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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Why is that to much flow for a refugium? Algae lives in some pretty high flow areas. Unless you are using a mud that the flow is disrupting IME you can not have to much flow in a refugium. I actually find in my marine planted tank that the more flow the better, I am at 60x now, the refugium on that system is closer to 70x turnover an hour. JME
  2. Did you follow the links? All the questions are anwsered, except one, I have used it, I do not now. I would again.
  3. Macroalgae will clog your drain in time. Placing a refugium inline before the skimmer is a poor choice IME. JMO
  4. I used it for 6 years. It is pretty awesome. It does need replenishment with time, I used to buy a "replenish bag" once every 6 months. The amount of mud you need depends on the size of the tank. You still need to dose for Calcium and alkalinity IME. Also the selection of the species of algae is important IME. I would not use grape but prefered taxifloria or prolifera. JME
  5. Personally I prefer Leng Sy's approach, but maybe just because I used it with succsess, and maybe because I know Leng. here is a video link http://www.ecosystemaquarium.com/media.html
  6. Best place would probably be the GOC forum. IMO the problem with this would be then everyone would not start with a fair playing field. Joe's LFS might have a better fragging technique or lighting systems then Jim's LFS. John's LFS might have a horrible outbreak of widgets that kill all the corals. Jacobs LFS might be dosing there tanks with human growth hormone and the corals would be twice the size. For it to be fair all the frags have to come from the same colony, from the same system. JMO
  7. Not a Leng Sy cap either IMO. I would call that a green cap with a purple rim, they usually go for $10 a frag. Calling it a Leng Sy cap just increases it's value. Wrongly IDing things is becoming more and more prevalent these days with people wanting to increase prices, it's getting kind of ridiculous. At least these people are being honest by posting the actual picture of the coral, there are many that post a picture of the coral they are naming, then send you something that looks close to it. That's more dishonest IMO. At least by posting the picture of the actual frag it is buyer be ware. JMO
  8. I have no skimmer on my 34g planted tank, and haven't done a water change since may. I only did one then because I moved apartment, before that it had been at least 6 months. Being that the tank is a planted tank, you can get away with a bit more IMO, you actually need nutrients. I ran many soft coral tanks without skimmers for 5 or 6 years. The water changes will help. I did still have some algae issues. I do run a skimmer on my reef tank now. JME
  9. C'mon, you didn't get it? What air bubbles? Is there not a hole on the top of the drain pipe to release the air?
  10. The one in that link is not the Leng Sy cap. On the original Leng Sy cap the purple extended down well over an inch. It was pretty awesome. For awhile the coral was completely unavailable, even Leng lost his colony but recently there seems to be people claiming to have a piece of it in several places. Forget the Leng Sy cap IMO, go with some Leng SY Miracle Mud, and his Reef Supplements. For the record, Leng started me in this hobby.
  11. One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish ? ? ? ? ?
  12. Honestly I don't know where to pick up black hose since Waves closed down . . . (whistle) (laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh) (naughty) (naughty)
  13. I think it is a very nice looking stand and canopy, you did nice work. That combo will fit other tanks as well, including my 65g system. There is also a 70g, 75g, and 90g tank with the same footprint. Maybe someone would want a different size tank then you would buy? I would put up the stand and canopy as one item, and the lighting as another, then the various parts as a third. If you are looking to get the most money out. I had never seen your thread before, you do very nice work. If you would be interested in building (or maybe even staining) a canopy of the same footprint for my current system I would be interested in how much you would want for one. I would like to switch to MH's, but my canopy is to low.
  14. I use the same sump method Eric describes, but I turn everything off for it, skimmer, filters, everything that could add water to the sump. I simulate a power outage. When I mark my fill line, I give myself an extra inch, because sometimes when I was refilling water by hand, I was heavy handed with the jug. I use an Auto top off unit now so I only have to add water to my resivoir tank once every two weeks. It's quite nice. HTH
  15. Oh you should've gone with black flex hose, algae will grow in the clear ones IME. It's easy enough to change out when you need to. I was an idiot and changed mine out 3 or 4 times with clear hose until I found the black stuff. If you switch the fans to the SilenX brand, you won't hear those either. It was kind of eerie for me when I got my tank silent. I would wake up in the middle of the night for months in a panic because the power was off. Then I would have to go and check all the pumps to make sure they were still working. It was a couple months of this until I calmed down. Glad it's going well for you Eric.
  16. I don't circulate my auto top off water at all. Never have really. If your going to be dripping kalk through it, I would, if not, don't worry about it IMO. If you do want to do it, I would not use that thing. Both my ATO pumps uses airline tubing. I would get a splitter for the tubing, and then a valve for the one in the resivoir and try that first. Might cost you $3. I'm not sure if that is going to be enough water movement for you though. If you want a lot of movement I would use a MJ or something that can do on off with no worries and moves a bit of water. All of that said, unless I was going to be dripping kalk I really see no benefit. Not saying there is not one, just that I don't know it. HTH
  17. I have a ton of feather dusters, small shrimp, bristle worms, and a crap load of algae. Oh there is a section for the acans too.
  18. I do not believe that is a Leng Sy cap. Can you post a picture of the parent colony. I'm not trying to bust your chops, but if you do have a Leng Sy cap, I would be very interested. Leng was my mentor when I entered the hobby. Last I spoke with him, which has been about a year since Reef A Palooza 08', the coral was no longer available in the hobby. If you have one, I would like to purchase it and send it to him. Thanks
  19. I tried many many things. Like everything you can think of. Sugar was the easy anwser. One packet every few days, nitrate stays at zero. I did have to work up to that dose, but no looking back. I used to run a refugium, do 30% weekly water changes, have a skimmer, have a nitrate media reactor, etc. Sugar works better, and is so much easier IMO HTH
  20. I've sold over 100 items on RC, never an issue for me. You do get lowballers, but that happens here too. RC is nice if you live in So Cal, I sold 5 tanks, 2 stands, 3 light fixtures, over 150# of LR, return pumps, some powerheads, 20+ corals, plus misc items in a half hour once. Paid for my trip to Portland
  21. Tombstone Movies with Nicholas Cage, Kevin Costner, and Mel Gibson are always good.
  22. My boss would appreciate me bringing someone to work with me probably as much as yours would. I don't have an online album. We maintain the privacy of our clients. I'll put something together one day of family and friends, kinda like a mechanic will fix there car one day. I don't shoot many weddings, I made my niche elsewhere, but I have been thinking about diving into the wedding market again, if my schedule ever clears up enough to have a weekend day free.
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