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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I hadn't been in quite some time, shop has changed for the better quite a bit from what I remember. I was pretty impressed. If you haven't been in awhile you should definitely check this place out again.
  2. Completely not offended, just talking shop I've never noticed Nikon lens to be that supperior to Canon lens, maybe it's that the sensor just can't capture all the beauty of the lens. (naughty)(laugh)(laugh)(whistle) Naw I'm the first to admit the kit lens that comes with Canon cameras is crap. That is part of why they are so cheap IMO. They know they got you in for another grand easy for the lens, possibly three or four depending on what you want to shoot. I think that goes both ways, and has been for many many moons now. It's like the Mac/PC debate. Both are good products. To be honest I don't think most people should buy rebels. I think a nicer point and shoot will give the average person on this site a better chance at capturing what they want for far less money. There is the convience part of it to, last thing I want to carry when I climb Everest, or hit the bar with the homies, is a 20 lbs bag of camera gear, then have to recreate moments because my zoom was on the camera and I needed the wide angle. The point and shoot just fits in the pocket. JMO.
  3. Ya, I guess you would call me a pro. It's how I've made my living since I was 16. Well there was that brief interlude as a male stripper. . . kidding kidding.;) I shoot portraits, it's fun. Does the 1.4 not fit on the 5D? I guess I've never tried it since I switch cameras. Having the 2.8 is about as low as I go, and I have the 24-70 for that. I do think it comes down to preference. I was all about the 24-70 because of the 2.8 for awhile, now I really want the 105. If only there was a 24-105 2.8, would probably be way to heavy for me anyways. You can rent lens places and try them out. Pro Photo has it where you pick it up on Thursday and return it Monday morning. I think the 24-70 was in the $30 range for the 4 days. HTH
  4. IME, which is more then most, the Canon Rebel line is pretty awesome. As far as it not being a "professional line", I am a professional, my studio uses rebels. We used to use Nikon D1X's, but find that for print quality Rebels are better. As far as Rebels not being able to print large photo's, I might agree with that to a bit. The largest I have printed was a 4 foot by 8 foot print, but it was fine. I might not use it for a billboard. That print was made from a Jpeg shot on the original Rebel a.k.a 300D. As for the Rebels not holding up, I can only speak of my experience. I have taken a couple hundred thousand images on a rebel, rebel XT, and rebel XTI. Doing the type of work I do I take a lot of images, sometimes over 10,000 a week. I have not had a Rebel shutter die on me yet. JME Personally I prefer Canon's, I did make the switch from Nikon as I was disappointed with the print quality and color output from the Nikon files. When I made the switch I was also not to fond of there sensor design or the amplifiers used. They may have fixed that now, I have not checked into it. IMO the main advantage to Nikon's is the wireless link to there flash line. With the Canon cameras you need to buy external gear which is expensive. Personally as a professional photographer with 12 years experience, the camera I take places is a Sony point and shoot. It does have the option for lens add ons. It also has the option for a water proof case. You could get the camera I have, a telephoto lens, a wide angle lens, macro is included, an external flash, and an underwater case for scuba for about a grand. Compare that with a "professional DSLR", a professional telephoto lens, a professional macro, a professional wide angle, a professional mid range, and external flash, I'm well over 5G's already. Just saying, the little point and shoot cameras can be pretty incredible if you take the time to look at them. The sony's come with a full manual mode, which shows the exposure of the image if it were shot as it would be on the screen. I wish my 5D did that. The other advantage with consumer camera's is they are made for the average person, you won't have to take a class or 3 to figure out how to use it, just spend a day or two with the manual. JMO
  5. You guys are awesome. I'm like fully hooked up now. Would have taken me forever to find all this. Thanks That's why I love you my man.
  6. I know I am asking for it, but what's Dick's?
  7. Dope. You guys are so helpful. I might take you up on the peanuts soon Sean. I'm gonna try to ship everything out a week from today, see if I can get it all in one swoop.
  8. Sorry I don't know anything about Youtube, IMO I wouldn't worry so much about what other people think of your system. If you like it great. This hobby is not really about proving things. I scrape the coraline off of all my tanks before I photograph them, who cares what people think, I like to see the tank. I even do the back walls because I think the black on the back of the tank makes the color pop better. Pico tanks have been around for a long time. I think I saw my first one in 01. Don't let peoples ignorance stop your enjoyment of the hobby. If the coraline is so hard to get at in that tank design, perhaps switching shapes would help to keep your enjoyment level up, unless of course it doesn't bother you. For me, if that were my tank I would just want to see all of those cool corals and critters more. That is all I am saying.
  9. Cosco nice! Do you know what brand your using? I will be shipping some corals but mostly algae. The most sensitive thing I will be shipping out will be acans, so should be relatively easy. Garrett what method of shipping are you using to ship out your algaes? I need to ship a few boxes to the east coast but mostly west coast so far.
  10. It's a nice pico tank. IMO cleaning the coraline off the front of the tank might make the video better. JMO
  11. Where do you guys get your shipping supplies? I need small boxes, maybe some heat packs, some packing, stuff like that. I plan on starting to ship things out again to make some cash, but don't know where to get stuff local. Thanks.
  12. What do you want to use it for?
  13. I finally made it there myself in the last week too. Nice shop, not to far away. Kinda stoked on it, I've been looking for a new LFS since Waves is gone.
  14. I can do it for you. I can show some samples of my work if you like, restoration was a side income for quite some time for me. Pricing will depend on the amount of work that needs to be done. Simple repairs would be different then a piece that was in a flood, ripped in half, and had a coffee stain on it (true story). Do you want prints or just the image on a disc? IME I prefer photographing then working with it, my camera is far better then my scanner. There are places that do professional scans as well for not very expensive. It all depends what you want to do with it and how big you want it.
  15. What kind of stuff are you shooting mostly? Just hobby, serious hobby, or profession? I might also be interested in you 24-105 if you choose to replace it. It's next on my list.
  16. It will be here on Tuesday, it's coming with my Tunze (clap) I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited. (naughty) (rock2)
  17. What do you want for the 35-105. Faith the 24-70 is pretty awesome, I think you'll like it, I've had mine for about 5 years. To be honest I am a bit surprised your going with that as well as a 24-105 F4. I have used both and in many circumstances I wish I had the extra 45mm. Have you tried renting one and using it? Not hating, just weighing in with my experience. Hope That Helps.
  18. YGPM. (random filler to hit 10 characters)
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