or two.
  9. Holding a desktop hostage is bad form. Unless it's a Mac
  10. The customer serivice dude that helped me out was in the Philliines. I only found out because he commented on the fish on the wall paper of my computer. Why prejudice against Indians? I care more about results then ethnicity. $120 a month was my savings. Got the bill today there was $13 in undisclosed fees, so my savings is down to $107 a month. Comcast also has similar undisclosed fees. I have no rep, that is not even a special. I'm not hating on Comcast, but at some point it is about what service for what price. I find others to have better service, at a better price. If there service was better, they would be worth the extra money to me. I hate dealing with problems, I have to much else going on right now. JMO
  11. It looks like the colors are blotchy to me. This could be from variuos things, including shooting with a higher ISO, sharpening filters, and saturation increase. Many vendors shoot corals with there cameras set on increase saturation. Infact many cameras come set to increase color saturation. Unless you are actively white balancing your camera and have the saturation level set to neutral the color of the coral will not be true to life. There are very few companies who go through this effort. It is an amazing scoly. Upscales has some pretty insane ones right now too, they re like 1500 less.
  12. I was fairly disappointed that as a 6 year customer of Comcast that when I called to change my plan (I can't afford the $260 a month right now) they were most unhelpful. They apologized and told me it was "to bad" but were unable to provide a real reason why they were offering a better deal to someone who hadn't been a loyal customer for the last 6 years. I was not on a contract plan. So when I moved I switched. When I called to cancel, then they were willing to work with me, but I had already found someone else. Maybe if they would have been more helpful at the initial call I would still be a customer for all my needs. I now get more channels, my internet isn't advertised as fast, but I have noticed no difference, and the customer service with Verizon is stellar! When I set up with Comcast the first time it took three weeks, they got faster when I moved up to Beaverton, with Verizon my package was at my door the day I moved in, and phone tech guy really was amazing logging onto my computer, sorting out my network, setting up my wireless router, signing onto my laptop to set that up and also installing virus software for me. Comcast would not even help me setup my wireless router, even though I was paying for the service call. Oh, I save about a $120 a month too over Comcast. JME
  13. finch, the pink stuff is halymenia or dragons tongue algae. It was pink because it was not doing so well, it is now a more healthy red color. Jason, sorry I forgot about this thread. That sounds like a nice trade. I need to make a frag for you. I just moved my tanks and the reef is still in tubberwares in the garage, give me a few days. Kevin
  14. I have quite a bit I am never going to use as well.
  15. If you need family pics, you know what I do right?
  16. IME the only thing a canister is good for is a prefilter for a larger UV. Yes you can run many chemicals through them, but honestly I don't use any of them anyways. I do use sugar to remove nitrates. It is a very easy thing to do. Once you get the balance down, it's not so hard. I got so tired of cleaning the canister filters I removed them on everything but my fry tanks, since I am no longer working with fry my life is so much easier. JME
  17. I ordered mine from Dr Fosters and Smith. They were $34 a bucket, shipped with coupon.
  18. Thanks guys! I spent the day moving to a new apartment. The mom in law is moving in with us (health reasons) so we got a new place. Not the best way to spend a birthday but for a good cause I suppose. Moving the tanks next week if anyone wants to have some fun. (it was worth a shot) Thanks again.
  19. I don't know how big of a frag yet. I'll have to pull it out and see where the best place to cut it would be. It will be bigger then an SPS knob, but it won't be a colony. As far as pricing. I really prefer to trade stuff. It's just more fun for me. Your tank is still kinda young so if you don't have anything to trade I'll take an IOU for something sometime in the future. Light wise. In the first tank I had it in the gorg was 4" tall and was about 15" total away from the 150w when it started. It then grew to be maybe 5 or 6 inches from the light. In the tank it is in now it's about 9" from the light. It's growth has slowed down a bit, but I think part of that is there is a seahorse who calls it home now and she irritates the polyps so they do not come out for long portions of the day (whenever she is home). I'll try to frag it in the next week or so. We'll will probably want to give it a few days to heal up and attach before you take it if that sounds right to you.
  20. I'd love a frag of those. LMK
  21. Older pic but it still looks the same. I the pic it was under a 150 HQI 14K bulb. Now it is under 4 24w T5 bulbs. I have a koralia nano pointed right at it, from about 6" away. It likes a good amount of flow IME. I still have the xenia for you too.
  22. I could frag you a piece of my purple gorg. It's kinda cool. I got it at Waves a couple of years back.
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