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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. My bad, apparently in my exhausted state of last night I got praziquantel and panacur mixed up in my head. They both start with "p" if that is a good excuse. Sorry. Going through my notes I did feed out Prazipro to brine shrimp and then feed that to the fry and to treat wild caught seahorses. My focus was more for internal parasites in the digestive track. For the external parasites I would use a series of freshwater dips, similiar to how Jay described in the thread you linked. I have read that praziquantel will kill off some bacteria which might be why some people talked about a rise in ammonia and an increase in skimmate prodcution, part of that might be attributed to the fluke and worm death as well, hard to know how much of what. There seems to be a track record of people treating there systems with succsess, it might be a good idea to kill the other flukes that are in your system so the problem is not reoccuring. I might consider using a product like Amquel to neuatralize the ammonia that other people are reporting to lessen the stress on the fish and system. Hope I confused you enough for one day. (whistle)(plotting)
  2. Stop, don't do that! Prazipro will stay in your rocks for years! It isused in some fry setups to eliminate hydroids, the same is true for dwarf seahorses. Either way it stays for years. It is very effective though, at killing inverts for years! If you just need a bin or small tank to treat in, I can hook you up. I got a ton of rubbermaids from Matt. I think I have some prazipro as well, but need to see if it is expired. World Of Wet Pets in Beaverton usually has live brine shrimp. It is off of Beaverton Hillsdale Highway across the street from where Aquaticus was. If you keep going past Aquaticus I think it is the next right before the AAA building. I get crazy coral deals there sometimes.
  3. One of my clown fish draws blood every time my hand goes in the tank. I started using my hand for bait, and capturing him in a net when I work in the tank now.
  4. I would try feeding him live brine shrimp. Feed the vitamin mixture to the brine, wait until they eat a good portion of it, then feed the brine to the fish. Soaking the food in enrichment doesn't seem to do anything but make a big cloud when the food hits the water (as all of the enrichment goes away).
  5. I do them in a 5 gallon bucket for 8-10 minutes. You do need to observe the behavior of the fish during this period. Thrashing about violently is fine, if they go flat and seem to stop or severly slow breathing time to end the dip. Do match the pH and temp of the water. After the dip is over, you can just toss them back in the hospital tank. Drip acclimating them to the desired salinity would probably kill them. I have only dipped seahorses, but I have done it a hundred times or so (raising fry, and treating WC's) LMK if you have anya more questions.
  6. If you are so tired of it why do you perpetuate it? Do you know Tiger? Have you ever shaken his hand? Had a conversation? Has he been to your house for dinner? Or did you choose to climb up on your soap box to spit down your self righteous indignation in an attempt to make youself feel better? Here you are on the sidelines rooting that a family breaks up, and two kids are left fatherless. That says a lot about your character. What I know of Tiger is he used to stay after school to help tutor kids. When he graduated he gave money back to the school so the kids in the band could realize a dream after not being able to fund raise enough. He opened up a learning center in out community to help kids escape the ghetto. His programs targeted under privledged and disabled kids, and my brother with autism still benefits from them. He started doing this before he was rich (he was famous when he was 2), he just had enough money to help out. You knew it was about helping because his dad, Earl, was always around to help, such a nice man. Tiger is not perfect, but then again, neither are you.
  7. http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15697
  8. I've never treated for ich (crosses fingers and knocks on wood) but I do hypo fish in QT before the display and ich has never made the display. JME I thought copper was hard on the fish, but just how careful we have to be is still up for grabs, people ahve used it for quite some time. Since there has been some feeding issues, it is possible that if you resolve those and the fish gets healthier, then it could kick the ich on it's own, but again, I have never treated for it so it's just an opinion.
  9. I have a few battery packs that will run the tank for 12 hours at a time. If it goes longer then that I also have an inverter, but I only have one, I might have to run some extension cords around the house. In warmer weather I just hook up the battery powered air pump. For keeping the tanks warm. My one tank is at 67F right now, the heater kicks on at 66F, it's the planted tank. i used to keep seahorses in there and I never changed the temperature. The other tank is holding at 82F with 2 50w heaters and 1 100w heater. JME
  10. That's in your new tank right? If you want I have some supplements that disolve with the food that help boost the immune system. It's like the hippie way of treating such things, but it has worked for me in other areas. Worst case it does nothing.
  11. Chalices, acans, micro's, tubestrea, blasto's, IME. Never tried fragging up a lobo so I don't really know. I actually do have acan frags I would like to get rid of, they are a descent size. I just need to start clearing some room, tank is getting full. Also IME tyree long polyp green leathers do well in low light, I have some frags of that as well. LMK
  12. Damm you move fast, already water in the thing. Nice work!
  13. I find I get better colors out of LPS that need direct food if the have limited light. I have grown quite a few with a compact flourscent bulb about 18" from the waters surface. JME
  14. The article should have included pictures.
  15. It's not the money really, it's more of the drive and that the tank is acrylic. If it were a glass setup I'd be way all over this. What are the dimensions of the tank? Does the light fit the system. $325 for the tank, stand, and light is good, but it would take me 5 hours in the car, and it is hard to see the condition of the tank. Just being honest. Would you take corals in trade too?
  16. How do you make a video your desktop wallpaper? Edit: using Windows 7
  17. For coral, I'd probably keep my tyree long polyp green leathers. For fish, seahorses. One or the other, seahorses.
  18. That is a common mark with sump to tank turnover. I think it is more appropriate to be used for how much water is being fed to the skimmer then how much flow the algae can handle. The turnover through the refugium in my planted tank is around 10x an hour, I use a supplemental powerhead to increase the flow to where I want it. IME more flow through the algaes commonly used in refugiums helps to reduce the amount of trapped detiritus and promotes growth. I understand what your LFS is saying, and why, I just disagree IMO. JMO
  19. I hate that overflow tank. All I hear from my wife now is why don't you get one of those. I want one of those. Get rid of those stick things and get one of those waterfall tanks! ! ! Geez! Why couldn't she fall in love with the wave tank?
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