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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. This whole thread was designed just to get me to go in there to be a nerd reject again wasn't it. High School all over again.
  2. Waiting for some film to be developed, I walked into the only open store in the strip mall to kill time; saw a live seahorse. 3 weeks later I had two. That was my first fish I didn't win with a ping pong ball.
  3. pled = beg for osophy= wisdon Name means beg for wisdom. I used to be a white rapper and it was my stage name.
  4. I have the MPT screw on piece. I had it hard plumbed exteranally. I never took the fittings off. You want a pic? PM me your address.
  5. Horseshoe crabs will get very large. 20" or so across. I kept one for about a year until it started knocking over my rocks. JME
  6. I have a QO 4000, which might be the regular model not the HH as I don't remember the HH thing, that can be used if the pump is submersed or if you can figure out how to get it to stop leaking. It might just need an O ring. I went with something that was quieter. I ran it for two years or so. So a two year old pump that leaks . . . make me an offer. Make it low. I'm thinking in the $10 to $15 range shipped. I have no idea how much shipping would be. I might go lower.
  7. It will not help you work with photo's any better IME. I have used the top of the line Dell and top of the line Mac right next to each other (back in college) I noticed no differences. JME
  8. Lindsey Lohan (we're similar ages so it's O.K. I used to think she was hot. (laugh) )
  9. now we know were luv get's his name
  10. If she wanted to setup a new tank that would be most fun. Unfortunately she does not. I'm kinda leery until we move again.
  11. My wife has taken space in my display with her frogspawns and torch corals. Even though they kill my corals. Now she wants a RBTA. Maybe it is time for her tank. Thanks for the idea.
  12. Running a T from the drain to a QT tank is counter productive IMO. What if the QT'd fish have myco, now you've killed your entire system. JMO I ran several tanks on a tier system, it works well IMO. T'ing a drain can be tricky. IME it is easier to T off a pump, or run a drain directly.
  13. This thread makes me feel old.
  14. You guys are starting to freak me out. Should I really call him. Doesn't he work with Mark? I'm sure Matt just got busy with something. He's a busy guy.
  15. After a few hours of work today my sump now has no live sand, but 20 lbs or so of LR rubble, a ball of chaeto and an intake to a PCI recirculating skimmer. There are also two heaters in there. The sand is now in the displays right back corner so I can get the wrasse I want. Live food can get exspensive. I used to spend $5 three times a week for live shrimp for seahorses.
  16. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! That's when you know your a real reefer. We have human towels and fish towels. The human towels are decorated with fish. (naughty)
  17. Joel is my friend so take this for what you will. When he first started building tanks I went into the shop, saw a system, and said how sweet he was. He pointed out every flaw. Some of which I could not see. The he told me how he was going to take the tank apart and redo it. I couldn't even see everything he was talking about. He redid it. Then again. Joel is a perfectionist. I respect him for it, because I am the same in my work, but honestly I don't even see everything he is talking about, I've been in the hobby for 8 years. I have purchased other things from Joel that he has special ordered for me. If ever there was a problem, Joel would fix it. Like literally take the skimmer apart, repair the seals, switch out a pump, etc, etc, etc an hour later I was good to go. Point being Joel stands behind his deals. I wouldn't worry about it. When I do business with Joel, there is no worries, he always stands behinds his deal beyond what most others would. Joel putting Waves up for sale, makes me want to buy everything I plan on getting "soon" so I can get it while he is still there. He stands behind stuff that much IME. Beyond that glass over acrylic every time, especially if all the holes are coming predrilled. I have been so careful with all of my acrylic tanks, I swear my 34g has scratches from sand that gt caught in the flow. Seriously. Andy, I know what you speak of. Hence you never see pictures of my acrylic tanks
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