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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I think that is a good suggestion. I would also look into a two spot goby (Signigobius biocellatus) and the watchmens (cryptocentrus). IME some of the watchman especially the pink spotted watchman, can get to be quite aggressive once they stake out there territory. JME
  2. You should turn the skimmer back on, and then go post in your emergency thread it has been off for 2 weeks. You can give a skimmer to much air
  3. I think 13 fish in a 72g, especially with some of the fish he's keeping, the duncans and other LPS would also contribute to the bioload if they are being target fed, there would be the source of the nitrate. Combine that with a new tank. Factor in a not 0 ammonia reading. Ding Ding Ding. This is one of your problems. Feed your tank as you normally would, then test your ammonia in an hour, then in 4 hours, then in 8. If I had to guess your fish and corals are being poisoned by to great of a bioload and a bacateria population that is not significant enough to clear that load. City water, Are you treating the water with anything. Doing that amount of water changes with untreated water is going to cause you a problem as well. It's not the TDS or phosphate, it is the chloramine and other elements they add to our water. It also varies throughout the year as to what and how much they add. If your using tap water you really need to be treating it with a filter or a product similiar to Amquel+. Compared to what you have in stock, a water filter would have been cheap. Not trying to rub it in at all, just saying it's worth it. Maintenance, I am sure you have heard this, but how often are you checking your equipment. I know your tank is on the new side but how often are you cleaning and inspecting equipment? I myself do not have a ground probe or any type of meter for it. Cut your hand, stick it in the tank (wait you have triggers maybe not a good idea) if it tingles you got a leach. HTH Don't give up bro. This is a little bump. It happens, your still pretty new in your reef career, your gonna have some bumps. We'll help you through them. Just gotta have some faith, some patience and your persistance.
  4. I have one for ya. I'll call you when I know my schedule for the next few days.
  5. Looks good. Next time get some PVC cutters. They kind of work like scissors for PVC, no sawing involved. They are on the PVC aisle for about $8, makes life a lot easier over the long run IME. Congrats.
  6. Yup, even got some skimmateout of it. I'm kinda stoked, I will be able to feed my reef a ridiculous amount now and not have to worry as much.
  7. Your not going to fool me with that, I saw the J.T. Saturday Night Live skit. . . :lol:
  8. I wish I had the same experiences in my school. Very cool!
  9. I thought Mexican Turbo's were temperate? Shimek had an article on them saying they are collected from deeper waters and they do not survive long in home aquariums. Personally I have never got them to live long. They like to climb out of the water in my system, but I have had them spawn. JME
  10. Thanks Frank! I don't know why I was worried about the room, I had at least a spare 1/2". How important is that gate mod? That part doesn't fit. Thanks again.
  11. Is it safe for saltwater? The probe looks metal, but it could be plastic, hard to tell.
  12. If you were closer I'd help you out. I bet someone will come along.
  13. How much can you fit in the eheim feeder?
  14. I'm cool with the 3rd for sure but I might be a bit late because of work. The 10th is a strong maybe, depends on travel plans. These things are always so fun. That's dope! You can come over and play tank any time. Where in Tigard are you? Sorry to hear about your livestock. I'll frag whatever you want from my tanks to help you out. I have some cool stuff already fragged. Sorry no SPS over here. I really need to make some room anyhow, would be happy to do it for ya. Just come over we'll get the dremel out and have a party.
  15. internal only? I need to pick up that reactor too . . . what's the footprint of the skimmer? How loud is the pump? How loud is a hard question I guess.
  16. you could just buy a TV for the bedroom . . . I got a Subaru a couple months ago, love it.
  17. I have made a hundred or so leather frags using zip ties, they seem to work better then any of the other methods. FWIW when I had my ric farm I would put them in a tubberware full of crushed coral (small rock substrate) come back in a week and then glue the CC to a rock. Had better luk getting rics to attach if there foot was always against something. Rocks can be hard ( ha ha ) IMO but a tub full of CC always worked for me. HTH
  18. I gotta confess. I have felt so guilty the last few days. I completely ripped Tim off. I asked him like 5 times at the register if that was the right price, I should have insisted I pay more. At least I have one thing to console myself by, with the two chalices , the brain, the balsto's, and the 5 heads of dendro, my tank looks amazing. Still I feel bad. . . bad that I did not buy that scoly. Thanks again Tim.
  19. Hey I showed up . . . . didn't see you there! Next week I'm all in if anyone wants to come out. I get there about 7ish when I know it's going on.
  20. I got the PM a bit after 8, was there 5 minutes later, missed you guys. We should try a weeks warning next time
  21. Fresh water dip is cheaper then garlic ;)
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