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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I would like the Bird of Paradise Frag if it is not yet spoken for. I can not pick up until Monday, but can paypal the money now to hold it.
  2. How is Chuck Norris not in this conversation?
  3. It's chilling in the sump under a NO light. Same place I am bringing back by other acan rescue from last week. So far all of the polyps are eating twice a day. No real color coming back on the white side, but no spreading either. It'll be hard to get a picture from where it is at. If this continues for more then another week, I will move it to my other sump with lower light and a higher nutrient load and will be able to get pictures. I counted 30ish polyps, if it lives it's not a bad price at all for what I paid.
  4. You can order it online from out of the country. Canada is popular. I do so with many medications for fish that are not "legal" for me to have without a prescription.
  5. Does anywhere local test for iron or iodide?
  6. I visited a LFS today and they had a micro with insane colors on half the colony, but the other half of the colony the polyps have all turned white. If you look closely at the white polyps you can still see the feeding tentacle so I would guess they are alive. I have it acclimating in the sump. Do I dip it, chop it up and keep the nice polyps and hope for the best, or dip it leave it be and just put it on the bottom of the tank in some shade. I feed my other LPS frequently so I plan on feeding it a grip in the next few weeks either ways. Thanks.
  7. Another site I work with has been hacked multiple times and we have lost weeks of data multiple times. It does take some time to back up a large forum, smart hackers now how to make things more difficult it seems. Last time that site was hacked the FBI got involved, it was nuttz!
  8. If it falls through, I would like to be next in line.
  9. I used to do a 50% water change on my tank once a week. The tank did well. When I setup my reef I was doing a 30% water change once a week. Things were good. Now on my reef I do a 10% water change every few months, things are good. On my planted tank, I have done a 3 water changes in a year. Two were within a week of each other, dosing for flatworms. The last was when I moved the tank. IMO water changes are used to export nutrients that the systems filtration is not. Instead of using more water, I just increased my filtration. I use supplements to increase things I am loosing. I only dose what I test for. Yes there are trace elements that I can not test for, but I am not sure just how much flouride (.000068 in natural seawater) my corals need. In the air we breather there are several elements we do not use, I suspect it is the same with the elements found in the ocean and corals. Not that I know anything.
  10. So I got a multibanded from Joel, decided to get a few more. Anyone seen them around these parts? Looking for multibanded or dragons. Thanks
  11. After I lost my wrasse a year or so ago I took several from my 30g and put them in the reef. I think they are great cleaners.
  12. Anglers are dope! I'd pay for the live food just to watch them hunt. They are pretty cool. I thought about a mixed pipe tank. I can get a pair of ghost pipes, but I don't know if I want that much responsibility. No one has bred them yet, it would be my new goal. The dragon faced, C. nigripectus, or multi banded would be awesome. I think I produce enough pods. I gotta go get that magazine. I talked to a guy that was breeding them on another forum. He thinks it would be easy, he did offer to sell me some though . . . If I go Lion I want the berbari or the fu man chu. Both stay small. If I go this route I can get one of the other fish I like too like a leaf fish or warty angler. . . I do think I could come home to the filefish every night and be stoked on it. It is so hard for me to pick.
  13. Funny that's what I thought about yours. I used to keep a midas, great fish. My wife has been asking for schooling chromis for a long time. I think she'd tell me I should make my tank look like yours. Thanks Angel (med) Red.
  14. Here is my planted tank. I'll get one of the reef up as soon as I clean it.
  15. I'm glad I'm not coming off wrong. Sometimes I worry about communicating things on forums. It's harder to read someone's intent without tone of voice and facial expression. I know of the learning curve. I had a go of it. I didn't find the internet at all until 02'ish and the first years of reefkepping where hard on me. I actually had a LFS tell me seahorses and lionfish were perfect tank mates becuas ethe lionfish fins were great hitches. It was 6 months before I learned about topping off with fresh water, not fresh salt water. I cycled with manderins, same day I bought my tank and liverock. I've done a lot of stupid stuff, so at least I have some ideas of what not to do. I'm sure I'll learn some more along the way.
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