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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Zoa's are pretty hardy IME. I have had them at the top of the tank, and at the bottom of the tank. They will do fine under that light. They also do well under varying flow conditions. You can pretty much put them anywhere IME. HTH
  2. Up. He worked on it for a little bit, I didn't think he could do it but he did. He did have a bit longer head start then you did. He might have been part of the production with the Hood to Coast race, not sure but there was a get together with sponsors there. I didn't mean to diminish your skating, I was just really taken back at this dude and thought you would enjoy hearing it. I was in awe.
  3. Ha I missed this. We should try together soon so I can check out the new systems. Would be fun. My wife says thank you for taking that bucket out of the garage. LMK when your ready for frags, I'll hook you up.
  4. I saw homie at the Eastside Esplanade on Friday go up a staircase like that. 9 steps kickflip and then landed it. He has his own film crew too. I was impressed.
  5. Reef is right, all those stores closing, my business is going to have to go somewhere. The trach is incredible now that it is inflating. The paly also stands out against the other couple hundred zoa's that surround it. Thanks for the super deals. I am really enjoying them.
  6. They both came from under your kids fingernail? DOH! (laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)
  7. I picked up a crazy chalice there today too I've had my eye on for awhile. I actually didn't take it home yet, so if you get to Waves before 1pm tomorrow you can be jealous. I've gone home with some nice stuff lately, a RBTA, one of the nice clams, some cool LPS frags. There are nice deals to be had at the 30% off. The prices were already reasonable before the discount.
  8. Was nice meeting you and your fiance. FWIW I used to run a 4 and a 3 on my 65g. I removed the 3, and now you have that one. I think I'm going to ditch the 4 to and just go vortech. I am running a 1000 gphish through a closed loop as well and another 300g through my return. HTH
  9. "was" is appropriate. Thanks again. Time to build anew canopy I suppose.
  10. I would be soooo stoked to get this from you. If it is still available, I will definitely take it.
  11. Sean, YGPM Benny, Actually I do this Sunday. I'll pay a ninety cash for the day. I basically need someone to carry around a heavy light with a generator strapped to it. I have 14 sittings at the Rose Garden. Mostly families. Joel, Ya I still work about 60-70 hours a week. Doing something I love 90% of the time. It's awesome. BTW there seems to be some misconception here. There cheerleaders I am photographing are between 8-13 years old. They're little kids. Ya it will be fun, I'm sure they will be cute, but might not be what yall had in mind. My work is mostly with families and kids. Sorry to disappoint. I really am looking for a light guy. The guy I have been using is going back to Gonzaga on Friday. If anyone is looking for a job in photography/ customer service position, let me know like yesterday. We interviewed 15 people today.
  12. Make that 8 people, you forgot to count me.
  13. Tomorrow night is cool with me, the wife is making a nice dinner but before or after might be cool. Not sure what time I get off work, just however long it takes to photograph 65 cheer leaders. You still have my number?
  14. I have half a bucket of old argonite sand from when I moved my 65g left over. Your welcome to it. Might have some dead stuff in it, I never really cleaned it, but it should be fine if it is going in a new tank which will be going through the a cycle IMO. I wouldn't put it all in an exsisting tank. I went with barely any sand in the setup now, the flow just made the water to cloudy otherwise. LMK, I'm still at Reflections.
  15. I have a 3 not being used. What do you have for trade?
  16. The title of the thread specified good jokes. (nono) (clap)(clap)
  17. IME, IMHO going to slow is a waste of time. I would start with a dose. Dose three times, every other day, then double the dose. I no longer use vodka, but prefer sugar. I have doses many tanks. Only good results so far. If you see white strings in the display, skip a dose. This does not work as well without a skimmer IME. Dosing right before the lights turn on have reported less problems, but I have not had any issues with vodka or sugar IMO. I have dosed a carbon source with detectable nitrate, it is why I dosed in lieu of water changes, I saw no issue with it IME. HTH
  18. Dremel? Serious I would just cut the rock. If they are growing that fast for you, you could put a few small pieces of rubble rock next to your mini colony and then sell the rubble rock as they colonize. WOuld be worth it if they are that in demand. JMO
  19. Bob, I have several species of macro on hand. My life is still hectic, but if a time works out I could help you out on that note. I got rid of all of my pom pom and only have the blue xenia now, but it does not grow as fast as the other. HTH
  20. Is the tank drilled? Hard to see from the picture. I might be interested in a tank, stand, 1 250w MH pendent and skimmer combo. I can throw in some corals including a neon green sinularia, and a tyree green long polyp leather frag, will also include zoa's and acans. Depends on how flexible you are with the price and how set you are on not splitting up the lighting. I would like to come over and look at the equipment to see it's condition in person before we agree on a price. Kevin
  21. I kept one for quite some time in 02'. I got it the size of a quarter, it grew to be maybe 5 inches or so across in less then a year, I turned it back to the LFS. This is the first I have ever heard of a small species of the animal. You sure on that? IME they can flip over a 15 lbs rock, so make sure your stuff is heavy and all of your corals attached or glued down well. They are very very fun to watch. When they get acclimated to the tank they will be out and about more often. I have had one disappear for a few weeks at a time. I took out the molt thinking the crab was dead (I was a newb and never heard of a molt before, kinda made an idiot about myself over the whole thing), I was quite surprised to see it pop up later. They are fun animals, but do to there growth, adult size, and talent of knocking things over, I doubt I'll ever try again. JME
  22. Did you loose stuff John? I'm sure I can put together some stuff for ya too.
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