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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I'll have a 4 next week, when my vortech arrives . . . . Need to get the replacement pump first. edit. PM me if you want it. Trade is cool. I like zoa's and LPS I don't have.
  2. As far as I know these are brand new to the hobby. I would not pursuit them unless you are really up for putting the time into making them survive. No offense Eric, but I don't think you have the backround or dedication to go after these, neither do I. IMO I would wait them out for now. If they do well, they will be around again, if not, you would have just wasted your time, there lives, and the possibility for someone to figure out how they work in home systems. I do know of tanks set up for them, but really to early to tell results. JMO
  3. THanks for the tip, you saved me $20. I decided on the MP20 and got a Tunze Nano as well. Good Times. Is the USPS guy here yet? Is he here yet? Was that him?
  4. Good to know as I am planning on ordering the MP20 in a few minutes. Just came to check the local site first. Thanks.
  5. Zip ties work for me too. If you heat the airline up before placing it on the barb you have to cut it off IME. HTH
  6. what kind of livestock you looking for?
  7. This is why I prefer to buy it new from a store. There is a waranty on them, but buying local I could just take it back to the shop, as opposed to doing the shipping thing. Also if a store had them on stock to sell, I could see the differences between the 10 and the 20 in person. Seeing things in person helps me out a lot over reading. Thanks for all the help and the PM's offering to order me one. So no one local?
  8. I'm always late to the party. Welcome to the club. If you need any help with the seahorses I have been keeping them for about 8 years, have some published articles, bred a few species, I kinda was obsessed for a bit. I'm sure I can help you out. I have a ton of species of macro algaes I could start you off with as well. Hope your enjoying Oregon so far.
  9. I buy my water too. I can mix it, but with the space we have setting up the RODI would be tight and it is just easier to buy it for me. Since Waves has closed I haven't done a waterchange so . . . if you find a good spot LMK. The last time I tried getting water at seahorses, couple years back there were detectable nitrates, phosphates and the calcium was in the low 300's. It has been some time, maybe just a bad batch, I might try them again to see if things have changed.
  10. The only time I use a cannister filter is as a prefilter to a UV sterilizer. MOst systems don't really require UV's IMO so whether or not your going that route depends on what you want your system to be. Generally I do not like cannisters because I do not like cleaning them. They do need to be cleaned every week or two to avoid detritus build up which will lead to nitrate rise IME. HTH
  11. I'm looking to get a vortech. Been wanting one for some time, I just had my 6 month smoke free anniversary time to get myself a present. Do any stores in the area carry vortech? I know I can order online and get free shipping, but face to face is more fun.
  12. I have been using them on both of my acrylic tanks for quite some time. They are pretty amazing. Get the all white ones, not the ones with the blue scrubb pad on them, that way you can use both sides. It really is amazig how much easier the stuff comes off with them IME
  13. If the firefish are not yet housed I want them. I can pick up tomorrow night. I live right down the street. I will not be on again until late tomorrow. Call me at 714 757 3943. Thanks Kevin
  14. Ya I'm already drunk and since you abstain and all . . The wife is also asleep. Sometime this week would be cool. Call me.
  15. The tank or the skimmer? I don't want the skimmer, interested in the rest, mostly the tank and stand. LMK a price minus skimmer if that is what has sold. If the tank has sold, I hope whoever has it loves it!
  16. The Petco in Tigard actually has a fairly nice salt water setup. They have shown the ability to keep many fish long term including a pair of maricultured reidi for more then a year. Further in there defense many zoa's can be kept alive under CF lighting for many years IME. A LFS having predators in there tank seems to be more common then not from the stores I have visited, which is why I dip corals and QT fish. I'm not saying all Petco's are great, but they don't deserve what is being given to them here either. JME
  17. Sounds like you need to come over. I'll break you off.
  18. can you email pics to Kevin @ Seahorse . org (no spaces)
  19. I'm gonna miss it this year. It's not in a backyard anymore, it's at the Orange County Fair Grounds again IIRC. It's usually a pretty good time and I nice turn out. They've been at it for a bit. When your down there, check out the Yardhouse, it's a restraunt fairly close to the show. It's a beer lovers kind of place.
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